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Author Topic: Announcing the Adobe Stock policy on generative AI content  (Read 50152 times)

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« Reply #200 on: April 16, 2023, 05:14 »
Generative Ai stock images should be separated to a different stock site, they should not mix with real photos and paintings and real human art....

who determines what's real? or what's art?

no more useless than millions of uninspired shots from ai-assisted cameras from people who think they're artists because they can press abutton

if you  can't compete in a changing world, dont blame the tools! stop whinging & make way for those who can

and buyers dont care how an image is made as long as it fits their needs
« Last Edit: April 16, 2023, 05:54 by cascoly »

« Reply #201 on: April 16, 2023, 05:18 »
Was anyone able to upload images created by Midjourney to Adobe since they are not 4 megapixels?

have you read ANY of these threads? it's been answered many times..   


« Reply #202 on: April 16, 2023, 07:59 »
Checked in on the Discord. Quote: "there were many people who sent 200, 300 AI images a day, I myself sent around 150 a day, then the moderators were overloaded" lol
I know a person in India who sent over 1000 images a day

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #203 on: April 16, 2023, 12:24 »
Checked in on the Discord. Quote: "there were many people who sent 200, 300 AI images a day, I myself sent around 150 a day, then the moderators were overloaded" lol
I know a person in India who sent over 1000 images a day

Who can create and edit 1,000 images a day. That's some really dedicated work. I'd love to see what they are and how many sales?

« Reply #204 on: April 16, 2023, 12:36 »
Checked in on the Discord. Quote: "there were many people who sent 200, 300 AI images a day, I myself sent around 150 a day, then the moderators were overloaded" lol
I know a person in India who sent over 1000 images a day

Who can create and edit 1,000 images a day. That's some really dedicated work. I'd love to see what they are and how many sales?
  Everyone, at least with AI.

All you need to do is enter a prompt and click the retry button over and over again. (You don't even have to do that manually, just use an auto clicker). 10 clicks per hour and you get 1000 different images for which you can even use the same keywords...

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #205 on: April 16, 2023, 13:07 »
Checked in on the Discord. Quote: "there were many people who sent 200, 300 AI images a day, I myself sent around 150 a day, then the moderators were overloaded" lol
I know a person in India who sent over 1000 images a day

Who can create and edit 1,000 images a day. That's some really dedicated work. I'd love to see what they are and how many sales?
  Everyone, at least with AI.

All you need to do is enter a prompt and click the retry button over and over again. (You don't even have to do that manually, just use an auto clicker). 10 clicks per hour and you get 1000 different images for which you can even use the same keywords...

Each one needs to be edited to remove the color bar in the lower right. Resizing could be done batch. Still, I haven't seen anything from Open AI that didn't need editing, and people who use the other, still need to edit for size and error's.

Yes some group could make 1,000 a day, but how many would be useful, or get downloads and how many are accepted? At some point if it's the same prompt, the images are going to be similar, and the keywords or description will be a big red flag.

Then there's the time to create, and to upload. 1000 minutes is 16 hours. The possibility that someone does 1,000 a day is highly unlikely, just from the simple math of time. 100 not so much of an issue.

If it was a team of people, not "someone", then 1,000 a day from a factory situation, that's also possible.
It's already being done:
African Studio = 1,305,871 stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free.
Lineartistpilot = 1,166,763 stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free.

« Reply #206 on: April 16, 2023, 13:16 »
Checked in on the Discord. Quote: "there were many people who sent 200, 300 AI images a day, I myself sent around 150 a day, then the moderators were overloaded" lol
I know a person in India who sent over 1000 images a day

Who can create and edit 1,000 images a day. That's some really dedicated work. I'd love to see what they are and how many sales?
  Everyone, at least with AI.

All you need to do is enter a prompt and click the retry button over and over again. (You don't even have to do that manually, just use an auto clicker). 10 clicks per hour and you get 1000 different images for which you can even use the same keywords...

Each one needs to be edited to remove the color bar in the lower right. Resizing could be done batch. Still, I haven't seen anything from Open AI that didn't need editing, and people who use the other, still need to edit for size and error's.

Yes some group could make 1,000 a day, but how many would be useful, or get downloads and how many are accepted? At some point if it's the same prompt, the images are going to be similar, and the keywords or description will be a big red flag.

Then there's the time to create, and to upload. 1000 minutes is 16 hours. The possibility that someone does 1,000 a day is highly unlikely, just from the simple math of time. 100 not so much of an issue.

