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Author Topic: Adobe has blocked my account  (Read 14052 times)

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« Reply #25 on: June 02, 2024, 14:31 »
sorry to hear that.  hope it's resolved quickly.  keep us updated.

« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2024, 23:14 »
Just got blocked too with 12k videos and 1,500$ in my portfolio.

I am a full time stock contributor and Adobe is my best earner. I don't work with AI and I have no idea what is going on.
I sent them a message, but I'm still waiting for a response...   >:(

did you received any email on why they blocked it?

« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2024, 04:42 »
this is the email I got;

Your account has been blocked for submitting content that violates Adobe Stock submission guidelines, or for activities that violate the Adobe Stock Contributor Terms, on the basis of internal review of your content and account. These content or account activities were found to be incompatible with the Stock Contributor Terms, because they are prohibited under Stock account and submission guidelines, such as submitting offensive content, excessive submissions, content to which you may not own the rights, spam, or other prohibited content or account activity.

For more information on why your account has been blocked, and your appeals options, see the Submission Guidelines.

After I sent them an email they answered;

Your content may be removed, or your account may be deactivated, for not complying with these Account and Content Submission Guidelines.

If your content has been removed, or your account blocked, due to a violation of our Terms (including these Account and Submission Guidelines), and you dispute the decision, you may file an appeal or use an out-of-court dispute resolution option (where applicable in your jurisdiction) by following the process here:

I am becoming kind of desperate here. MAT please HELP

« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2024, 04:48 »
A generic email that gives the contributor no idea at all what the apparently violation is gives them no real clue how to appeal or how to fix it.
Its pretty poor from AS to do that.
If someone is banned they at least deserve to be told exactly what the violation is that triggered it.  Not some generic, no-detail email out of a template.

« Reply #29 on: June 03, 2024, 04:57 »
What exactly did you violated? You need to have some information before you make an appeal. Did you asked them?

« Reply #30 on: June 03, 2024, 05:33 »
I ask them and got this generic answer. I don't know what else to do.

Does anyone knows how to contact Mat?
« Last Edit: June 03, 2024, 06:20 by rod-09 »

« Reply #31 on: June 03, 2024, 06:46 »
I ask them and got this generic answer. I don't know what else to do.

Does anyone knows how to contact Mat?

I have just sent you a PM.

« Reply #32 on: June 03, 2024, 07:05 »
Follow the process outlined to you and you should get your account back. When you get it back read the guidelines and go through your account and delete anything that, even if the reviewers accepted it, should not have been accepted. Look for IP infringements, and if your account includes AI, look for AI issues such as extra fingers and other artifacts.

EDIT: I see you don't submit AI so ignore the part above about extra fingers etc :)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2024, 07:13 by synthetick »

« Reply #33 on: June 03, 2024, 07:24 »
Thank you @Wilm. I sent him a message.

@synthetick "Follow the process outlined to you and you should get your account back"

I hope you are right, but what process outlined to me are you referring to?

« Reply #34 on: June 03, 2024, 07:50 »
My account was  deactivated without any explanation, and it remained locked for 6 weeks without any justification provided for the deactivation. I filled out an appeal form and just waited for a response.A few days after unlocking my account, I discovered that some funds had been deducted from my balance. The lack of communication from Adobe regarding the reasons behind these actions has left me extremely frustrated. What's more concerning is that I'm not the only one who has experienced this issue.

« Reply #35 on: June 03, 2024, 08:37 »
I'm starting to think that someone with stolen credit cards or abused accounts is working to do massive buy to generate automatic kick off of long time contributors...

BTW I don't know Rod-09 and I don't know nothing about his deactivation-block reason. But it seems to me that several long time contributors are affected, and this is strange  ::)
Adobe should absolutely work in more clear process to let contributors know the reason of any blocking
« Last Edit: June 03, 2024, 08:46 by derby »

« Reply #36 on: June 03, 2024, 10:43 »
....Your account has been blocked for submitting content that violates Adobe Stock submission guidelines, or for activities that violate the Adobe Stock Contributor Terms, on the basis of internal review... such as submitting offensive content, excessive submissions, content to which you may not own the rights, spam, or other prohibited content or account activity....

