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Author Topic: Announcing the Adobe Stock policy on generative AI content  (Read 50175 times)

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« Reply #175 on: March 02, 2023, 12:51 »
then we can't upload anything AI because someone might use it for a political, medical or other disallowed use.
To be precise, you can't upload AI made with engine that have these rules. There are several that do not apply any restrictions!
We have no control over the license or use restrictions?
If I remember well, SS gives the ability to exclude sensitive use for images, for the full portfolio. I don't know if the option is still alive, and I don't remember if others give same choice

« Reply #176 on: March 02, 2023, 13:39 »
then we can't upload anything AI because someone might use it for a political, medical or other disallowed use.
To be precise, you can't upload AI made with engine that have these rules. There are several that do not apply any restrictions!
We have no control over the license or use restrictions?
If I remember well, SS gives the ability to exclude sensitive use for images, for the full portfolio. I don't know if the option is still alive, and I don't remember if others give same choice

That's indeed the point I was trying to make, or better, the thing I would like to see clarified, as I'm anything but an expert in the matter.
In this case: We can 't upload AI generated content to Adobe Stock if the terms of use of the AI engine (DALL-E) don't match the licensing conditions of Adobe Stock. Question mark.

Maybe some AI engines like stable diffusion or midjourney have lesser strict terms... I don't know.
Maybe some stock agencies offer the possibility to exclude the use of your content in certain context... options here are very limited I guess.

Anyhow, it seems like a slippery slope, and when I read the conditions and conditions of Adobe Stock regarding AI Generated content, they seem to put all the responsibility on the contributor. You have to own the copyright (as far as I understood still a legally unclear situation in many parts of the world) and make sure the content is suited for 'broader commercial' use (which includes some parts that are excluded by the terms and conditions of OpenAI/DALL-E).

« Reply #177 on: March 02, 2023, 14:20 »

Maybe some stock agencies offer the possibility to exclude the use of your content in certain context... options here are very limited I guess.

I know that SS has an option (or at least used to) to exclude sexual and political content, but that's it. I don't know of any agency that would allow you to exclude usage for news or medical content.

« Reply #178 on: March 02, 2023, 14:41 »

Maybe some stock agencies offer the possibility to exclude the use of your content in certain context... options here are very limited I guess.

I know that SS has an option (or at least used to) to exclude sexual and political content, but that's it. I don't know of any agency that would allow you to exclude usage for news or medical content.

I remember that too, not sure it's still an available option.
But if it is, it's useless as Shutterstock doesn't accept AI Generated content from their contributors.

Shutterstock will not allow AI-generated content to be submitted for sale on our platform. We want to ensure contributors can prove IP ownership of all submitted content and also want to be confident that artists are properly compensated if and when their work is used in AI training models. Given the availability of various AI content generation models in the marketplace, we are unable to verify the model source for most AI-generated content and therefore are unable to ensure all artists who were involved in the generation of each piece of content are compensated.


Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #179 on: March 03, 2023, 13:04 »

Maybe some stock agencies offer the possibility to exclude the use of your content in certain context... options here are very limited I guess.

I know that SS has an option (or at least used to) to exclude sexual and political content, but that's it. I don't know of any agency that would allow you to exclude usage for news or medical content.

I remember that too, not sure it's still an available option.
But if it is, it's useless as Shutterstock doesn't accept AI Generated content from their contributors.

Shutterstock will not allow AI-generated content to be submitted for sale on our platform. We want to ensure contributors can prove IP ownership of all submitted content and also want to be confident that artists are properly compensated if and when their work is used in AI training models. Given the availability of various AI content generation models in the marketplace, we are unable to verify the model source for most AI-generated content and therefore are unable to ensure all artists who were involved in the generation of each piece of content are compensated.


Yup, they don't accept AI content but you can create it and pay on their site, using the identical software?

Another version of that says:

"Why cant I claim copyright to AI-generated content if I am the one who produced the query that generated the synthetic content?"

Because AI content generation models leverage the IP of many artists and their content, AI-generated content ownership cannot be assigned to an individual. Per our Contributor Terms of Service (Sections 13d and 13f), contributors must have proven IP ownership of all content that is submitted. As such, AI-generated content should not be submitted to Shutterstock.

