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Author Topic: Adobe quarters and years  (Read 10228 times)

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« Reply #50 on: September 02, 2024, 18:07 »

SS I don't even comment on it anymore because it's useless anyway,I've been saying for 2 years that SS is an agency in decline,many didn't believe it because they still earned well,and some still manage to earn well,but there are fewer and fewer of them.


so which is it? how can it be useless when 'many' still see it earn more than AS.  it m ay be useless FOR YOU, but maybe you need a different emphasis.  we can't see your portffolio so can't comment further

the fact that there may be fewer contributors doesn't mean the agency is in decline 

« Reply #51 on: September 03, 2024, 05:50 »

SS I don't even comment on it anymore because it's useless anyway,I've been saying for 2 years that SS is an agency in decline,many didn't believe it because they still earned well,and some still manage to earn well,but there are fewer and fewer of them.


so which is it? how can it be useless when 'many' still see it earn more than AS.  it m ay be useless FOR YOU, but maybe you need a different emphasis.  we can't see your portffolio so can't comment further

the fact that there may be fewer contributors doesn't mean the agency is in decline

YOU and YOU! :D

in my opinion Shutterstock is an agency in decline,and is useless to me,and this is the case according to many other contributors from what I see.

Isn't that the case for YOU?Good,better for YOU!  :D

« Reply #52 on: September 04, 2024, 02:44 »
Far too many variables for each person experience in stock to be able to compare your sales to the next, for me Adobe sales are still best performer but are decreasing in 2024 and think it will get worse in 2025 onwards, Shutterstock almost matched Adobe for me this month. Still decent pocket money for 60mins hobby work every week, around $800/month.

Of course,everyone thinks based on their own experiences.

you certainly can't complain,800 usd for a hobby is a good result.

SS I don't even comment on it anymore because it's useless anyway,I've been saying for 2 years that SS is an agency in decline,many didn't believe it because they still earned well,and some still manage to earn well,but there are fewer and fewer of them.

Better to invest your time in something solid like Adobe,but we must also accept the changes,and evolve accordingly,we cannot offer the same stock on Adobe that was done 10 years ago.

of course,even a classic stock is fine and can sell,i also do classic stock,but a more modern stock certainly offers greater possibilities.

Dont put all your eggs in one basket.  When it will bite, will hurt a lot. Ive been reading lately comments, and Ive seen that you really rely on Adobe, its like you know the director and its your best friend. Its just business, diversify. Unless you have unique contract with Adobe. I started last year, while Adobe pays the most and I like it, why should I not earn extra from other agencies?

« Reply #53 on: September 04, 2024, 03:28 »
Far too many variables for each person experience in stock to be able to compare your sales to the next, for me Adobe sales are still best performer but are decreasing in 2024 and think it will get worse in 2025 onwards, Shutterstock almost matched Adobe for me this month. Still decent pocket money for 60mins hobby work every week, around $800/month.

Of course,everyone thinks based on their own experiences.

you certainly can't complain,800 usd for a hobby is a good result.

SS I don't even comment on it anymore because it's useless anyway,I've been saying for 2 years that SS is an agency in decline,many didn't believe it because they still earned well,and some still manage to earn well,but there are fewer and fewer of them.

Better to invest your time in something solid like Adobe,but we must also accept the changes,and evolve accordingly,we cannot offer the same stock on Adobe that was done 10 years ago.

of course,even a classic stock is fine and can sell,i also do classic stock,but a more modern stock certainly offers greater possibilities.

Dont put all your eggs in one basket.  When it will bite, will hurt a lot. Ive been reading lately comments, and Ive seen that you really rely on Adobe, its like you know the director and its your best friend. Its just business, diversify. Unless you have unique contract with Adobe. I started last year, while Adobe pays the most and I like it, why should I not earn extra from other agencies?

thank you for the advice.

I started with many agencies,and in fact I still have several active ports in other agencies,I simply decided to concentrate my efforts on the best agency which is Adobe.

what you say makes sense,but in my opinion you are underestimating the advantage of working with a single agency.

