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Author Topic: Adobe Stock Contributor Portal Updates  (Read 51360 times)

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« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2017, 09:17 »
Ah, I see what you're saying.  There's a difference between this:
and this:

I have the first bookmarked so that's what I always use.  The second is what you get when you click a contributor's name.  Yes, a search should always have the same interface available.

In other words, the site is useless for buyers. Now I know where my sales are. Thank you Sean.

« Reply #26 on: April 23, 2017, 09:39 »
Well, I have to imagine most buyers aren't trying to search through a single contributor's port trying to find a certain image or video.

« Reply #27 on: April 23, 2017, 10:11 »
That's not what I meant either. I can imagine a buyer buying several images from the same contributor if more images are put in front of him like in a set/ lightbox (e.g. food).

Once I already searched for some of my images and I lost my patience and left the site for this reason. I thought they need more time to fix the site doesn't matter any more.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2017, 18:46 by Dodie »

« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2017, 11:15 »
How can Fotolia contributors enjoy this new features?

« Reply #29 on: April 23, 2017, 19:00 »
Hi Mat and many thanks for being here with us when needed.

I see that everyone here is very content of how things are going. I don't want to shoot the messenger but as you asked for feedback, I have to ask two questions:

1. Why do we need an auto-keywording tool when most contributors already have their metadata on file at the moment of upload? If I remember correctly, there was an announcement in the past that AS/FT reads the metadata even from video files.
Auto-keywording failed even for the mighty Go0gle, so why waste time with something not needed?
Also, the upload process on FT was already one of the fastest of all agencies and upload never ever failed in the past like it does on AS.

2. My second is probably off topic but if we are talking about time invested in enhancing features, I have to ask this:

FT was my bestseller till mid last year but after AS overtook the agency, sales are dropping slowly but continuously, sinking to 30% earnings in 2017 compared to 2016.
It could be just me but I still want to ask, is it worth to further upload to an agency that became one of the low earners (despite the poll on the right).

What is Adobe doing in this regard?

Lots of great questions, sorry I've been slow to respond. I've been traveling a bit this week. I'll try to answer everyone as best I can starting with you @Dodie.

"Why do we need auto-keywording?"

-It's an added feature. Particularly helpful to new contributors that don't have a firm grasp on keyword strategy yet. If you are embedding your keywords into the metadata of your files, the system won't generate auto-keywords for you so there will be no impact on your work flow of any kind. However, if you are stumped on how to keyword an image, give it a try. The system is "learning" and seems to get better every time I try it. It could end up you submit images to Adobe Stock first with no keywords then copy and paste the auto-keywords into your metadata for other uploads. I'm just sayin...

#2  "FT was my bestseller till mid last year but after AS overtook the agency, sales are dropping slowly but continuously, sinking to 30% earnings in 2017 compared to 2016.
It could be just me but I still want to ask, is it worth to further upload to an agency that became one of the low earners (despite the poll on the right)."

I can't speak to your specific results. In my contributor account I am finding that my year over year monthly sales are increasing for the most part. Are you consistently uploading new content? That is the best way to ensure your portfolio stays near the top of the search results I have found. Adobe is working very hard to market Adobe Stock and as far as I can tell, we are increasing in volume at a rapid pace. There is strong potential to earn good's entirely up to you to produce the content to take advantage of the opportunity.

Good luck!


« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2017, 19:06 »
... It's much easier and reasonably fast to do in the portal as compared to the Fotolia UI in my personal opinion.


Hi Mat and thanks for being Mat!
If I could agree about the CSV and auto-keywording tool, I have to totally disagree about the general fotolia UI : that's a "worker" UI, where the Adobe Stock UI isn't. I've tried it but completely abandoned, worst of all about how MRs are managed.

There is a need for a very-simple system like the one in 123rf (you are a contributor, test it: it's very easy) or the one in Photodune: you simply upload MRs with the batch of files and the system attaches everything (envato) or you create a CSV with attachments and if there are duplicated MR's the system ignores them. If there aren't, the system stores them.

Very simple and automated! :)

This could be a GREAT improvement VS fotolia UI: upload files, mr, csv : go in the site and 1-CLICK-ATTACHMENT : done. THIS is improvement! :)

Thanks for listening! :)

@Zorba, I understand your point about the releases. I'm sure you are right, there is probably a better way. I'm not sure the methods you mentioned are ideal but it's a matter of opinion. Our system is convenient to use once you have uploaded the release for the first time. I prefer to attach releases in Adobe Stock vs. Fotolia simply because the search bar is so fast and convenient. At this point I have a healthy amount of releases in my account and it can be an inconvenience to search through them for the right one sometimes.

Also, regarding Fotolia vs AS UI it's subjective which is why if you are grandfathered in you can still use FT to submit your work. All I ask is that you check out Adobe Stock as we continue to add updates/upgrades and give it a shot (pun intended). If it's not for you, no problem! You can submit through FT and let me know what you would like to see in Adobe Stock to make it better.

« Reply #31 on: April 23, 2017, 19:08 »
Ah, I see what you're saying.  There's a difference between this:
and this:

I have the first bookmarked so that's what I always use.  The second is what you get when you click a contributor's name.  Yes, a search should always have the same interface available.

That is interesting. Thanks for sharing the two links. I'll look into this asap.


« Reply #32 on: April 23, 2017, 19:15 »
How can Fotolia contributors enjoy this new features?

You can sync your Fotolia account with Adobe Stock by visiting

Once there you will need an Adobe ID to log in (free and easy to create if you don't already have one.

