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Author Topic: Creative Cloud giveway for Adobe Stock Contributors  (Read 111809 times)

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« Reply #250 on: November 30, 2018, 03:44 »
still nothing...
nothing yet... :( contributor of fotolia for 11 years and subscriber to adobe products ...

Did you do this? I'm sure that Mat will be able to check for you.

To qualify you need to one of the first 20,000 contributors to have 300 files approved or have $500 in earnings since January 1, 2018 with a 50% or higher approval ratio to receive a CCP member.

I just re-posted the easy part in case someone is new or hasn't noticed before.  :)

The CCP software is exactly one year, to the date you register, free cloud storage lasts longer. It includes PS, LR, LR Classic, Bridge CC, a trial of Premier Rush video - (three free trial), Portfolio, Spark, Behance (I have no clue what they are or do) and XD CC "Adobe Experience Design CC, or Adobe XD, is a lightweight vector graphics editor and prototyping tool"

Thanks Adobe

Thanks Pete, I think I'm qualified, I'm sapphire ranking on fotolia.  ;)

« Reply #251 on: November 30, 2018, 03:47 »
Maybe a stupid question... where can you see how many files you've uploaded this year?

« Reply #252 on: December 03, 2018, 08:55 »
Maybe a stupid question... where can you see how many files you've uploaded this year?

If you click on one image from your portfolio you can see the date when it is accepted. Every screen has 100 images, so it is easy to scroll the screens...

« Reply #253 on: December 03, 2018, 09:22 »
Maybe a stupid question... where can you see how many files you've uploaded this year?

If you click on one image from your portfolio you can see the date when it is accepted. Every screen has 100 images, so it is easy to scroll the screens...

Thanks, that works! :)

« Reply #254 on: December 04, 2018, 09:49 »
For those hitting the 300 mark, how long from then before you receive notification?
It's been about a week since my #300 accepted, but then I only receive sporadic notifications on other notifications (upload, make a sale, etc.)

« Reply #255 on: December 04, 2018, 09:56 »
For those hitting the 300 mark, how long from then before you receive notification?
It's been about a week since my #300 accepted, but then I only receive sporadic notifications on other notifications (upload, make a sale, etc.)
I hit 300 two days ago and I am interesting to know also 

« Reply #256 on: December 04, 2018, 12:50 »
For those hitting the 300 mark, how long from then before you receive notification?
It's been about a week since my #300 accepted, but then I only receive sporadic notifications on other notifications (upload, make a sale, etc.)

It's sent in waves. It took about 4-5 weeks for me.

« Reply #257 on: December 04, 2018, 13:12 »
Just because you hit 300 doesn't mean you have earned the coupon...

I have never seen this in ANY of the announcements for this award, but it turns out you also must have at least 50% acceptance rate to qualify.  If you have 300 accepted, but have submitted 700 (and been rejected on 400), you will not get the award.

I only learned this when several months had gone by without my getting the award. I emailed them, and they responded that my acceptance was too low (and said that it had just gone above 50% that week, so I would now get it, which I did a couple weeks later).

In my case, I submitted a bunch of editorial images early in the year, to see if they would accept them.  Of course they rejected most (as I expected), but took maybe 20% of those.  Only later, when this award was announced, I found I had almost cost myself getting one...
« Last Edit: December 04, 2018, 13:18 by mindstorm »

« Reply #258 on: December 05, 2018, 03:11 »
So I guess no any action is expected from our side when we reach #300, like sending them an e-mail or so? I reached it like a week ago...

« Reply #259 on: December 05, 2018, 12:05 »
So I guess no any action is expected from our side when we reach #300, like sending them an e-mail or so? I reached it like a week ago...

Correct, no action is required on your part after you qualify other than to check your email.


« Reply #260 on: December 31, 2018, 16:19 »
So I guess no any action is expected from our side when we reach #300, like sending them an e-mail or so? I reached it like a week ago...

I just received notice from Adobe that I qualified for my redemption on December 28th--It took about 4 weeks from the time my last images were approved. The mail address name is from CompEXT, not Adobe Stock. Mine came in fine to my inbox, but you may want to keep an eye out. I almost missed it as I've been looking for the usual Adobe Stock.

« Reply #261 on: January 15, 2019, 10:19 »
This was really nice initiative, hopefully it continues to this year as well  8)

« Reply #262 on: January 15, 2019, 10:51 »
This was really nice initiative, hopefully it continues to this year as well  8)

Hope so to for video.