I also worked with Istock before,I worked very hard,I dedicated 4 whole years of my life to Istock,and to do what?To get a nice kick in the butt with an email that arrived in the middle of the night.

it's not like Istock emailed me to tell me:"We encountered this problem,do you have anything to say about it?"

no,they proclaimed themselves judges,jury,prosecution and accused,they did everything themselves,completely getting the evaluation wrong,and destroying 4 and a half years of work in a second.

Are these the agencies you are referring to?

No thanks,I prefer to work with serious people.

Now my goal is to make a good income with Adobe,and then maybe I can think about broadening my horizons in the future.

And then there are also other reasons,including,in my opinion,the future of microstock is with Adobe and then working only with one agency has many advantages.

but it is still an open door,for the moment I feel like doing this,then I will evaluate.

I know that I always speak well of Adobe,but simply because I tell the truth,what in my opinion makes sense and is true,I am not Adobe's lawyer,and if I think that Adobe is doing something that I don't think is right I have no problem saying so.

« Reply #54 on: September 04, 2024, 12:28 »


I started with many agencies,and in fact I still have several active ports in other agencies,I simply decided to concentrate my efforts on the best agency which is Adobe.

what you say makes sense,but in my opinion you are underestimating the advantage of working with a single agency.

Now my goal is to make a good income with Adobe,and then maybe I can think about broadening my horizons in the future.


what are the advantages of working w a single agency when you're no exclusive?


« Reply #55 on: September 04, 2024, 12:51 »
I would not be exclusive with any agency, none of them are worth it. I like Adobe but seriously their wait times for inspection are insane. Your images are out of date by the time they get around to approving them. That is bad mojo. That said, even submitting to a half a dozen agencies still barely cover the expenses if at all. It is not a growth industry for the contributor and it will only become worse over time. Throwing all your eggs in one basket in this climate is fiscal suicide.

« Reply #56 on: September 04, 2024, 16:38 »

if a customer searches for a cockroach,the search will not return much content,so if you have a cockroach it is very likely that you will sell it.

only 65,000+ images and almost 3900 videos, so hardly an empty category (although I suspect getting on the first page of search there would bring decent sales)

I would consider an empty category something that there is only one page of search results - so you can't help but show up on page one.

in any case - getting a $ increase larger than the increase in assets for sale means you are doing something right. In fact I would be pleased to get an increase = to the increase in assets.

Personally, I don't believe it is just having been on adobe longer and I think that is a very small factor in the search algo if at all.

« Reply #57 on: September 05, 2024, 04:26 »


I started with many agencies,and in fact I still have several active ports in other agencies,I simply decided to concentrate my efforts on the best agency which is Adobe.

what you say makes sense,but in my opinion you are underestimating the advantage of working with a single agency.

Now my goal is to make a good income with Adobe,and then maybe I can think about broadening my horizons in the future.


what are the advantages of working w a single agency when you're no exclusive?

the advantages are many.

the main one is certainly time.

I have more time to produce more,to index the contents better,which is a very important thing,at the same level as the content.

I had some content that was selling ok,but then I changed the keywords and since I did I sell it much more often.

take care of the portfolio better,see better what sells the most,and I also have the certainty of entrusting my contents to the best hands.

misunderstandings with agencies often arise from someone who steals the content and uploads it everywhere,in other agencies they don't care,at most they delete the content and leave the thieves' port open,with Adobe this doesn't happen.

an example was recently published by Alex on "Brutally Honest" blog:

"Adobe Stock investigated the situation and transferred $29 from the thiefs account to Dmitry"

"Dmitrys attempts to recover royalties were largely ignored by Shutterstock and Getty,even though some of the stolen images,may have sold for as much as $372 on Getty (via 500px)".

as you can see,the only agency that showed the seriousness of reimbursing the robbed contributor was Adobe.

working only with Adobe,I have the certainty of entrusting my contents to the best hands,selling at the best prices,I have more time to do anything,furthermore I don't compete with myself with the new and best contents,as it is possible to find them only on Adobe.

the advantages are many,of course if you want short-term money it is not the best strategy,but if you aim for a long-term result in my opinion it is the best strategy.