« Reply #180 on: March 11, 2023, 13:06 »
While searching for my own Chile landscape images at Adobe, I found that the landscape section is also flooded with realistic looking AI generated images.

But they are usually still fantasy images, e.g. this one:


The mountain range is ok, but the dunes look completely different there. The AI dunes are more likely to come from the Arabian region.

This will be very confusing for the buyers at some point at Adobe. Also, not every buyer will know what AI generated images are. For me, it spontaneously looked like a real landscape at first.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2023, 13:12 by RalfLiebhold »

« Reply #182 on: March 11, 2023, 13:45 »
A travel magazine won't use AI generated content.
But look at AI generated food images like muffins - great images.
And this is just the beginning.

You are right, the pictures are great. But the subject of food is something else. I can represent food imaginatively in reality as well.
But a certain real landscape looks like it looks.

For a general landscape description "desert dunes with mountain", the picture is perfectly ok.

But in my example, someone has put together a fantasy landscape and assigned it to a certain real place "Death Valley san pedro de atacama" - and that is simply wrong and misleading.

And if I as a travel magazine am looking for real images and have to click through a mountain of AI images, I would find that very annoying and maybe change the agency. 

I think that Adobe, as the search results now turn out, will not do itself any favors in the long run.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2023, 13:52 by RalfLiebhold »

« Reply #183 on: March 11, 2023, 13:50 »
A travel magazine won't use AI generated content.
But look at AI generated food images like muffins - great images.
And this is just the beginning.

You are right, the pictures are great. But the subject of food is something else.

For a landscape description desert dunes with mountain, the picture is perfectly ok.

But in my example, someone has put together a fantasy landscape and assigned it to a certain real place "Death Valley san pedro de atacama" - and that is simply wrong.

And if I as a travel magazine am looking for real images and have to click through a mountain of AI images, I would find that very annoying and maybe change the agency. 

I think that Adobe, as the search results now turn out, will not do itself any favors in the long run.

4682 muffin renderings feels like a lot..  Soon it will be millions or billions.  I think they'll need an exclude AI search button. 

« Reply #184 on: March 11, 2023, 14:01 »
A travel magazine won't use AI generated content.
But look at AI generated food images like muffins - great images.
And this is just the beginning.

You are right, the pictures are great. But the subject of food is something else.

For a landscape description desert dunes with mountain, the picture is perfectly ok.

But in my example, someone has put together a fantasy landscape and assigned it to a certain real place "Death Valley san pedro de atacama" - and that is simply wrong.

And if I as a travel magazine am looking for real images and have to click through a mountain of AI images, I would find that very annoying and maybe change the agency. 

I think that Adobe, as the search results now turn out, will not do itself any favors in the long run.

4682 muffin renderings feels like a lot..  Soon it will be millions or billions.  I think they'll need an exclude AI search button.

The way the whole thing is developing, it would be better if buyers want AI images to actively press an include/optin button.

I was totally annoyed today during my search. One clicks beautiful images ... AI, AI, AI .... As a potential buyer, I'd be out of Adobe.

« Reply #185 on: March 12, 2023, 06:02 »
It will be hard for a microstock contributor to maintain income without AI images.
If a contributor don't do microstock full-time he will maybe work some hours a week for microstock.
Now there are working some computers for AI microstock images full-time.
Meaning lots more of new AI images uploads daily.
It don't have do be better images than your non AI images.
But your images gets lost in search with stagnating uploads and more overall AI uploads.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #186 on: March 12, 2023, 11:28 »
Do buyers want a useful image that meets their needs or do they want a real photo only? I know we care, but do they?

Oh no this is terrible, I was just getting ready to flood the market with the next big thing.  ;)

AI Created Sliced Tomatoes Backgrounds

« Reply #187 on: March 12, 2023, 11:58 »
Do buyers want a useful image that meets their needs or do they want a real photo only? I know we care, but do they?

Oh no this is terrible, I was just getting ready to flood the market with the next big thing.  ;)

AI Created Sliced Tomatoes Backgrounds

Pete, do we have to worry about you being so fixated on tomatoes? The tomato has long been called the love-apple (pomme d amour), and the fruit has been suspected of causing love mania  ;)

I'm sure you're right.
There are a whole lot of subjects where buyers probably don't care how the image was created - food might be one of them, in my opinion. With landscapes, which are to be assigned to a real place, I would estimate it differently.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #188 on: March 13, 2023, 11:42 »
Do buyers want a useful image that meets their needs or do they want a real photo only? I know we care, but do they?

