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Author Topic: Adobe Stock Contributor Portal update  (Read 53202 times)

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« Reply #25 on: October 29, 2016, 07:50 »
I don't think anyone is forecasting a change in the UK exchange rate anytime soon so it looks pretty major and sustained from where I sit

« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2016, 09:19 »
Hi Mat,

will there be a way to apply to Fotolia Infinite?

Or to suggest exclusive images upon upload for macro inspection?

You could also give us a quota. 5 files a month, 10 files a month, that we can suggest for the editors, depending on rank.

You have artists from all over the world, if you give them a clear guidance or monthly missions or themes, you will be able to choose from a lot of interesting stuff.


« Reply #27 on: October 30, 2016, 03:32 »
Infinite or not its not going to make the slightest difference if its subjected to the same algorithm as A/FT is it.


« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2016, 04:34 »
At Adobe Stock and Fotolia we are selling content from contributors around the world to a global community of buyers. The royalties earned are based on the purchase price of an image in the local currency. We are keeping an eye on currency fluctuations, and if there is a major and sustained trend in currency conversion rates we take action to adjust. At this time we dont have plans to adjust the GBP conversion.

Kind regards,

Mat Hayward

Is there anyway to get paid in US dollars rather than your home currency?

« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2016, 13:43 »
You get paid in $ on every other agency. At least at Fotolia I'm not loosing money when converting $ into ....

« Reply #30 on: October 30, 2016, 14:03 »
At Adobe Stock and Fotolia we are selling content from contributors around the world to a global community of buyers. The royalties earned are based on the purchase price of an image in the local currency. We are keeping an eye on currency fluctuations, and if there is a major and sustained trend in currency conversion rates we take action to adjust. At this time we dont have plans to adjust the GBP conversion.

Kind regards,

Mat Hayward

Is there anyway to get paid in US dollars rather than your home currency?

Perfect way here, always finding something wrong. Used to be for years how people paid in pounds made more and US contributors wanted to be paid in pounds.!/msg468017/#msg468017


  • UK
« Reply #31 on: October 30, 2016, 14:17 »
You get paid in $ on every other agency. At least at Fotolia I'm not loosing money when converting $ into ....

Paypal takes around 4% for the currency conversion. Banks take 1% to 3% usually. Do you prefer to pay 17% (now and possibly more when GBP goes lower) at Fotolia for it?


« Reply #32 on: October 30, 2016, 14:32 »
At Adobe Stock and Fotolia we are selling content from contributors around the world to a global community of buyers. The royalties earned are based on the purchase price of an image in the local currency. We are keeping an eye on currency fluctuations, and if there is a major and sustained trend in currency conversion rates we take action to adjust. At this time we dont have plans to adjust the GBP conversion.

Kind regards,

Mat Hayward

Why don't you allow us to choose currency for each payment?

Since there is not a "major and sustained trend in currency conversion rates" I am sure it will cost you nothing  ;)


« Reply #33 on: October 30, 2016, 15:34 »
I've gone through the login process twice. After I login with my Adobe ID, it asks me if I'm have a Fotolia account. I say yes and enter that ID and password - it's not an email address. It then asks me to upload images as if I have none. If I log out and start over, I get the same thing. 

Edit: After the 3rd time logging out and back in, my images appeared. I'm still not sure of the advantage of learning a new interface, but I'll check it out

First thing I notice is there isn't much information. Stats page is pretty bare bones. I'll probably keep using Fotolia until things get fleshed out
« Last Edit: October 30, 2016, 15:40 by Darryl Brooks »


  • UK
« Reply #34 on: November 22, 2016, 10:52 »
attn Mat Hayward:

Mat, does Adobe Stock use the same search engine as Fotolia? Or you created the new one?

« Reply #35 on: November 22, 2016, 12:23 »
attn Mat Hayward:

Mat, does Adobe Stock use the same search engine as Fotolia? Or you created the new one?

@Pureart, the Adobe Stock search engine is different from Fotolia. We are continuously fine tuning our efforts to return highly applicable results.