« Reply #58 on: September 05, 2024, 04:45 »

if a customer searches for a cockroach,the search will not return much content,so if you have a cockroach it is very likely that you will sell it.

only 65,000+ images and almost 3900 videos, so hardly an empty category (although I suspect getting on the first page of search there would bring decent sales)

I would consider an empty category something that there is only one page of search results - so you can't help but show up on page one.

in any case - getting a $ increase larger than the increase in assets for sale means you are doing something right. In fact I would be pleased to get an increase = to the increase in assets.

Personally, I don't believe it is just having been on adobe longer and I think that is a very small factor in the search algo if at all.

There are only 21,965 real photos of cockroaches on Adobe,
if you have a good real photo of a cockroach it will definitely sell!  :D

yes,probably the total number of sales achieved has a greater impact on the search algorithm,but to reach a certain number of sales it still takes time,and today it takes much longer than 10 years ago.

the sales system has an important impact on the total sales made,but in my opinion the most important thing remains what types of content for sale,quantity and the keywords.

today the quantity produced has its own weight,more than the past,lately I have been keeping an average of 200 approved contents per month,which in my opinion is fine,I believe that for to do a good job max 300 is possible,but uploading more than 300 contents per month,in my opinion,means doing them badly,also in terms of indexing.

« Reply #59 on: September 05, 2024, 05:07 »
I would not be exclusive with any agency, none of them are worth it. I like Adobe but seriously their wait times for inspection are insane. Your images are out of date by the time they get around to approving them. That is bad mojo. That said, even submitting to a half a dozen agencies still barely cover the expenses if at all. It is not a growth industry for the contributor and it will only become worse over time. Throwing all your eggs in one basket in this climate is fiscal suicide.

it is a difficult job that requires a lot of patience,but if you work consistently,the results come over the years.

imo,precisely in this climate,throwing content to any agency is madness,today more than ever we need to be very selective,a good one is better than 10,two good are better than 20.

but for those who have already had a solid portfolio for over 10 years,the situation can be different imo.

I have been a contributor for only 6 years,and I advise those who start today to very carefully select the agencies to which they entrust their work.

« Reply #60 on: September 05, 2024, 07:30 »
I think diversifying across major stock sites is a good strategy as opposed to exclusivity, because success in stock has a significant amount of luck associated with it. In my experience content can sell hundreds of times on one platform and barely any times on others, and it all just depends on whether you got lucky with the algorithm.

« Reply #61 on: September 05, 2024, 11:11 »

I would consider an empty category something that there is only one page of search results - so you can't help but show up on page one.

For me anything below 5000 is an empty category. A lot of the content is newbie fluff stuff, usually 80% is lesser quality than I can produce. In fact, it actually helps my content stand out.

Then gradually over a year at least one of the files will move to page 1-3, which is enough to bring visibility.

My process is slow, but reliable, at least for me.

« Reply #62 on: September 05, 2024, 17:02 »
I think diversifying across major stock sites is a good strategy as opposed to exclusivity, because success in stock has a significant amount of luck associated with it. In my experience content can sell hundreds of times on one platform and barely any times on others, and it all just depends on whether you got lucky with the algorithm.

exactly - my sales among SS, AS & DT have always been different, especially since many of my sales are editorial that AS won't accept

« Reply #63 on: September 06, 2024, 05:48 »
exactly,often there is no right or wrong,but only what suits us best.

differences,different points of view often arise from this,because for someone else based on his experience,just can't see the reasons of another who has a different experience.

in the end it's all subjective,it depends on what we prefer and what we think best suits our situation.

« Reply #64 on: September 09, 2024, 12:51 »
after a good day from a production and sales point of view,given that today I sold double my Monday average,after this day I "had fun" calculating the difference between the various Augusts over the years,the results are very interesting and seen in this light they have a completely different perspective.

