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Author Topic: Fotolia Banned me from their forum for posting this!  (Read 32338 times)

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« Reply #75 on: April 12, 2009, 21:10 »
« Last Edit: April 12, 2009, 21:43 by werkmann »

« Reply #76 on: April 12, 2009, 23:20 »
What's "LCV"?
Low Commercial Value.


« Reply #77 on: April 13, 2009, 05:56 »

What's "LCV"?

It's what any successful stock agency needs to know in order to survive  ;)


« Reply #78 on: April 13, 2009, 08:20 »

What's "LCV"?

It's what any successful stock agency needs to know in order to survive  ;)

Any agency will survive anyway have they 'LCV' or not - that has never been question of survival... The point is if some agency has targeted choice of buyers so for some agency Model images are what they think is needed and landscapes are 'LCV' for them and completely opposite for other agency... On my expirience there is no real 'LCV' except for technically good images with quite unclear subject matter - but that images too can be used as backgrounds... So 'LCV' is quite stupid way for someone to tell you 'we don't need this image because it is technically ok but, we really think it is crap'.

Agency is representing authors of images and to survive they need that authors. There is no any agency which can survive without authors! Also, when they in some agency think they are Masters of all authors I now publicly can say that they may take their cameras and go shoot as well as take their wacom tablets and draw illustrations.... I don't like that someone takes 75% from me and acting as I am their slave who needs to obey, listen act and upload by their own invented rules differing from all other agencies in this industry called stock imagery.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2009, 08:32 by Milinz »


« Reply #79 on: April 13, 2009, 11:20 »

Any agency will survive anyway have they 'LCV' or not - that has never been question of survival... The point is if some agency has targeted choice of buyers so for some agency Model images are what they think is needed and landscapes are 'LCV' for them and completely opposite for other agency... On my expirience there is no real 'LCV' except for technically good images with quite unclear subject matter - but that images too can be used as backgrounds... So 'LCV' is quite stupid way for someone to tell you 'we don't need this image because it is technically ok but, we really think it is crap'.

Agency is representing authors of images and to survive they need that authors. There is no any agency which can survive without authors! Also, when they in some agency think they are Masters of all authors I now publicly can say that they may take their cameras and go shoot as well as take their wacom tablets and draw illustrations.... I don't like that someone takes 75% from me and acting as I am their slave who needs to obey, listen act and upload by their own invented rules differing from all other agencies in this industry called stock imagery.

goo d point Milinz, but i really can't see any solution to handling the Masters of all authors...
except perharps that you apply for a job as a reviewer with the sites these reviewers submit theit own works, and then reject all their best images, and then give them a taste of their own medicine.
only one problem, they don't give the names of the reviewers so you really cannot fix them.

or you could buy shares into Getty , get them to do another takeover, and get rid of the reviewers  ;D

just a crazy idea ! ;)
« Last Edit: April 13, 2009, 11:22 by batman »


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