« Reply #36 on: November 22, 2016, 12:48 »

thank you so much for being here, I really appreciate it.

Adobe can really help bring some balance to the industry. i also hope you guys will do well with macrostock.


« Reply #37 on: November 22, 2016, 12:52 »
attn Mat Hayward:

Mat, does Adobe Stock use the same search engine as Fotolia? Or you created the new one?

@Pureart, the Adobe Stock search engine is different from Fotolia. We are continuously fine tuning our efforts to return highly applicable results.


It's the most irritating search engine ever.

If you search for unusual items the site substitutes what it thinks you should be looking for and defaults to video only searches.

When you select "ALL" it just takes you back to a blank search screen.

C'mon it's been like this for weeks can't you get them to fix it?  ???


  • UK
« Reply #38 on: November 22, 2016, 16:23 »
@Pureart, the Adobe Stock search engine is different from Fotolia.

Thanks. Should we still move the most important keywords to the beginning of the list?

« Reply #39 on: November 22, 2016, 18:56 »
@Pureart, the Adobe Stock search engine is different from Fotolia.

Thanks. Should we still move the most important keywords to the beginning of the list?

Yes, that is still the same. The most relevant keywords must be listed in the first 7.



  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #40 on: November 22, 2016, 19:58 »

Are you sure that the first seven are key to search success? I have quite a lot of files where I forgot to re-sort (as you know Lightroom exports keywords alphabetically) and if I search for "lincoln memorial dawn", one of my images pops up in second position. The three keywords are well down the list. I can change "dawn" to "sunrise" - even further down the list, and I still appear in 4th position. I was thinking of going through my files one by one on the site and re-organizing the keywords, but it does look, from this experiment, that the results may not be dramatic.


« Reply #41 on: November 22, 2016, 21:42 »

Are you sure that the first seven are key to search success?

Yes, for sure. Everyone I have talked to that has anything to do with the search tools has affirmed to me there is a distinct priority placed on the first 7 in the results.


« Reply #42 on: November 23, 2016, 01:06 »
Hi Mat,

Will we be able to edit our keywords and titles at all? I have a lot of files uploaded when I started earlier this year and my keywording was a mess. I haven't spammed but my keywords could be much better and more relevant. I imagine a lot of people are in the same situation.

« Reply #43 on: November 23, 2016, 02:22 »
You are already able to re-edit kewywords. From adobe stock, not fotolia.

« Reply #44 on: November 23, 2016, 05:17 »
You are already able to re-edit kewywords. From adobe stock, not fotolia.

Thanks for that Dumc. I have logged into Adobe Stock but preferred the Fotolia site. I will get cracking on those keywords :)

« Reply #45 on: November 25, 2016, 18:59 »
« Last Edit: November 25, 2016, 19:24 by McNcM »


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #46 on: November 28, 2016, 09:22 »

I tried to prepare some video for submission in the Adobe site - I couldn't see any way of simply copying all my keywords into the form. When I tried to do that into one of the keyword boxes, they all stayed in that one box (they were separated by semi-colons). In the Fotolia indexing page, I can just copy my keywords in and they are all recognized as separate keywords.



« Reply #47 on: November 28, 2016, 09:34 »
I really wish there was other ways then just this ftp to upload footage. Myslf and some others here just have constant hickups with ftp!

« Reply #48 on: November 28, 2016, 11:04 »

I tried to prepare some video for submission in the Adobe site - I couldn't see any way of simply copying all my keywords into the form. When I tried to do that into one of the keyword boxes, they all stayed in that one box (they were separated by semi-colons). In the Fotolia indexing page, I can just copy my keywords in and they are all recognized as separate keywords.


Hi Steve,

After you copy your keywords into the top box you need to hit the 'tab' key to distribute them to their own individual boxes.



  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #49 on: November 29, 2016, 09:04 »
Thanks Mat

This didn't work for me - first, there aren't enough characters in the keyword box and so it truncates the list of keywords, and then pressing Tab only moved the cursor to the next keyword box. It didn't distribute them.



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