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Author Topic: Fotolia D-Day (Deactivation Day) - May,1  (Read 352225 times)

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« Reply #100 on: April 28, 2014, 06:18 »
just stunning! Andres went exclusive at iStock almost 6 months ago and still has portfolio at SS, FT, DT and 123RF, I wonder if he removed a single picture from any agency :o

stock industry at it's best!


« Reply #101 on: April 28, 2014, 08:11 »
I agree. Everybody who signed the petition should consider to open his own stock site with Symbiostock. A great opportunity to strengthen our independence and a strong signal towards the agencies ...

Amen to that! We who are already on Symbiostock have fine web sites and a great, supportive community. Sales for some are good, for others (including me) not yet. But as the community grows stronger and we are better known, I do believe they will come. Meanwhile, I continue building my SYS site.

Others should come in and help build independence for everybody!!

« Reply #102 on: April 28, 2014, 08:30 »
Are there agencies who built the symbiostocksites? Im full-time photographer and have no idea in symbiostocksite building. Is there a service?

« Reply #103 on: April 28, 2014, 08:34 »
Fotolia response to the closure of my portfolio at Dollar Photo Club :

""First, I would like to say that we appreciate your work and our collaboration.
Regarding our latest project "Dollar Photo Club", it is slightly a new business model, but basically it is just a new subscription model. The project is aiming to improve our contributors exposure and sales.

Our contributors are important to us and under no circumstances we will jeopardize our relationship with them, we share a common interest and goal with you!

Dollar Photo Club is not aimed for one-time image purchases, on the contrary, it is aimed for serious buyers, who need large numbers of images and need them often.

The membership in Dollar Photo Club is limited and it was done in the way that we could choose the customers, fitting our business model.
The project is monitored daily, every membership request from a potential customer is treated as a separate order. Only requests from serious buyers are admitted and validated.

With this new model we are selling more subscriptions and making sure the clients will return to us for future transactions.

Dollar Photo Club offers more exposure, distribution and the possibility to increase your revenue.
Dollar Photo Club is based on the Fotolia commission programme, so your royalties will stay the same, but your revenue will grow. Every image downloaded at Dollar Photo Club is paid to the artist through Fotolia immediately.

For now the license sold via Dollar Photo Club is a Standard license and will be limited to 500.000 copies as well. Members that need Extended licenses are referred to Fotolia to purchase them. Soon an Extended License will be made available to Dollar Photo Club members at rates similar to those at Fotolia.

As well I would like to mention that Dollar Photo Club subscription rate, $1 per image, is not the lowest one in the stock market. Daily subscription on and other agencies offer images from $0,33 per image, which is much cheaper then the price of Dollar Photo Club.

And Dollar Photo Club membership actually is more beneficial to the contributors than traditional subscriptions. In a traditional subscription if the sub expires, unused downloads also expire. As a result, no commission is paid. At Dollar Photo Club, even after a member cancels their subscription they can use their unused downloads. As a result, a higher percentage of money spent goes to the photographer. Weve been seing some great results on the markets where Dollar Photo Club exists for some time and expecting to have even better in the nearest future.

Our goal is to double your revenue with Fotolia and Dollar Photo Club in next 3 years with the aim that in next 12 months you will see a 20% growth in sales. We kindly ask for your patience and trust.
If your revenue will not grow during the next 12 months, we will be glad to discuss again and find a solution. But we are certain it will.

Fotolia team cares very much for the photographers and respects your opinions and feedback. Your concerns about being in Dollar Photo Club have been heard and soon an option for contributors to choose will be made available to all Fotolia contributors. In the meantime if you do not want your images sold through Dollar Photo Club send your request via a Fotolia customer support ticket and you will be manually removed. Your new works will not appear on Dollar Photo Club.
As I mentioned before our contributors are very important to us and we do our very best that they will get the highest earnings possible in the current market situation.
Feel free to contact us regarding any of the above or other issues

Kind regards  ""

this is the official opinion of the Fotolia

« Reply #104 on: April 28, 2014, 08:35 »
Just got a message from Andresr. He's in!


