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Author Topic: Change to sales notification email  (Read 22910 times)

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« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2019, 18:12 »
Just bookmark Insights(Activity) page and refresh if you want to see details and sales changes, seems much easier and simpler than bunch of emails.
I sound like lawyer of Adobe stock  :D

« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2019, 05:20 »
Just bookmark Insights(Activity) page and refresh if you want to see details and sales changes, seems much easier and simpler than bunch of emails.
I sound like lawyer of Adobe stock  :D

While the "Insights" page has some nice functions, it's also seriously lacking.
There are no usable sales report. There should be a page with all you recent downloads listed chronologically. Without having to set date ranges or anything. That would be very basic.
Now there is now way to comfortably follow your sales.
What i see is that the Fotolia contributor site has been shut down without providing a usabale alternative first

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2019, 07:27 »
Just bookmark Insights(Activity) page and refresh if you want to see details and sales changes, seems much easier and simpler than bunch of emails.
I sound like lawyer of Adobe stock  :D

While the "Insights" page has some nice functions, it's also seriously lacking.
There are no usable sales report. There should be a page with all you recent downloads listed chronologically. Without having to set date ranges or anything. That would be very basic.
Now there is now way to comfortably follow your sales.
What i see is that the Fotolia contributor site has been shut down without providing a usabale alternative first

Insights > My Statistics >  Activity > display Statistics and after you view that, the website remembers, bookmark that page. The default date is last three months. You don't have to set or select anything. Now your landing page will be, Activity without having to click anything. Nice and easy, just takes getting there the first time.

The subject here is the combined emails which take us to all time Best Sellers by money instead of recent Activity.

« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2019, 07:35 »
Just bookmark Insights(Activity) page and refresh if you want to see details and sales changes, seems much easier and simpler than bunch of emails.
I sound like lawyer of Adobe stock  :D

While the "Insights" page has some nice functions, it's also seriously lacking.
There are no usable sales report. There should be a page with all you recent downloads listed chronologically. Without having to set date ranges or anything. That would be very basic.
Now there is now way to comfortably follow your sales.
What i see is that the Fotolia contributor site has been shut down without providing a usabale alternative first

Insights > My Statistics >  Activity > display Statistics and after you view that, the website remembers, bookmark that page. The default date is last three months. You don't have to set or select anything. Now your landing page will be, Activity without having to click anything. Nice and easy, just takes getting there the first time.

I know this. But this is what i need. I don't want date ranges. And even if you set it to the current day, the downloads ar not in chronological order, so when you visit it, you don't know immediately which sales are fresh. This page is way to complicated to to use to see your recent sales.
I list of recent download which is not sorted by earning value and constrained by any date range, just a continuous list would be quite essential.
And they can't provide this very basic thing at least give us back the sales report emails

The subject here is the combined emails which take us to all time Best Sellers by money instead of recent Activity.
Because the Adobe contributor site doesn't even have a recent activity page!
« Last Edit: March 14, 2019, 07:44 by Desintegrator »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2019, 07:52 »
Just bookmark Insights(Activity) page and refresh if you want to see details and sales changes, seems much easier and simpler than bunch of emails.
I sound like lawyer of Adobe stock  :D

While the "Insights" page has some nice functions, it's also seriously lacking.
There are no usable sales report. There should be a page with all you recent downloads listed chronologically. Without having to set date ranges or anything. That would be very basic.
Now there is now way to comfortably follow your sales.
What i see is that the Fotolia contributor site has been shut down without providing a usabale alternative first

Insights > My Statistics >  Activity > display Statistics and after you view that, the website remembers, bookmark that page. The default date is last three months. You don't have to set or select anything. Now your landing page will be, Activity without having to click anything. Nice and easy, just takes getting there the first time.

The subject here is the combined emails which take us to all time Best Sellers by money instead of recent Activity.

I know this. But this is what i need. I don't want date ranges. And even if you set it to the current day, the downloads ar not in chronological order, so when you visit it, you don't know immediately which sales are fresh. This page is way to complicated to to use to see your recent sales.
I list of recent download which is not sorted by earning value and constrained by any date range, just a continuous list would be quite essential.
And they can't provide this very basic thing at least give us back the sales report emails

Sorry, but mine are in chronological order. You don't need to set the date range, but we can, which if it wasn't there, others would complain that they CAN'T set the date range?  ;)

So you want then sorted in date order by earnings?  :o

There are four choices in the drop down box. (actually five but withholding means nothing to me) Top Sellers, Downloads, Earnings, Activity. What did you want?

Ignore date range if you don't want it, that's set to the last three months by default. If you want a bigger range for some reason, you can pick last year, the same months for example. The date range is a potentially useful tool.

