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Author Topic: Adobe Stock - Keywording & Uploading Questions Please  (Read 3506 times)

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« on: November 06, 2016, 07:53 »
I just started uploading a few images to Adobe Stock and a few questions have arisen in the process. At the moment I am using the Adobe Contributor Porthole to upload and my questions are as follows:

1 - After you upload an image and it is "In Review" is there any way to edit the image keywords?

2 - After you upload an image and it is "In Review" is there any way to delete the image so you can edit keywords and resubmit before it is approved?

3 - After an image is already in your Portfolio is there any way to edit or at least change the order of the keywords?

4 - When submitting keywords, would you need to submit a keyword twice in order to cover the singular form of the keyword? Or if for example you already submitted the keyword "beaches" would you still need to submit the word "beach" separately?

5 - On other things like proper names or two-word keywords, should you submit the words separately? For example "United States" or "Prime Minister", "Barack Obama", should the keywords be submitted singularly, one at a time or as a two-word keyword?

6 - On keywords that have multiple words to refer to the same thing, do we need to submit all, including acronyms, or is the system smart enough to cover all of them on a buyer search if you just submit one? For example, do you need all of the following? united states, america, usa, united, states, united states america.

Thank you for any insight you can offer please.

« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2016, 08:04 »
A couple of suggestions for any Adobe Stock admins that might be reading these threads:

1 - It would be great if the keywording function had a spell checker and/or some sort of word suggestion function as you are typing in your keyword. This would help prevent spelling errors on keywords and help to know which words the system recognizes and doesn't.

2 - When you have multiple images in "New" and the system feels they are all ready to be uploaded (when you in fact may not be finished working on all of them yet), it would be nice if there was a submit function which allowed you to choose which images you want to submit first and then hit Submit For Approval for just those images. As it is now, it takes all "Ready" images and tries to submit them. Then you have to first unselect them all and then select just the ones you want to submit and then hit submit. It seems like an extra step and a waste of time. Easier if one could just select the images to be submitted right from the start without having to unselect first.


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