28-04-2014 17:13:50 Name: Andresr
Will remove 34000 out of 34000 works on the 1st May.
Comment: The dollar photoclub is the worst thing that has happened to us, its time all these taking advantage of photographers stops.

« Reply #105 on: April 28, 2014, 08:44 »
Big respect for Andresr, what a nice surprise.

« Reply #106 on: April 28, 2014, 08:46 »
Are there agencies who built the symbiostocksites? Im full-time photographer and have no idea in symbiostocksite building. Is there a service?

there is somthing like this:

« Reply #107 on: April 28, 2014, 09:00 »
just stunning! Andres went exclusive at iStock almost 6 months ago and still has portfolio at SS, FT, DT and 123RF, I wonder if he removed a single picture from any agency :o

stock industry at it's best!

It just proves that they are cutting special deals, meaning "rules" are selectively applied.

« Reply #108 on: April 28, 2014, 09:12 »
The membership in Dollar Photo Club is limited and it was done in the way that we could choose the customers, fitting our business model.
The project is monitored daily, every membership request from a potential customer is treated as a separate order. Only requests from serious buyers are admitted and validated.

Unless you pay for an entire year, then it is instant "acceptance".

For now the license sold via Dollar Photo Club is a Standard license and will be limited to 500.000 copies as well. Members that need Extended licenses are referred to Fotolia to purchase them. Soon an Extended License will be made available to Dollar Photo Club members at rates similar to those at Fotolia.


« Reply #109 on: April 28, 2014, 09:14 »
Fotolia response to the closure of my portfolio at Dollar Photo Club :
Fotolia team cares very much for the photographers and respects your opinions and feedback. Your concerns about being in Dollar Photo Club have been heard and soon an option for contributors to choose will be made available to all Fotolia contributors. In the meantime if you do not want your images sold through Dollar Photo Club send your request via a Fotolia customer support ticket and you will be manually removed. Your new works will not appear on Dollar Photo Club.
As I mentioned before our contributors are very important to us and we do our very best that they will get the highest earnings possible in the current market situation.

I got the exact same reply. I have removed the other paragraphs and have added bolded the phrase which says only the NEW works will not make it to DPC.

« Reply #110 on: April 28, 2014, 09:19 »
Just got a message from Andresr. He's in!


28-04-2014 17:13:50 Name: Andresr
Will remove 34000 out of 34000 works on the 1st May.
Comment: The dollar photoclub is the worst thing that has happened to us, its time all these taking advantage of photographers stops.

F joke!

he is exclusive at iStock for 6 months, another professional!

« Reply #111 on: April 28, 2014, 09:26 »

For now the license sold via Dollar Photo Club is a Standard license and will be limited to 500.000 copies as well. Members that need Extended licenses are referred to Fotolia to purchase them. Soon an Extended License will be made available to Dollar Photo Club members at rates similar to those at Fotolia.


No where in their terms is any limit mentioned

« Reply #112 on: April 28, 2014, 09:32 »
Fotolia response to the closure of my portfolio at Dollar Photo Club :

""First, I would like to say that we appreciate your work and our collaboration.
Regarding our latest project "Dollar Photo Club", it is slightly a new business model, but basically it is just a new subscription model. The project is aiming to improve our contributors exposure and sales.

Our contributors are important to us and under no circumstances we will jeopardize our relationship with them, we share a common interest and goal with you!

Dollar Photo Club is not aimed for one-time image purchases, on the contrary, it is aimed for serious buyers, who need large numbers of images and need them often.

The membership in Dollar Photo Club is limited and it was done in the way that we could choose the customers, fitting our business model.
The project is monitored daily, every membership request from a potential customer is treated as a separate order. Only requests from serious buyers are admitted and validated.

