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Author Topic: Editing all keywords on a previous approved image?  (Read 3766 times)

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« on: July 08, 2019, 07:19 »
Is there any way to edit/change the entire set of keywords on previously approved images by pasting in a new set (as you can do prior to submission)?
Ive tried deleting them all on the image in question then pasting in my normal coma separated batch but it doesnt seem to work - the engine treats them all as a single keyword and doesnt enable the OK box.

The reason for asking is ive submitted a load of images with completely incorrect keywords due to my having to repaste in the priority order ones from a CSV in Bridge since LR still wont support priority keyword export.  Entirely user error which i didnt notice at the time.

The end result is a load of pictures of windfarms with completely inappropriate keywords about roadworks and bridges etc.  I assume nobody manually checks keywords on review either as they should not have been approved like that!

Another thing i cant get to work - batch editing on submitted images.  I select multiple images, change the keyword by manually typing in one at a time but the change only happens to one image not all the ones selected.  Does this work somehow or isnt it meant to work like that?

« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2019, 12:26 »
Unless something has changed with Adobe, you cant add/remove keywords after an image has been posted.

« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2019, 14:33 »
Unless something has changed with Adobe, you cant add/remove keywords after an image has been posted.

Not true that's IS. You can only edit one photo at a time on AS.

« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2019, 18:51 »
Is there any way to edit/change the entire set of keywords on previously approved images by pasting in a new set (as you can do prior to submission)?
Ive tried deleting them all on the image in question then pasting in my normal coma separated batch but it doesnt seem to work - the engine treats them all as a single keyword and doesnt enable the OK box.

The reason for asking is ive submitted a load of images with completely incorrect keywords due to my having to repaste in the priority order ones from a CSV in Bridge since LR still wont support priority keyword export.  Entirely user error which i didnt notice at the time.

The end result is a load of pictures of windfarms with completely inappropriate keywords about roadworks and bridges etc.  I assume nobody manually checks keywords on review either as they should not have been approved like that!

Another thing i cant get to work - batch editing on submitted images.  I select multiple images, change the keyword by manually typing in one at a time but the change only happens to one image not all the ones selected.  Does this work somehow or isnt it meant to work like that?

Unfortunately no, it's a very manual process to update keywords on previously approved content. No bulk changes can be made right now.


« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2019, 17:48 »
I assume that means no way to add 50 comma separated keywords at once too?
Problem solved for now, i spent an hour manually editing - with hindsight i may have been better off deleting the lot an readding them.
Surprised it wasnt picked up in QC though given none of the keywords were related to the images!


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