Yes I realize change is sometimes difficult, but the new website has many good features and it's very simple, once someone takes the time to look. Also there are some important features we could use, like sort on our own, when we want to edit keywords, without going through page after page to hunt randomly for an image.

Give it a chance and look around. ps Come Nov. we won't be having this discussion, will we? Might as well adapt now and make the best of what we have.

« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2019, 08:06 »
Just bookmark Insights(Activity) page and refresh if you want to see details and sales changes, seems much easier and simpler than bunch of emails.
I sound like lawyer of Adobe stock  :D

While the "Insights" page has some nice functions, it's also seriously lacking.
There are no usable sales report. There should be a page with all you recent downloads listed chronologically. Without having to set date ranges or anything. That would be very basic.
Now there is now way to comfortably follow your sales.
What i see is that the Fotolia contributor site has been shut down without providing a usabale alternative first

Insights > My Statistics >  Activity > display Statistics and after you view that, the website remembers, bookmark that page. The default date is last three months. You don't have to set or select anything. Now your landing page will be, Activity without having to click anything. Nice and easy, just takes getting there the first time.

The subject here is the combined emails which take us to all time Best Sellers by money instead of recent Activity.

I know this. But this is what i need. I don't want date ranges. And even if you set it to the current day, the downloads ar not in chronological order, so when you visit it, you don't know immediately which sales are fresh. This page is way to complicated to to use to see your recent sales.
I list of recent download which is not sorted by earning value and constrained by any date range, just a continuous list would be quite essential.
And they can't provide this very basic thing at least give us back the sales report emails

Sorry, but mine are in chronological order. You don't need to set the date range, but we can, which if it wasn't there, others would complain that they CAN'T set the date range?  ;)

So you want then sorted in date order by earnings?  :o

There are four choices in the drop down box. (actually five but withholding means nothing to me) Top Sellers, Downloads, Earnings, Activity. What did you want?

Ignore date range if you don't want it, that's set to the last three months by default. If you want a bigger range for some reason, you can pick last year, the same months for example. The date range is a potentially useful tool.

Yes I realize change is sometimes difficult, but the new website has many good features and it's very simple, once someone takes the time to look. Also there are some important features we could use, like sort on our own, when we want to edit keywords, without going through page after page to hunt randomly for an image.

Give it a chance and look around. ps Come Nov. we won't be having this discussion, will we? Might as well adapt now and make the best of what we have.

Ok, i was somewhat wrong. If i bookmark the page when it shows recent activity actually the bookmark remembers and shows recent activity again, even though the selection box on the top left corner goes back to "top sellers". That made me confused, but it actually works, so thanks for making me see that page more times.

Still, i would prefer getting the activity updates in emails as it is way faster to go through emails than opening a web browser and loading web pages. For emails i don't even need to touch the mouse to go through tens of them in a few seconds.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #31 on: March 14, 2019, 08:20 »

Ok, i was somewhat wrong. If i bookmark the page when it shows recent activity actually the bookmark remembers and shows recent activity again, even though the selection box on the top left corner goes back to "top sellers". That made me confused, but it actually works, so thanks for making me see that page more times.

Still, i would prefer getting the activity updates in emails as it is way faster to go through emails than opening a web browser and loading web pages. For emails i don't even need to touch the mouse to go through tens of them in a few seconds.

Same here, it is confusing, at least it shows what I wanted.  8)

Yes, many have suggested the same, if we get a once a day, why not include all the days activity, that would be a better way to handle it. One nice neat, daily sales report. I'm not really that much of a fan of getting ten emails a day, one by one, when I could get a daily digest of sales.

Also agree, why make us click and look when it's all easier in the one email?

I'm looking forward to more adjustment and positive changes, I hope that Adobe keeps adding features and useful data for us.


« Reply #32 on: March 14, 2019, 08:21 »
The website does not "remember" for me either.  Each time I go back to the Insights page, it reverts to the useless top sellers.

Plus, I haven't received my daily emails yet, despite having sales the previous day.  And it's not in my spam folder.

They're going to get a talkin' to from me at their NAB booth... :)

« Reply #33 on: March 14, 2019, 08:45 »
I guess some people are really hard to please.

I don't get why is it soo important to get e-mail notification in the exact moment the sale happens? Can someone explain what is the use of that? Maybe I am missing something.

There are no e-mail notifications at all on most of the other sites, and I don't see anyone complaining.
I still find AS one of the most contributor friendly sites.


« Reply #34 on: March 14, 2019, 09:21 »
But at other sites, this information is right there in front of your nose.  On the Adobe Stock site, it's buried under several clicks, plus the Adobe Site is slow slow slow.

And while I liked the instant email, I'm fine with a daily one for the previous day.  That's what Pond5 does and it works well and their email is formatted very nicely with ALL sales listed, not just the TOP SELLER. 