I obviously know nothing about what happened to trigger this account block, but neither do you, which is IMO the problem. For there to be any reasonableness to this process Adobe Stock needs to mirror basic legal principles where they are specific about what violations they accuse you of.

Image numbers (submitted or approved) that violate terms; how many submissions on what days that were "excessive", etc.

Anyone can read the submission guidelines  and contributor terms, but that doesn't help a contributor (a) know what they are accused of doing, (b) offer a clarification (such as proof of rights ownership, or (c) remove content where necessary and stay within whatever number of submissions is not "excessive"

This isn't hard.

This isn't the first time this has come up.

I'm 100% behind an agency having the right to close contributor accounts where there are violations of terms of service, but there needs to be a process and it needs to be transparent and fair.

« Reply #37 on: June 03, 2024, 11:12 »
....Your account has been blocked for submitting content that violates Adobe Stock submission guidelines, or for activities that violate the Adobe Stock Contributor Terms, on the basis of internal review... such as submitting offensive content, excessive submissions, content to which you may not own the rights, spam, or other prohibited content or account activity....

I obviously know nothing about what happened to trigger this account block, but neither do you, which is IMO the problem. For there to be any reasonableness to this process Adobe Stock needs to mirror basic legal principles where they are specific about what violations they accuse you of.

Image numbers (submitted or approved) that violate terms; how many submissions on what days that were "excessive", etc.

Anyone can read the submission guidelines  and contributor terms, but that doesn't help a contributor (a) know what they are accused of doing, (b) offer a clarification (such as proof of rights ownership, or (c) remove content where necessary and stay within whatever number of submissions is not "excessive"

This isn't hard.

This isn't the first time this has come up.

I'm 100% behind an agency having the right to close contributor accounts where there are violations of terms of service, but there needs to be a process and it needs to be transparent and fair.

There was one last week on FB that looked the same.  A contributor who has been doing it a fair time, no issues.  Had a strange "download bomb" one day.  He thought it suspicious enough to post on the forum asking "Whats happening here?" AND informed Adobe about it (got no response).
A few days later, email stating his account had been banned with the same generic email as above.

Although most are genuine rule breaks im seeing enough anecdotally to suggest not all are and on top of that, communication from the company is effectively nil with no detail provided to allow you to fix, appeal or even understand.
If you dont know MSG exists and the likes of Matt, outside here, there seems to be no way at all of getting a response.

« Reply #38 on: June 03, 2024, 12:09 »
This is the stuff of nightmares. When you've been doing this for years (more than a decade) and it's your sole income, hearing this type of thing happen and the response...

"If you don't hear anything within 15 business days (check your spam folder for a reply), send a follow-up inquiry."

Sends a chill down your spine. There would be outrage if employers started suspending staff home without pay with no easy way to find out what they've supposed to have done.

I hope Matt or, another member of staff at Adobe could provide some sort of reassurance or advise of a process that doesn't involve sending an email and hoping someone may get back to you in a few weeks... that level of stress is just cruel for those who are innocent. If you stop someone's income, they should make it a priority to either confirm what that person has done exactly, not a cut and paste reply, giving you a chance to respond.... or, reactivate your portfolio asap if it's deemed to be an error.

I know there must be a stack of dodgy accounts out there but surely there must be a way to protect the innocent as well. This just doesn't sound like the Adobe I've come to know over the years.

« Reply #39 on: June 03, 2024, 13:30 »
It is very frustrating to keep reading this.

I certainly support agencies to go after fraud and criminals, but so many longterm artists are suddenly cut off from their income.

It has again made me realise that I must put more effort into distributors like BB. At least then the individual account cannot be closed down. Unless you yourself do something bad and BB itself kicks you out.

Also if you write something on the net that company people don't like, nobody can hit an individual delete portfolio button.

I hope the issue for the latest artist affected here gets resolved quickly.

Adobe is my biggest stock agency, the thought criminals can lock me down by abusing credit cards on my port is frightening.

« Reply #40 on: June 03, 2024, 14:50 »
Proposal @Mat
I know very well how can be difficult in big company to talk from a dept to another, sometimes communication is not easy and, most of the times, the results that departments have to reach is in conflict or, at least, questionable.