With this new model we are selling more subscriptions and making sure the clients will return to us for future transactions.

Dollar Photo Club offers more exposure, distribution and the possibility to increase your revenue.
Dollar Photo Club is based on the Fotolia commission programme, so your royalties will stay the same, but your revenue will grow. Every image downloaded at Dollar Photo Club is paid to the artist through Fotolia immediately.

For now the license sold via Dollar Photo Club is a Standard license and will be limited to 500.000 copies as well. Members that need Extended licenses are referred to Fotolia to purchase them. Soon an Extended License will be made available to Dollar Photo Club members at rates similar to those at Fotolia.

As well I would like to mention that Dollar Photo Club subscription rate, $1 per image, is not the lowest one in the stock market. Daily subscription on and other agencies offer images from $0,33 per image, which is much cheaper then the price of Dollar Photo Club.

And Dollar Photo Club membership actually is more beneficial to the contributors than traditional subscriptions. In a traditional subscription if the sub expires, unused downloads also expire. As a result, no commission is paid. At Dollar Photo Club, even after a member cancels their subscription they can use their unused downloads. As a result, a higher percentage of money spent goes to the photographer. Weve been seing some great results on the markets where Dollar Photo Club exists for some time and expecting to have even better in the nearest future.

Our goal is to double your revenue with Fotolia and Dollar Photo Club in next 3 years with the aim that in next 12 months you will see a 20% growth in sales. We kindly ask for your patience and trust.
If your revenue will not grow during the next 12 months, we will be glad to discuss again and find a solution. But we are certain it will.

Fotolia team cares very much for the photographers and respects your opinions and feedback. Your concerns about being in Dollar Photo Club have been heard and soon an option for contributors to choose will be made available to all Fotolia contributors. In the meantime if you do not want your images sold through Dollar Photo Club send your request via a Fotolia customer support ticket and you will be manually removed. Your new works will not appear on Dollar Photo Club.
As I mentioned before our contributors are very important to us and we do our very best that they will get the highest earnings possible in the current market situation.
Feel free to contact us regarding any of the above or other issues

Kind regards  ""

this is the official opinion of the Fotolia

It is quite possible that DPC will increase FT earnings by 20% over a year if they manage to grow their customer base with this cheap offer. However, it might have the simultaneous effect of reducing SOD's at SS by 20%. Which scenario is preferable...?

« Reply #113 on: April 28, 2014, 09:45 »
... that in next 12 months you will see a 20% growth in sales ....

They speak only about "growth in sales" - not about "growth in revenues" !!! ridiculous :) :) :)


« Reply #114 on: April 28, 2014, 09:50 »
It's a sub but if you optioned in for emails-notification for sales you you get your email-notice  from the sale from [email protected] instead [email protected] as a normal subsale.
Thanks, I was wondering if they changed their email address, but those are dollar club sales then. Ok, so its starting to happen.

I don't know. Something is wrong. I get also credit sale e-mails from [email protected]. How can that be?

Me too. Some 3's and one 10.

I think the point is that IF DPC takes off and the word spreads those credit sales will begin to erode as customers transition to the even cheaper stuff.

Of that I have no doubt but my point in posting that 'm' emails also contain sales and not just subs was to make clear that you can't rely on 'm' emails to distinguish between DPC subs and FT subs because DPC doesn't do anything other than subs and I've had both subs and sales in 'm' emails.

« Reply #115 on: April 28, 2014, 09:52 »
Are there agencies who built the symbiostocksites? Im full-time photographer and have no idea in symbiostocksite building. Is there a service?

there is somthing like this:

That's true: Steve, an early bird from the Symbiostock network is offering this service for people with limited time or experience.
And as Martha mentioned above there is also a very helpful community at for all those who wish to join without using the service of Steve.

« Reply #116 on: April 28, 2014, 09:53 »
....In the meantime if you do not want your images sold through Dollar Photo Club send your request via a Fotolia customer support  ticket and you will be manually removed.....