If your Adobe ID is the same as the email you use for your Fotolia account you should be automatically synced. If not, select yes when asked if you are a Fotolia contributor. You will then be prompted to enter your Fotolia login name and password.


« Reply #33 on: April 23, 2017, 20:27 »
Cheers, Mat.  I'm sure it's just some UI oversight.

« Reply #34 on: April 24, 2017, 03:54 »
Thanks for the answer Mat.
I hope they can fix the difference between the two portfolio layouts mentioned above too.

« Reply #35 on: April 24, 2017, 11:04 »
Thanks for the answer Mat.
I hope they can fix the difference between the two portfolio layouts mentioned above too.

You are welcome Dodie.

I heard back from the development team and learned that the sorting discrepancy between portfolio layouts you pointed out is on their list and should be updated at some point in the future. I don't have a date but did learn it's on the list.

Thank you,


« Reply #36 on: April 24, 2017, 11:10 »
Thanks Mat for the good news.

« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2017, 08:10 »
I've just given up on uploading via the Adobe interface and gone back to Fotolia. Two issues arise from my workflow:

1. Only the first part of the filename is visible. Where clips are visually similar I need to see the whole filename to identify which clip is which.

2. I enter keywords by cutting and pasting from Lightroom, which arranges them alphabetically. This is not a problem for any other agency than FT/Adobe which requires them in priority order. In the Adobe upload interface I can only move one keyword at a time so reordering is difficult and time consuming. At least with the  FT upload interface I can select several separate keywords and move them all to the top in one operation.

For the moment at least I will stick with the FT upload interface.

« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2017, 08:59 »
I've just given up on uploading via the Adobe interface and gone back to Fotolia. Two issues arise from my workflow:

1. Only the first part of the filename is visible. Where clips are visually similar I need to see the whole filename to identify which clip is which.

2. I enter keywords by cutting and pasting from Lightroom, which arranges them alphabetically. This is not a problem for any other agency than FT/Adobe which requires them in priority order. In the Adobe upload interface I can only move one keyword at a time so reordering is difficult and time consuming. At least with the  FT upload interface I can select several separate keywords and move them all to the top in one operation.

For the moment at least I will stick with the FT upload interface.
I stick with FT too because of the keywording.

Lightroom put my keywords in alphabetical order which is fine with the other agencies.

I have all file names, titles, descriptions and keywords in a spreadsheed, where the keywords are arranged after importance. So when I upload to FT, I replace the title with the description, and the keywords with keywords in importance order, simply by copy/pasting from the spreadsheet.

The keyword part of it I can't get to work with Adobe Stock. The comma separated keywords don't get separated.


« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2017, 13:44 »
I asked on the other thread but as I know you are reading this one a question for Mat. As an emerald contributor how do I  raise my file prices using the adobe interface?

« Reply #40 on: May 01, 2017, 15:25 »
since most of us already have keywords in the IPTC, a better use for autokeywording would be to suggest ADDITIONAL keywords

but a MUCH more useful tool would be auto-categorizing, which is currently the slowest part of submitting (still faster than many sites)

« Reply #41 on: May 01, 2017, 22:01 »
This is great I've been a fan of Fotolia for 10 years with thousands of images. I see the port in my adobe account....but the uploader just does not seem to be working. I can't see my files uploaded and I can't keyword them because they do not upload. I'm uploading the correct file types. I provided an image of my screen. Kind of at a lose....does anyone know how to upload to adobe?

« Reply #42 on: May 01, 2017, 22:16 »
This is great I've been a fan of Fotolia for 10 years with thousands of images. I see the port in my adobe account....but the uploader just does not seem to be working. I can't see my files uploaded and I can't keyword them because they do not upload. I'm uploading the correct file types. I provided an image of my screen. Kind of at a lose....does anyone know how to upload to adobe?

Their eps conversion went down a few days ago. I'm not sure what the ETA is on it being back up. Here's the thread:

« Reply #43 on: May 02, 2017, 14:18 »
since most of us already have keywords in the IPTC, a better use for autokeywording would be to suggest ADDITIONAL keywords

but a MUCH more useful tool would be auto-categorizing, which is currently the slowest part of submitting (still faster than many sites)

The auto-category feature you described is in place and works very well. Check it out!



« Reply #44 on: May 02, 2017, 15:12 »
While submitting an image today I've noticed that the free section is turned on.
I had turned it off previously and it was off by default.
I've checked my previous files and it seems it was turned on for some time.
I am not sure how this happened.

« Reply #45 on: May 02, 2017, 15:25 »
While submitting an image today I've noticed that the free section is turned on.
I had turned it off previously and it was off by default.
I've checked my previous files and it seems it was turned on for some time.
I am not sure how this happened.

How do we tell if this is turned on? especially for past images that might have been submitted that way?


« Reply #46 on: May 02, 2017, 15:27 »
If you go to edit you could see if it is yes or no.

« Reply #47 on: May 02, 2017, 15:43 »
While submitting an image today I've noticed that the free section is turned on.
I had turned it off previously and it was off by default.
I've checked my previous files and it seems it was turned on for some time.
I am not sure how this happened.

Default is "yes" for free section, it always was that way. It resets to "yes" each time. First thing I do when uploading is : select all images, turn off free images, deselect all.

If I remember correctly, only rejected images go to the free section if this option is set to "yes".
« Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 15:50 by Dodie »


« Reply #48 on: May 02, 2017, 16:00 »
It was yes by default but once changed the new default was no, at least for me.

« Reply #49 on: May 02, 2017, 17:40 »
If you upload via Adobe Stock, there is no free section and any rejected images will not go to Fotolia's free section (although I thought that was removed anyway, but I'm not sure about that)


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