      Adobe August 2024 compared to:

         number of sales-earnings

       2023:   +53%          +93%
       2022:   +77%          +225%
       2021:   +100%        +84%
       2020:   +283%        +649%
       2019:   +1433%      +2990%  8)

I understand that there is no question at all that if you continue to work consistently,there will be notable growth over the years,at least this is my experience.

another important fact is certainly that in this month so far AS is about 600% more than SS,I have more content on Adobe,but also on SS I have a large port,600% more in terms of money than SS is impressive!

Keep it up! :)

« Reply #65 on: September 10, 2024, 11:47 »
Selling images on different stock sites might not be diversifying, its still in the same category. Selling images on FAA or Etsy would be diversifying and may protect you if stock industry would be outsourced to creators in 3rd world countries who would use AI to create everything and be happy with lower prices

« Reply #66 on: September 10, 2024, 12:23 »
Selling images on different stock sites might not be diversifying, its still in the same category. Selling images on FAA or Etsy would be diversifying and may protect you if stock industry would be outsourced to creators in 3rd world countries who would use AI to create everything and be happy with lower prices

At the moment uploading to FAA, and to Pictorem. And will upload phone images to stock and camera images to print sites. Not sure how good idea is this .

« Reply #67 on: September 11, 2024, 05:20 »
as far as I'm concerned,POD is a waste of time,of course you can sell and earn,even good if you sell,but it's an activity that takes up too much time and the results are not guaranteed.

this is my humble opinion about it,the opinion of someone who is not an expert on the subject but has followed many experiences of those who have ventured into this category.

"3rd world countries who would use AI to create everything and be happy with lower prices?"

It doesn't scare me,it depends on what you create,and I'm sure you know it better than me.

if you create content with AI using not only prompts but also skills that can only be gained over the years,no creator who only uses AI with only prompts will be able to copy your results,in some cases can get close,but it won't be never the same.

or like this,or produce AI in quantity only with prompts why not?that way it works too,but over time they can copy your results.

I prefer to put my own spin on it.

then for the rest,I'm still evaluating whether to continue on Adobe or not,the results are encouraging,but as I said I have to be able to at least achieve an 80% increase in the next 4 years,because unfortunately I'm no longer 30 years old.

« Reply #68 on: September 13, 2024, 12:29 »
Far too many variables for each person experience in stock to be able to compare your sales to the next, for me Adobe sales are still best performer but are decreasing in 2024 and think it will get worse in 2025 onwards, Shutterstock almost matched Adobe for me this month. Still decent pocket money for 60mins hobby work every week, around $800/month.

Adobe also on the slow decline for me, I think the tide is beginning to turn for this agency (in terms of income for contributors) but I knew it would happen eventually. Although, I'm trying my best to give it one last shot and see if I can fight the tide, so I'll continue this year and early into 2025 with my best work. We'll see what happens but my instincts are shouting out "abandon ship!"

« Reply #69 on: October 01, 2024, 05:33 »
another month is over,it's time for calculations again!

September 2024 compared to September 2023:

-255,3% sales number  -189,7% earnings  :o  (including Firefly bonus)

September 2023 was a month out of the ordinary,the only month out of pattern in more than 6 years,so to have a more real comparison here are another 2 months:

compared to August 2023:

+56,6% sales number  +93,05 money (without Firefly bonus)

compared to October 2023:

+34,2% sales  +34,2% money (without Firefly bonus)

sales and earnings are increasing,but it is a low increase,I am not satisfied with the results,I should earn more,considering my current portfolio.

and now for all the skeptics of the sales system here is another proof:

I calculated the average number of sales for these first 9 months of 2024,and then i calculated the change in the number of sales compared to the 9-month average.

0=average value of 9 months.

sales numbers per month,compared to the 9 month average:

Jan -4,7

Feb +3,3

Mar +6,3

Apr +0,3

May -8,7

Jun +0,3

Jul +0,3

Aug +1,3

Sep +2,3

as you can see it is too stable and constant to be a simple coincidence,it is clear that there is a system that regulates and distributes customer requests,and therefore sales.

there are also 3 months out of 9 with the exact same number of sales,and another 2 months with 1 or 2 sales of difference.