-Mat Hayward

Mat, could you please clarify the opt out that is being offered? Can we have our whole portfolio manually removed by contacting customer support as you stated in this post or just stop new uploads appearing on the site, as the replies to individual contributors seem to imply?

We need to know what options are open to us before we can make a decision. Do we have to delete our whole portfolio from Fotolia if we want to opt out of DPC or not?

« Reply #117 on: April 28, 2014, 10:04 »
Just to remind people that the PR spin emnating from the nether regions of Fotolia is what you'd expect from those regions...

"Dollar Photo Club is not aimed for one-time image purchases, on the contrary, it is aimed for serious buyers, who need large numbers of images and need them often."

It's not for high volume buyers - see this contributor who was offered the membership. Someone who had never purchased a single image from Fotolia

"For now the license sold via Dollar Photo Club is a Standard license and will be limited to 500.000 copies as well. "

They've taken the text about unlimited print runs off the front page this morning (it was there last night), but if you click to see the pricing details, they're still saying unlimited print runs:

They have all the credibility that DepositPhotos has - which is to say none at all.

« Reply #118 on: April 28, 2014, 10:09 »
Hi all!
Thanks for your kind support in our protest!
Please, remember - our position specified in petition won't be changed!

I've made big text with some math tables which shows that if DPC will get mass traffic - EVEN Fotolia contributors will lost their income. At this moment it's translating to English so we need some time.

« Reply #119 on: April 28, 2014, 10:26 »
I received the same reply.

They stated the license will be limited to 500.000 copies. That sounds a lot better than unlimited copies.

However, still not convinced. The thing that bothers me most is that unused downloads will not expire, and contrary to what Fotolia states, this is not good for contributors, because this will result in customers choosing a DPC subscription rather than single credit downloads.

On the other hand, I believe customers will not instantly flock towards DPC because Shutterstock also provides a good service, and not every customer is looking for the cheapest bargain possible.

« Reply #120 on: April 28, 2014, 10:28 »
....It's not for high volume buyers.....

I was also offered "preferred admission" via email, I have only purchased one image from Fotolia I think. The email was from their Wilogo site, I opened an account with them a couple of years ago and never used it.

« Reply #121 on: April 28, 2014, 11:24 »
I too sent them an email requesting the removal of my images from the dollar photo club..

we will see what happens.. I am in for the D-Day if they don't honor my request..

my feelings about fotolia is just a notch better than my feelings for istock and that is not a compliment :)

so a last straw will be more than enough for me..
« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 11:27 by cidepix »

« Reply #122 on: April 28, 2014, 11:28 »

I sent the email again to deactivate my work on DPC.
wait for their response.

« Reply #123 on: April 28, 2014, 11:38 »
....It's not for high volume buyers.....

I was also offered "preferred admission" via email, I have only purchased one image from Fotolia I think. The email was from their Wilogo site, I opened an account with them a couple of years ago and never used it.

Jo Ann is right. The DPC is clearly not directed to high volume buyers, but to On Demand customers, not only from Fotolia itself but mainly from other agencies. I was also offered "preferred admission" via email and I have never purchased an image from Fotolia. I only downloaded a couple of free images a few years ago. The email said:

Dollar Photo Club from Fotolia is the next wave in stock photos offering 25 million RF images for one easy price.

$1 for any high res image and any vector guaranteed!

Discover downloads that NEVER expire - cancel your membership and purchased downloads will STILL be there when you need them, always...

Dont ever pay more than $1 for professional stock images and vectors!

Join Dollar Photo Club today!
P.S. Fotolia customers like you can get preferred admission to Dollar Photo Club; just choose Fotolia when asked which stock agencies you currently use but hurry, places are strictly limited!

(My bold)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 12:49 by brisoca »

« Reply #124 on: April 28, 2014, 11:41 »
these *insult removed*....


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