If it was a team of people, not "someone", then 1,000 a day from a factory situation, that's also possible.
It's already being done:
African Studio = 1,305,871 stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free.
Lineartistpilot = 1,166,763 stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free.

Thanks Pete for taking the subject of AI out of mythology and into reality mathematically.
In the end, real people have to do some work.

« Reply #207 on: April 16, 2023, 13:19 »

Each one needs to be edited to remove the color bar in the lower right. Resizing could be done batch. Still, I haven't seen anything from Open AI that didn't need editing, and people who use the other, still need to edit for size and error's.

Not sure what color bar you are talking about, my AI images don't have any.

Everyone who still claims AI images need some major editing is either lying to keep up the pretense that there is some actual human work involved or is simply using the wrong AI image generator.
Maybe this was true for the first gen Ai generators, but by now they produce perfect results at least 90% of the time.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2023, 13:22 by Her Ugliness »


« Reply #208 on: April 17, 2023, 01:00 »
Generative Ai stock images should be separated to a different stock site, they should not mix with real photos and paintings and real human art.
Otherwise soon you will flood Adobe stock with millions of useless Ai images. Right now Ai looks cool cause it's something new. But all Ai is very similar and people uploading Ai too fast.
So soon this "cool Ai style" will be just "Ai similar garbage". I'm not against Ai, I'm just telling that for Ai and real photos there should be different places.

All the. AI midjourney images are very similar to each other, it's as if several collaborators had "taken" among several the images of a specific designer.


« Reply #209 on: April 17, 2023, 06:27 »

Not sure what color bar you are talking about, my AI images don't have any.

Everyone who still claims AI images need some major editing is either lying to keep up the pretense that there is some actual human work involved or is simply using the wrong AI image generator.
Maybe this was true for the first gen Ai generators, but by now they produce perfect results at least 90% of the time.

Yes and if they don't you just reroll, no point wasting time editing when you can get a new version in a minute. Especially for stock. Getting images that are plenty good enough for most microstock buyers is very easy.

Also it is possible with a few simple promts to get very different style images. Any style you want really. If you just put in the most basic description then, yes, they can look similar.

« Reply #210 on: April 17, 2023, 06:35 »
Hi everyone,

Today, we are announcing our policy regarding generative AI content, and Id like to share that we have begun accepting illustrations made using generative AI into our collection. We believe that generative AI tools can help our contributor community continue to create amazing content, and we believe in transparent, clear labeling for customers when it comes to this content.
We have prepared generative AI content submission guidelines and a page to answer common questions. We believe that our policy to accept AI generated content will enable contributors and customers to benefit from the value that AI generated content can bring. 
In our Discord channel for Adobe Stock contributors, we opened a new channel #ai-generated-talk as a forum for addressing further questions. As always, I will also monitor this thread daily and will do my best to answer any questions not covered in the FAQ.
Submission guidelines:
Discord community:

Thank you,

Mat Hayward

I never got my redemption code, contacted support multiple times and crickets. renewal tomorrow. what can i do?

« Reply #211 on: April 17, 2023, 07:19 »
How about sales, do AI images sell well?

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #212 on: April 17, 2023, 12:39 »

Each one needs to be edited to remove the color bar in the lower right. Resizing could be done batch. Still, I haven't seen anything from Open AI that didn't need editing, and people who use the other, still need to edit for size and error's.

Not sure what color bar you are talking about, my AI images don't have any.

Everyone who still claims AI images need some major editing is either lying to keep up the pretense that there is some actual human work involved or is simply using the wrong AI image generator.
Maybe this was true for the first gen Ai generators, but by now they produce perfect results at least 90% of the time.

I clearly said Open AI, which you ignored and calling anyone a liar for the truth is kind of over the top? Yes there is actual human work involved, why do you keep denying that?

Please show me an AI image from whatever source you decide is the best. One of the perfect results, 90% of the time, you can pick the image.

Tell me how long it takes to create each image and show me one as an example, please, that didn't need any editing of any kind. You say, someone can just hit create, make 1,000 images and upload them. And they are all key worded and described easily because they are all the same request.

How much does it cost for each of these images to be created?

Time, how much time to make them, edit them, add metadata, upload?

How about sales, do AI images sell well?

I don't know. There are some that say because they are in the front at agencies, that they are popular, and the conclusion is, that means they are being sold. I'd like to see some data from people who are creating and uploading these? The kind that come from, type a command, get an image, add some words and description and poof, like magic, you made money.  ;)

As asked, here's a Dall-E2 image that is not edited.