« Reply #263 on: January 15, 2019, 11:16 »
Matt, as the promotion closed on december, should I still waiting for promo code or all codes has been sended?
I ask because I've received month ago the photo plan code but I think I qualify also for video in october.
If I understand well there was chance to have both
« Last Edit: January 15, 2019, 11:18 by derby »

« Reply #264 on: January 15, 2019, 14:14 »
Matt, as the promotion closed on december, should I still waiting for promo code or all codes has been sended?
I ask because I've received month ago the photo plan code but I think I qualify also for video in october.
If I understand well there was chance to have both

As far as I know all codes have been emailed already. Yes, you could have qualified for the full CC with video after having received a code for CCP previously. If you think you had qualified but never received the code, please submit a ticket via the contact us link found at the bottom of the Adobe Stock Contributor Portal.


« Reply #265 on: January 15, 2019, 15:04 »
I should easily qualify on my earnings but I am mostly video does that matter?

« Reply #266 on: January 26, 2019, 05:08 »
Lovely! Thanks. I have more 300 approved images, earnings higher than 500 EUR, and also higher approval ratio. And now I enjoy my favourite software :) It made me happier.

« Reply #267 on: January 26, 2019, 21:31 »
Kudos to Adobe stock
They raised contributers royalties and gave out free software  for a year to those who qualified ( and the terms were very reasonable!)

The only MS site I know of that went opposite of slashing and hacking away whatever is left for contributers in this industry these days


« Reply #268 on: May 04, 2019, 13:01 »
I have the 'free year' for Photoshop/Lightroom, which runs until sometime later this year.

What happens if I wish to upgrade to the whole CC package? I can't cope with Premiere Pro CS6 any longer!

Clair Voyant

« Reply #269 on: May 04, 2019, 14:02 »
I have the 'free year' for Photoshop/Lightroom, which runs until sometime later this year.

What happens if I wish to upgrade to the whole CC package? I can't cope with Premiere Pro CS6 any longer!

Try Davinci Resolve to break the chain of servitude. I dropped Premiere Pro and glad I did, Resolve does everything I need and does not force you into a strangle hold cloud plan... worth checking out.


« Reply #270 on: May 04, 2019, 15:31 »
Oh how everyone sang Adobe's praises I wonder if they are still doing it now the subscription for Adobe CC has increased by 100%


« Reply #271 on: May 04, 2019, 16:18 »
Oh how everyone sang Adobe's praises I wonder if they are still doing it now the subscription for Adobe CC has increased by 100%

Not that much anymore :D though it was 100% expected. And it will constantly increase, no doubts.

I have free subscription by AS, but still mostly use my LR Classic and if they won't give away CC for contributors next year, I probably won't pay.

Well, untill my old LR works... if it won't then there is no alternative for DAM. And it would be impossible for me to manage my workflow without Lightroom, absolutely no way.

« Reply #272 on: May 04, 2019, 17:02 »
I have the 'free year' for Photoshop/Lightroom, which runs until sometime later this year.

What happens if I wish to upgrade to the whole CC package? I can't cope with Premiere Pro CS6 any longer!

Try Davinci Resolve to break the chain of servitude. I dropped Premiere Pro and glad I did, Resolve does everything I need and does not force you into a strangle hold cloud plan... worth checking out.

I've spent the whole day trying to work with Davinci Resolve and really struggled with it - apart from the colour correction features which were a joy to use. I've downloaded a 7 day trial of the latest Premiere Pro and I'll compare side by side tomorrow and decide which way I go. I'd like to go with Resolve, as I hate the fact that I can't own the Creative Suite as I used to - I've only paid for Photoshop until now, and stayed with old versions of Illustrator, After Effects and Premiere Pro.

« Reply #273 on: May 04, 2019, 17:23 »
Remember this is a test phase

Its like gasoline - they jack up the price, everyone moans, then it comes down a little and everyone thinks its a bargain

I bet Adobe will roll back the price to $15/ month and most people will remain with them

Clair Voyant

« Reply #274 on: May 04, 2019, 18:52 »
I have the 'free year' for Photoshop/Lightroom, which runs until sometime later this year.

What happens if I wish to upgrade to the whole CC package? I can't cope with Premiere Pro CS6 any longer!

Try Davinci Resolve to break the chain of servitude. I dropped Premiere Pro and glad I did, Resolve does everything I need and does not force you into a strangle hold cloud plan... worth checking out.

I've spent the whole day trying to work with Davinci Resolve and really struggled with it - apart from the colour correction features which were a joy to use. I've downloaded a 7 day trial of the latest Premiere Pro and I'll compare side by side tomorrow and decide which way I go. I'd like to go with Resolve, as I hate the fact that I can't own the Creative Suite as I used to - I've only paid for Photoshop until now, and stayed with old versions of Illustrator, After Effects and Premiere Pro.

There certainly is a learning curve... just like Premiere the first time. I spent a day just going through Youtube videos and how to's and now find Resolve to be acceptable. At this point I only use the free version and that said I am only doing basic editing, clipping, and color correction. I was used to Premiere and could zing through my workflow, and am fairly certain I will zing through with a bit of training on Resolve and save $$$ in the process with the same results.


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