How many chances are there that in 9 months you will get the exact same number of sales 3 times?If it's a coincidence it's a pretty big coincidence!

this demonstrates the fact that even when there wil be more than a billion content or more in the Adobe Stock library,we will all continue to sell.

Sales are based on a system that regulates and distributes,based on conditions that no one knows exactly what they are,but as far as I'm concerned the existence of this sales system is confirmed,there is sufficient evidence.

however,it is possible that the "range of action" during a year is determined by the amount of useful content that generated at least one sale during the previous year,I do not exclude this possibility.

in any case,all these reasoning aside,my sales will have to increase a lot next year,or I will have to reevaluate my position and the time spent on this job,because unfortunately I am no longer very young,I can't wait too many years.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2024, 06:11 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #70 on: October 01, 2024, 08:02 »
Injustice for all, have you been banned on iStock? Why?

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #71 on: October 01, 2024, 11:19 »
Injustice for all, have you been banned on iStock? Why?

Glad to see you picked up on that too, I was going to ask the same question:

I also worked with Istock before,I worked very hard,I dedicated 4 whole years of my life to Istock,and to do what?To get a nice kick in the butt with an email that arrived in the middle of the night.

it's not like Istock emailed me to tell me:"We encountered this problem,do you have anything to say about it?"

no,they proclaimed themselves judges,jury,prosecution and accused,they did everything themselves,completely getting the evaluation wrong,and destroying 4 and a half years of work in a second.

iStock Exclusive? What happened? No appeal?

This is why exclusive doesn't work. It's also funny to remember people saying Adobe should offer an exclusive program, or SS should, when they would never want that for their own reasons. None of that is about us, or our benefit or gain.

« Reply #72 on: October 01, 2024, 12:32 »
-255,3% sales number  -189,7% earnings 

Wow, you are terrible at math!

-100% would mean you had NO sales and NO earnings. You can't get lower than that.

« Reply #73 on: October 01, 2024, 15:52 »
-255,3% sales number  -189,7% earnings 

Wow, you are terrible at math!

-100% would mean you had NO sales and NO earnings. You can't get lower than that.

 :D -100% is simply the percentage you earned less than another figure....such as 9375894646853!  :D

« Reply #74 on: October 01, 2024, 16:18 »
Injustice for all, have you been banned on iStock? Why?

Glad to see you picked up on that too, I was going to ask the same question:

I also worked with Istock before,I worked very hard,I dedicated 4 whole years of my life to Istock,and to do what?To get a nice kick in the butt with an email that arrived in the middle of the night.

it's not like Istock emailed me to tell me:"We encountered this problem,do you have anything to say about it?"

no,they proclaimed themselves judges,jury,prosecution and accused,they did everything themselves,completely getting the evaluation wrong,and destroying 4 and a half years of work in a second.

iStock Exclusive? What happened? No appeal?

This is why exclusive doesn't work. It's also funny to remember people saying Adobe should offer an exclusive program, or SS should, when they would never want that for their own reasons. None of that is about us, or our benefit or gain.

with Istock there was simply a misunderstanding,whoever dealt with my case is not an expert in creative software,perhaps he is an expert in business economics,marketing or something else,I don't know,but he certainly doesn't know Photoshop and Illustrator.

I then replied to the email and explained what they were doing wrong,and then they sent me another email in which they changed the reasons for their decision and started accusing me of stealing content from free sites!  :D

I honestly have never been interested in free sites,because frankly I consider them a shame and in my opinion they should be illegal,unfortunately we still live in the stone age.

I still have the Istock emails stored,which until now I have not disclosed to protect my work,but not because I am the master of microstock,I am nobody,but I still have my ideas that I want to protect.

I tell you honestly that I didn't sleep at all for a week,then I slowly recovered.

now after a long time I realize that they did me a favor and I am happy to work with Adobe,because regardless of the results,I know I am putting my work and my time in the best hands.


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