Look in the lower right, color sample bar. It's 1024 x 1024. Other AI is probably better, but that's what's free.

Edge / Bing unedited

Also 1024 and has a watermark
A person a blob and a dog?
Make that 4MP and here's a crop

That won't pass anywhere.

1,000 a day from someone? Doesn't that strike anyone as possibly a bit exaggerated to make the demon AI more evil?

Yes, I'm using the wrong AI generator because I'm not really a fan of any of them. If I could create 100 new images a day, using AI, that are marketable and will get downloads and make a profit, I might change my mind. I don't think high volume AI images are the answer to making a profit. I might be wrong?

« Reply #213 on: April 17, 2023, 13:22 »
Just my experience on Adobe, so far 278 accepted gen ai files, 31 downloads.

But I also spent 1000 euros on credits for various ais for commercial use.

I started uploading in early December, so maybe for such a short time it is not that bad. Also I don't have extremely generic files that would sell in high volume.

I am trying to do something different. Not using Midjourney, so hopefully I will have a collection that looks a little different to what others offer.

But for the money, perhaps doing it all Midjourney style is best, I don't know. It is probably the look the buyers want until they get tired of it. But that might take several years, it is like the instagram filter craze.

« Reply #214 on: April 17, 2023, 14:01 »
Just my experience on Adobe, so far 278 accepted gen ai files, 31 downloads.

But I also spent 1000 euros on credits for various ais for commercial use.

I started uploading in early December, so maybe for such a short time it is not that bad. Also I don't have extremely generic files that would sell in high volume.

I am trying to do something different. Not using Midjourney, so hopefully I will have a collection that looks a little different to what others offer.

But for the money, perhaps doing it all Midjourney style is best, I don't know. It is probably the look the buyers want until they get tired of it. But that might take several years, it is like the instagram filter craze.

That "look" will probably also evolve, broaden, and change, if not with Midjourney or DALL-E then with competitors, and maybe even much faster as we think, considered the speed of the development of AI we have seen so far. People will also develop more sophisticated prompting skills (as many already do now) and on the other hand regulations and legal restrictions or boundaries will be set by governments regarding the operating and use of AI.

I think it's fair to say that nobody exactly knows which direction AI will go, how big the impact exactly will be, and in which position it will find a mature state of existence.
We can only make educated guesses.

I also think traditional stock agencies will find themselves in an existential crisis at some point: will they remain marketplaces for content, or will they evolve in brokers for AI-training datasets, or will they become companies that offer AI engines to generate content. Currently some of the agencies are all of that, and I wonder whether such a broad business model will remain manageable.

Regarding dataset training: I see Shutterstock accepting nearly everything I feed them recently, almost no rejections at all anymore, and this is definitely a different strategy then a few months ago. Seems they are very hungry for content at the moment. At the same time, I've seen Adobe becoming more restrictive, with more rejections. But maybe that's just my anecdotal experience.

« Reply #215 on: April 17, 2023, 14:39 »
Shutterstock takes gen ai content?

I see both the invested money and time as a way to learn a new technology. Gradually I will learn what buyers like to buy from me.

Also went a little wild with spaceships, robot and fantasy art..don't think there is a big market for that :)

« Reply #216 on: April 17, 2023, 14:58 »

Each one needs to be edited to remove the color bar in the lower right. Resizing could be done batch. Still, I haven't seen anything from Open AI that didn't need editing, and people who use the other, still need to edit for size and error's.

Not sure what color bar you are talking about, my AI images don't have any.

Everyone who still claims AI images need some major editing is either lying to keep up the pretense that there is some actual human work involved or is simply using the wrong AI image generator.
Maybe this was true for the first gen Ai generators, but by now they produce perfect results at least 90% of the time.

I clearly said Open AI, which you ignored and calling anyone a liar for the truth is kind of over the top? Yes there is actual human work involved, why do you keep denying that?

Please show me an AI image from whatever source you decide is the best. One of the perfect results, 90% of the time, you can pick the image.

Tell me how long it takes to create each image and show me one as an example, please, that didn't need any editing of any kind. You say, someone can just hit create, make 1,000 images and upload them. And they are all key worded and described easily because they are all the same request.

How much does it cost for each of these images to be created?

Time, how much time to make them, edit them, add metadata, upload?

How about sales, do AI images sell well?

I don't know. There are some that say because they are in the front at agencies, that they are popular, and the conclusion is, that means they are being sold. I'd like to see some data from people who are creating and uploading these? The kind that come from, type a command, get an image, add some words and description and poof, like magic, you made money.  ;)

As asked, here's a Dall-E2 image that is not edited.