I'm saying I have yet to even get my Adobe Stock daily email despite having sales the previous day.

« Reply #35 on: March 14, 2019, 09:56 »
I once turned off the sale notification emails because they were clogging my inbox. Personally I don't need a daily digest either, but it's better than countless separate emails.

I use Stocksubmitter for real-time sale notifications. Alternatively, maybe someone can create a browser widget that pulls the data realtime from the Adobe page, then you wouldn't need emails either.

« Reply #36 on: March 14, 2019, 10:38 »
But at other sites, this information is right there in front of your nose.  On the Adobe Stock site, it's buried under several clicks, plus the Adobe Site is slow slow slow.

And while I liked the instant email, I'm fine with a daily one for the previous day.  That's what Pond5 does and it works well and their email is formatted very nicely with ALL sales listed, not just the TOP SELLER. 

I'm saying I have yet to even get my Adobe Stock daily email despite having sales the previous day.
I can see the notification on FT but no email received today either and it is almost evening here.

« Reply #37 on: March 14, 2019, 15:13 »

« Reply #38 on: March 17, 2019, 18:51 »
Bookmark, use this browser not that etc etc. I need my sales info available on the first page of my profile. Then if i want i will open the tops of all kinds. I need to see what and for how much was sold in a given period. This exactly i have to dig? Then, guys, you have lots to hide from us.

« Reply #39 on: March 17, 2019, 19:08 »
I dont necessarily think they are hiding stuff (ok, maybe), I just think their web designers have no clue. They try to be hip and modern with the design, and then it ruins functionality.

« Reply #40 on: March 18, 2019, 03:05 »
I think they are well aware of what they're doing, they want us to see the top contributors and our personal top sellers, so we can make more of these...

« Reply #41 on: March 18, 2019, 03:29 »
It was easier to keep track on sales with the real time notifications. Nothing wrong with many emails per day. It is easy to delete emails after reading but harder to log in the site and remember passwords etc.

« Reply #42 on: March 18, 2019, 04:19 »
In this day an age it really shouldn't be hard to enable users to configure their own dashboard.


« Reply #43 on: March 18, 2019, 13:07 »
Emails now seem to be coming in daily for me at around 1:10 PM Eastern.

But to reiterate the common sentiment here, I'd like the email to show every clip that has sold the previous day, not just the "best seller".


« Reply #44 on: March 19, 2019, 06:11 »
Yes, really useless email. Please just tell me what sold, and how much for.

« Reply #45 on: March 20, 2019, 10:53 »
BTW I receive the e-mail at the middle of the next day (12:00).
It's too late and to be honest I don't need it at all.

« Reply #46 on: March 20, 2019, 13:00 »
BTW I receive the e-mail at the middle of the next day (12:00).
It's too late and to be honest I don't need it at all.

I get it around 11:00AM

« Reply #47 on: March 22, 2019, 12:47 »
Just an FYI, I have gotten 2 separate emails so far today for 2 separate images that sold yesterday. Maybe they are going back to the old system? I am ok with separate emails, and I am ok with 1 grouped email daily, as long as all images that sold that day are listed, along with what they sold for.


« Reply #48 on: March 23, 2019, 02:42 »
Yes, either one email with everything (ideal) or separate emails for each sale (which people can turn off if they don't like it). The site does not remember for me, each time I want to check sales I have to reset those wretched parameters. Besides, emails arrive automatically, I don't have to go looking for them. And logging in on my phone, setting parameters etc etc....well, life is too short.

Please just tell me what has been sold, and how much for.


« Reply #49 on: March 29, 2019, 05:30 »
Hmmm! As soon as the summary email arrived with its, "Congrats ........ Yesterday you made $XYZ", I immediately turned off email notifications. Pity that there's no longer a choice of receiving emails per sale or summary. Summary info the next day is not something I find interesting and I find the tone of "Congratulations ......., Yesterday you made ....." rather annoying.

On my contributor page I tried saving preferences in My Statistics-Activity-Display Statistics as a bookmark but it only saves it for a day and reverts back to Top Sellers and the recent sales (below chart) now seems to be stuck on 17th March. Dunno whether it's this Win7 laptop but using the dropdown menu, clicking 'Activity' and 'Display Statistics' now only seems to result in an endless update, no activity and sale stuck on 17th March.

Edit: Endless loop w/o result on Win& laptop seems to be a laptop problem....on another laptop with Win 7 the contributor page updates OK but still no joy with getting the bookmark to store my preferences for landing page.

Seems to work on Win10 laptop but I prefer 7. Can't set preferences in Bookmark on Win 10 either. Sorry but info FT was better!
« Last Edit: March 29, 2019, 05:42 by OM »


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