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Author Topic: Fotolia free section to Pixmotor  (Read 8647 times)

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« on: June 17, 2006, 23:05 »
I just found a statement on a forum at Fotolia stating that the free section has been moved to a site called Pixmotor.com.   For the time being, or something like that.  I went to Pixmotor, and there are no ads at all.  Just a search box on the home page.

I asked on their forum, but thought I'd check in here.  Does anyone know anything about this?  Photographers made money off of DLs from the free section based on the ad revenue.  No ads, I presume no revenue.

Any thoughts?

« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2006, 13:42 »
I have about 50 photos in the Fotolia free section and about 80 downloads not sure how much I have earnt though I'm sure it varies a lot I remember one e-mail that I had earnt 0.23 credits but lately its more like 0.01 credits  :'(

no adverts will mean 0.00 credits :'(  :'(

« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2006, 00:52 »
The free section seems to be back.

The payout system is interesting because it is based on the number of dfferent visitors that download your photos as a ratio to the number of different visitors to the free section that day, then that ratio is used against that day's share of the pre-sold monthly advertising income.  So a 31-day month with the same amount of ad sales will have less to pay out per day than  a 30-day month.  And three downloads from the same visitor only get you one visitor credit.

It sort of makes sense.  As a come-on for new buyers, the number of new buyers counts.  And advertisers are interested in the number of visitors, not the number of downloads.

« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2006, 08:37 »

I am impressed with your insight into the inner workings of Fotolia - have you actually been reading their blog?

If so do you know how their referrals system works?

« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2006, 16:05 »
I presume that was sarcasm.  I have no insight,  With insight I would be able to figure out my rejection e-mails.  And I'd have more than two sales.

I found this info on a post in the forums.  Someone asked, an aswer was given, and then the transfer notice was dropped in the middle of the answer.  A bit strange, I thought.

At least the payment strategy for free images makes sense to me.  Unlike some things on the microstock sites.

« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2006, 17:58 »

No sarcasm intended - sorry for any offence.

I must admit it has been months since I have visited the FT forum

I actually found the FT used to bury lots of useful info on their blog page which most people only saw when their site was down. So i was happy to see some info I had been wonderimg about but hadn't actually gone to the trouble of looking for.

I had a very rough batch with acceptance with FT but better recently, hang in there


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