Oh no this is terrible, I was just getting ready to flood the market with the next big thing.  ;)

AI Created Sliced Tomatoes Backgrounds

Pete, do we have to worry about you being so fixated on tomatoes? The tomato has long been called the love-apple (pomme d amour), and the fruit has been suspected of causing love mania  ;)

I'm sure you're right.
There are a whole lot of subjects where buyers probably don't care how the image was created - food might be one of them, in my opinion. With landscapes, which are to be assigned to a real place, I would estimate it differently.

Obsessed with stale stock and why people keep making it? I really should have picked something better, like girl with a bicycle in a field, or lady jumping with a long piece of streaming silk, or maybe smiling person with a headset? Oh wait, diversity, multicultural, business handshake?  ::)

You haven't recognized the real obsession is the triple cheeseburger? (no they don't sell, just for the people who monitor the form for inspiration)

True a landscape and especially if it hints of a real location, should be real. That's another area, away from AI where people will label things with keywords like "The Alps" when they are taken in South America. Just anything for a view and maybe another dime, by adding false words that are inaccurate. Then the buyer might think it's really the location and gets told later, they have shown something in error. Which makes them look bad.

I'd agree AI should be listed as AI when it's supposed to represent anything or anyplace or something that's supposed to be real. After that, backgrounds, sandy beach, mountains and a stream, generic, I'm not sure that's a problem.

Tomatoes are in the nightshade family and where back in history of Europe, thought to be poisonous. Wow as part Italian, I don't know what we'd do without tomatoes? Poison Apples!

But thanks to the Italians and pizza and people discovering that their pewter plates were the problem = metal poisoning, we're all happy and safe now. Now people think things like GMO plants, carbs, and Gluten are poison to our system. Those three have replaced salt, sugar, artificial sweeteners and food coloring.

Eggs were bad, now they have been cleared. Coffee and tea, come and go. Chocolate but the latest stir is dark chocolate which has been found to contain cadmium and lead. Wait, bottled water is neutered but still managed to be tainted by plastic. Free range chickens are a myth, mostly not free range and natural means they are allowed to eat any crap they find, aren't free of disease, and generally are no different from caged chickens, except being more expensive and smaller because of their poor health.

Wait a few more years, it will be something else.

Until then I'm growing tomatoes as food subjects, eggplant, some squash and gourds. The little herb garden, no wild guess needed, is Chives, Oregano, Basil and Cilantro. Oh and just so someone doesn't read this and wonder, my garden is 100% organic and has been forever. No poisons. The farthest I go is natural compost and manure.

Key: food is fun to photograph?  Plop and shoot, then eat it! 8)

« Reply #189 on: March 13, 2023, 13:22 »
The whole AI thing is very sad for artists who have spent a lifetime honing their design, illustration and photography skills. Particularly since these AI programs learned to make their "art" by sampling the creative output of millions of genuine artists, living and dead. I certainly understand that time and technology will never stand still and many previous skilled professions have been rendered obsolete in the past, but this seems particularly devastating for artists, writers and other creatives.
AI also seems poised to eliminate many other mid-level, well-paying jobs such as in the tech industry,  further eroding the middle class and increasing the wealth gap. 
Welcome to the brave new world.

« Reply #190 on: March 14, 2023, 07:48 »
@UnclePete how did you predict this news? Mediterranean diet associated with 23% lower risk of dementia. But new fads come and go, there's a new one the Mono diet.

Cameras took away the art of creating images by hand. Acrylic paint isn't oil. Digital cameras took away years of learning and experience by real photographers.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #191 on: March 14, 2023, 13:26 »
@UnclePete how did you predict this news? Mediterranean diet associated with 23% lower risk of dementia. But new fads come and go, there's a new one the Mono diet.

Cameras took away the art of creating images by hand. Acrylic paint isn't oil. Digital cameras took away years of learning and experience by real photographers.

I consult using ancient secrets of the unknown, by holding a chain of good luck symbols in my teeth. The rabbit wasn't so lucky, it's foot was made into a key chain charm?