My suggestion for Mat, that is a master in communication with contributors, is to kindly ask the legal dept to let him give a look at the few long time contributors involved. I'm quite sure that this is a small number of people, that could have a fastest way to know their problems.

This would be a great step for long time contributors involved.

Quite easy to produce: list of contributors deactivated, in order of lifetime

BTW, I hope not to need this option in the future  ;D

« Reply #41 on: June 03, 2024, 17:31 »
@synthetick "Follow the process outlined to you and you should get your account back"

I hope you are right, but what process outlined to me are you referring to?

They sent you a link to file an appeal.

« Reply #42 on: June 03, 2024, 19:41 »
The thing that concerns me here is the issue of download bombing causing portfolios to be suspended. This is open to malicious players causing successful contributors to be suspended and lose income .... why is the contributor the one who suffers in the first instance .... these suspension probably have a long term effect on where they appear in the algorithm as well.

I respectfully ask Mat to clarify that this does not happen and that there is a clear protocol in place. The ones who have had suspensions also need clarification that can be communicated so none of the rest of us fall into the same traps. Violations should be easily identified to all of us. No-one likes to have ambiguous reasons given. It is like being arrested because you did something criminal, but they wont tell you what you did, but they are going to put you in jail anyway.

« Reply #43 on: June 04, 2024, 22:52 »
I find it troubling that contributors are not told reasons. 
I find it troubling that Adobe is trying to sell AI software.
I do not use AI and have no intention of doing so even to try it for fun after having to click through a whole new screen with warnings.

Also tired of image rejection for technical reasons when many are bogus-- images accepted everywhere else.  That vagueness is concerning when seen next to no reasons for acct blockages.  Same vagueness.

I support companies blocking accts that violate terms but less vagueness would be a good thing.

« Reply #44 on: June 05, 2024, 01:53 »
Really, I can't believe that Adobe closes accounts on the only basis of "passive innocent" violations of terms of service, in case of tier stolen credit cards and download bombing. If no proof that the given contributor participated in any action, how could they legally suspend an account?
They can close an account on their own decision, without giving any reason. If that is the case, then Adobe really falled down.

« Reply #45 on: June 05, 2024, 05:55 »
Really, I can't believe that Adobe closes accounts on the only basis of "passive innocent" violations of terms of service, in case of tier stolen credit cards and download bombing. If no proof that the given contributor participated in any action, how could they legally suspend an account?
They can close an account on their own decision, without giving any reason. If that is the case, then Adobe really falled down.

The terms and conditions are pretty standard for most agencies - they can terminate at any point they choose for any reason they choose.
However, just because you CAN do something doesnt mean you should.  Im wondering if we're seeing the spectra of automated account reviews/suspicious activity flags and automatic termination which then generates a generic email with no human involved in the chain.  Id like to hope its not the case but ive got my doubts.  As they get swamped with AI and data its very tempting to automate everything from review to account management to avoid needing a lot more staff.

« Reply #46 on: June 05, 2024, 07:22 »
See the section here about prohibited activities to better understand why Adobe blocks accounts:

« Reply #47 on: June 05, 2024, 08:28 »
See the section here about prohibited activities to better understand why Adobe blocks accounts:

That really, really doesn't help a contributor who has been on it for years, has a portfolio of tens of thousands with good sales who suddenly receives a generic email.  They have no idea what's changed, what rules are broken OR if its an incorrect decision.  And due to the lack of detail they can't realistically appeal or fix it.  A huge amount of the guidelines are subjective.
It also doesn't help the "download bomb" things we're seeing lately where something completely out of their control for whatever reason decides to test a stolen card or similar on their account.

« Reply #48 on: June 05, 2024, 17:21 »
See the section here about prohibited activities to better understand why Adobe blocks accounts:

Thanks for sharing this.

These kind of situations should make all contributors review these guidelines and thoroughly go through their portfolio to ensure there is no content that may have gone passed the reviewers and could be in breach of the guidelines.

I will definitely do that this week.

Im curious. Is this something that happens mostly with AS or does it also happen with SS?

I hope this issue is quickly resolved for you. Youre going through a stressful moment. I empathize with you.

« Reply #49 on: June 10, 2024, 03:16 »
One week later and I am still blocked. No access at all to my Portfolio and gains.
Mat Hayward didn't respond to my message here.


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