Look in the lower right, color sample bar. It's 1024 x 1024. Other AI is probably better, but that's what's free.

Edge / Bing unedited

Also 1024 and has a watermark
A person a blob and a dog?
Make that 4MP and here's a crop

That won't pass anywhere.

I wanted to recreate your images to show you what can be done in seconds, but I am not sure what you were trying to go for in the first image. Tomatoe clock?

I think DALL-E currently is lightyears behind every other AI image generator. I just looked at the curated AI gallery on Shutterstock today and in my opinion all images there looked really bad.

« Reply #217 on: April 17, 2023, 14:58 »
Shutterstock takes gen ai content?

I see both the invested money and time as a way to learn a new technology. Gradually I will learn what buyers like to buy from me.

Also went a little wild with spaceships, robot and fantasy art..don't think there is a big market for that :)

Oh, sorry for the confusion, I mean just stills. I don't upload AI generated content so far.
I just notice that Shutterstock's rejection policy seems to be way less strict than it was a few months ago.

Spaceships and space exploration is a very actual topic nowadays, so I think it's very much worth it to experiment with it.
It's also a topic that suits AI very much, as not many stock photographers travel the universe :)

« Reply #218 on: April 17, 2023, 16:09 »
The Ai-generated  images sell pretty well,  but not by themselves.
My best seller has been download at Adobe 52 times - but as all my AI images it went through a careful postprocessing in Photoshop and other dedicated software. Not only to remove the obvious errors (too many fingers, missing eyes etc.) but also to give them a particular light and style - they must reflect the way I feel, not MidJourney.
Also devising the right prompt is no kid's play: the AI is still too primitive to guess accurately enough what one has in mind upon a few words.
Last but definitely not least, the human creativity lies in the idea behind the prompt - mediocre prompt, mediocre outcomes. I've been waiting long for someone to mention this here, but so far in vain...

« Reply #219 on: April 17, 2023, 16:31 »

Spaceships and space exploration is a very actual topic nowadays, so I think it's very much worth it to experiment with it.
It's also a topic that suits AI very much, as not many stock photographers travel the universe :)

True. We will soon get space hotels and space tourism.

Must make sure to cover that niche early...


« Reply #220 on: April 17, 2023, 17:25 »
The Ai-generated  images sell pretty well,  but not by themselves.
My best seller has been download at Adobe 52 times - but as all my AI images it went through a careful postprocessing in Photoshop and other dedicated software. Not only to remove the obvious errors (too many fingers, missing eyes etc.) but also to give them a particular light and style - they must reflect the way I feel, not MidJourney.
Also devising the right prompt is no kid's play: the AI is still too primitive to guess accurately enough what one has in mind upon a few words.
Last but definitely not least, the human creativity lies in the idea behind the prompt - mediocre prompt, mediocre outcomes. I've been waiting long for someone to mention this here, but so far in vain...

I don't see anything special looking at the prompts on the Midjourney community showcase site, unlike the results. Not to mention that many of the prompts include artists' names.

« Reply #221 on: April 18, 2023, 03:32 »

Each one needs to be edited to remove the color bar in the lower right. Resizing could be done batch. Still, I haven't seen anything from Open AI that didn't need editing, and people who use the other, still need to edit for size and error's.

Not sure what color bar you are talking about, my AI images don't have any.

Everyone who still claims AI images need some major editing is either lying to keep up the pretense that there is some actual human work involved or is simply using the wrong AI image generator.
Maybe this was true for the first gen Ai generators, but by now they produce perfect results at least 90% of the time.

Perfect results, you're joking.

« Reply #222 on: April 18, 2023, 04:19 »

Each one needs to be edited to remove the color bar in the lower right. Resizing could be done batch. Still, I haven't seen anything from Open AI that didn't need editing, and people who use the other, still need to edit for size and error's.

Not sure what color bar you are talking about, my AI images don't have any.

Everyone who still claims AI images need some major editing is either lying to keep up the pretense that there is some actual human work involved or is simply using the wrong AI image generator.
Maybe this was true for the first gen Ai generators, but by now they produce perfect results at least 90% of the time.

Perfect results, you're joking.


« Reply #223 on: April 18, 2023, 06:38 »
I see both the invested money
What are you investing in? Isn't it free to create images in artificial intelligence?

« Reply #224 on: April 18, 2023, 07:21 »
The free section of midjourney does not include commercial use.  The paid version does. 


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