(or maybe not and this is just a joke image?)

Food fads, trends and new discoveries, especially old ones rediscovered, make up conversation and have for ages. People looking for a secret to better health but discovering some trick. Let me say "you can't fool Mother Nature"  But when you start to read the latest trending better health discoveries, you will mostly find, Buy This Book, join this plan, nutritional supplements - which is as big or bigger industry, than the Big Pharma they criticize.

Then there are the outright nutty for sensation: "CAVEMAN DIET I eat raw beef, liver, kidneys and chicken its transformed my life" Or one of the latest? The charcoal detox diet claims to help people lose weight by "detoxing" them. It involves periods of fasting and consumption of tea or juice drinks that contain charcoal.

A good healthful, balanced diet, watch your calories, get the nutrition without excess or starving your cells. Calories in is pretty simple, that's what makes people gain weight. If you don't use as much energy as you eat, you will start to store that excess. You don't need to run a marathon, just get some exercise, walk or swim.

I'm saving for a crystal ball.  ;)

« Reply #192 on: March 14, 2023, 13:38 »
In the Adobe Stock Additional Terms it says:

       7. Restrictions.
       7.1. General Restrictions. You must not:
       (E) use the Stock Assets in a manner, or in connection with a subject, that a reasonable person could consider unflattering, immoral, offensive, obscene, or controversial, taking into account the nature of the Stock Assets, examples of which could include ads for tobacco; adult entertainment clubs or similar venues or services; implied or stated endorsements of political parties or other opinion-based movements; or implying mental or physical impairment;

Soley FYI.
Interpret it as you may.
I'm not giving any legal opinions.

« Reply #193 on: April 10, 2023, 02:14 »
AS limited number of uploads (from Discord channel):

"As some of you may have noticed already, we have established some limits to the number of assets you can have pending moderation at once. If you reach that limit, you will have to wait until the moderation process is complete for your files before being able to submit new assets for consideration.

We hope this will unclog the moderation queue and result in better waiting times from now on.

The maximum number of assets you can have waiting for moderation will depend on several factors and will be adapted to the global queue.

Thanks for your understanding and patience."
« Last Edit: April 10, 2023, 02:57 by Lina »


« Reply #194 on: April 10, 2023, 10:35 »
Checked in on the Discord. Quote: "there were many people who sent 200, 300 AI images a day, I myself sent around 150 a day, then the moderators were overloaded" lol

« Reply #195 on: April 10, 2023, 12:53 »
Checked in on the Discord. Quote: "there were many people who sent 200, 300 AI images a day, I myself sent around 150 a day, then the moderators were overloaded" lol

Yeah, amazing, but usual talk there. Until someone gets blocked. :P

« Reply #196 on: April 11, 2023, 06:07 »
HI! Question about AI-generated images with people. Do I understand correctly that we can skip par of "Witness" in the Property/Model release if it is AI generated image, as there is no real person under 18, for whom witness would be actual? Please share your experience, how do you submit images with persons to Adobe. I don't have any person just to use as a signature giver as I see in lots of youtube videos as suggested.

« Reply #197 on: April 11, 2023, 12:32 »
HI! Question about AI-generated images with people. Do I understand correctly that we can skip par of "Witness" in the Property/Model release if it is AI generated image, as there is no real person under 18, for whom witness would be actual? Please share your experience, how do you submit images with persons to Adobe. I don't have any person just to use as a signature giver as I see in lots of youtube videos as suggested.

A property release is required for images that feature fictional people created with generative AI software. A witness is not required on that release.

More details on generative AI submission guidelines can be found here: https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/generative-ai-content.html


Mat Hayward

« Reply #198 on: April 11, 2023, 17:18 »
Generative Ai stock images should be separated to a different stock site, they should not mix with real photos and paintings and real human art.
Otherwise soon you will flood Adobe stock with millions of useless Ai images. Right now Ai looks cool cause it's something new. But all Ai is very similar and people uploading Ai too fast.
So soon this "cool Ai style" will be just "Ai similar garbage". I'm not against Ai, I'm just telling that for Ai and real photos there should be different places.

« Reply #199 on: April 12, 2023, 07:14 »
Was anyone able to upload images created by Midjourney to Adobe since they are not 4 megapixels?


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