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Author Topic: Adobe Creative Cloud bonus codes for 2021?  (Read 18027 times)

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« on: November 19, 2021, 10:19 »
Hi do you know if Adobe will offer bonus code for 2021? and if so, what will be the criteria?


« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2021, 10:48 »

« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2021, 12:23 »
Sadly the criteria for receiving the All Apps Plan has become insanely high since last year. It's not even something we can control ourselves (as opposed to Number of approved assets), since it's the agency's responsibility to sell our assets.

« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2021, 15:21 »
The bonus scheme now is about rewarding those that provide content that sells well rather than encouraging people to submit loads of files no matter the quality in order to get free software that may never sell.

In that sense, were also in control of that as well if we provide top quality content, it will sell. If we dont, it wont. I dont think its an unreasonable target given its value and it should encourage contributors that taking the time to improve will be rewarded.

« Last Edit: November 19, 2021, 15:24 by HalfFull »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2021, 15:46 »
Sadly the criteria for receiving the All Apps Plan has become insanely high since last year. It's not even something we can control ourselves (as opposed to Number of approved assets), since it's the agency's responsibility to sell our assets.

150 downloads a year is insanely high?

The bonus scheme now is about rewarding those that provide content that sells well rather than encouraging people to submit loads of files no matter the quality in order to get free software that may never sell.

That covered it.

« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2021, 16:05 »
Sadly the criteria for receiving the All Apps Plan has become insanely high since last year. It's not even something we can control ourselves (as opposed to Number of approved assets), since it's the agency's responsibility to sell our assets.

150 downloads a year is insanely high?

Hello Pete,

Noedelkap wrote about "all apps" - and for that you need 5000 downloads, not 150. I feel this hurdle is also quite high. I will not make it.


« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2021, 16:08 »
Alternatively you can give Adobe $5 for unlimited use of all apps because they hope to attract you as a future customer to purchase their products.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2021, 16:13 »
Sadly the criteria for receiving the All Apps Plan has become insanely high since last year. It's not even something we can control ourselves (as opposed to Number of approved assets), since it's the agency's responsibility to sell our assets.

150 downloads a year is insanely high?

Hello Pete,

Noedelkap wrote about "all apps" - and for that you need 5000 downloads, not 150. I feel this hurdle is also quite high. I will not make it.

Oh that hurdle, nope, not even close for me. I'm happy with the code I got last year for photo only. Sorry I didn't read that right All Apps is 5,000 which is pretty challenging. If someone gets 5,000 downloads they could probably afford their own CC subscription anyway?

Being a bit of an old timer, I use Illustrator CS3 which never expires, Photoshop before CC on my XP computer if I wanted, (never tried to install on the Windows 10) but I buy Elements and Premier Elements every couple years. I admire that people are so talented and can do so many more things than I do, with the real CC up to date versions. Oh and I have Lightroom, the last stand alone version, which I'd need a refresher course to learn again.

I bet there's something in All Apps that I could actually benefit from using, but I'll just toddle along with my horse and buggy.

Alternatively you can give Adobe $5 for unlimited use of all apps because they hope to attract you as a future customer to purchase their products.

Got that, but it would be a little more, compared to the actual cost, maybe $25? However, good point. Hey there are free trial versions of everything?

And what you were talking about:  799,105 results in Free
« Last Edit: November 19, 2021, 16:28 by Uncle Pete »

« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2021, 16:28 »
I find that strange anyway. From my point of view, it is out of proportion. The jump from 150 to 5000 downloads is gigantic. And how many contributors really need all the products from the CC?

Why don't they offer intermediate Bonus solutions?
150 downloads - 1 product
500 downloads - 2 products
1500 downloads - 3 products
3000 downloads - 4 products
Just as an example.

We bought the last versions of CS. When they don't work anymore, because the new operating systems don't allow it, we will do everything with Affinity.
I was extremely annoyed that you can only subscribe to the new Adobe products. I want to buy them. Because it's significantly cheaper. But the option is no longer there. So in the future, we're just not Adobe customers anymore.

I would have liked to give away my bonus, but unfortunately that's not possible. Not even to my daughter. So it expires year after year.


« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2021, 16:37 »
I think with the current choke hold Adobe offers does indeed drive customers away. Affinity is a very nice alternative. I dropped Premiere and now use Davinci and have not looked back.

« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2021, 16:48 »
I work stock FT and normally hit 5k in April/May but really appreciate all the help I can get in a very competitive business. The full package is a reasonable amount each month and while AS is better than a lot of agencies, it isnt like were rolling in money as Im sure most will appreciate.

Set the bar too low and you might as well give your software away free to all creatives. While I appreciate a lot of people do this as a hobby and the higher numbers will seem very hard to get, do they need the full package or would the choice of a single app be a nice perk especially if they dont rely on it to pay their bills?!?

I think theyve set the bar at a good level its challenging but not too hard.

« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2021, 18:03 »
Has the 2021 product bonus program started yet? Looks like I qualify for one product which is pretty cool. 

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2021, 10:27 »
Has the 2021 product bonus program started yet? Looks like I qualify for one product which is pretty cool.

Now that you mention that choice, it does look a little better?

If you have 1504,999 downloaded qualifying assets, you can choose your complimentary one-year plan from these options: Creative Cloud Photography (20GB), Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, or After Effects.

I've just looked at the photo part because that's what I do mostly. And in the end, Photoshop and Lightroom classic are the only parts I might use.

"The Creative Cloud Photography plan includes the following apps: Adobe Photoshop, and Photoshop on iPad. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom on desktop, mobile, and the web. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic. Adobe Portfolio. Adobe Spark with premium features. Adobe Bridge"

I'm thinking that most people work mostly in one area, and picking the most appropriate app for 150 DLs would be pretty nice?

« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2021, 14:09 »
Adding this for Adobe people to consider.  I qualified for a few years but not last year so I reverted  to using GIMP and Nikon raw tools.  Most of my sales on Adobe I can track back to posts I made on Twitter. What is the incentive for me to send such links to Adobe insted of doing direct sales? I used different tools to assess the value of my tweets and learned they are worth about $20us. 

I invite Adobe to consider adding rewards for contributors active on social media and who generate sales. 

« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2021, 06:56 »
I find that strange anyway. From my point of view, it is out of proportion. The jump from 150 to 5000 downloads is gigantic. And how many contributors really need all the products from the CC?

Why don't they offer intermediate Bonus solutions?
150 downloads - 1 product
500 downloads - 2 products
1500 downloads - 3 products
3000 downloads - 4 products
Just as an example.

I think that you can be happy that there is at least some option to get it basically for free. Adobe does not have to have such a program at all. If you are a photographer, you should be totally fine with 150 downloads for Photography plan which has almost all the things you may need. The tricky part is if you make also some illustrations and videos, though. But still, it is nice that Adobe offers that.


« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2021, 08:03 »

I think that you can be happy that there is at least some option to get it basically for free. Adobe does not have to have such a program at all. If you are a photographer, you should be totally fine with 150 downloads for Photography plan which has almost all the things you may need. The tricky part is if you make also some illustrations and videos, though. But still, it is nice that Adobe offers that.

100% agree. Adobe is being very generous. All apps are $600+ dollars per year and they give it for 5000 dls so something like 12+ additional cents per dl for someone like me, who would have to subscribe otherwise.


« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2021, 08:44 »
I'm thinking that most people work mostly in one area, and picking the most appropriate app for 150 DLs would be pretty nice?

Heck yes, I think its $250 dollars or something for a single app subscription so thats an additional $1.60 value per dl. That group are making out like bandits.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2021, 13:46 »
I'm thinking that most people work mostly in one area, and picking the most appropriate app for 150 DLs would be pretty nice?

Heck yes, I think its $250 dollars or something for a single app subscription so thats an additional $1.60 value per dl. That group are making out like bandits.

Don't know, I've never paid for CC anything, I just don't like the idea of paying every month forever. That's why I saved older versions of stand alone, which as someone pointed out, eventually won't work because the OS changes and they won't work anymore.

Lucky me, I also saved old computers, running XP if it gets to that.

« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2021, 16:30 »
For those who want permanent updates, the CC subscription is probably financially advantageous.

Anyone who bought a CS product back then and felt they didn't need every update would have been better off with the old model.

A Photoshop update was about $300 - I dont remember exactly. Anyone who didn't want new features every year, but felt that an update every 3 or 5 years was enough, would have saved a lot of money.

Even after less than 1.5 years, the old paid model would have been cheaper.

But I don't have the exact sums in my head anymore.

But to put it very roughly: if you wouldt update for 5 years, you would have saved just under $200 per year on the old Adobe CS model versus the CC.

« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2021, 11:22 »
For those who want permanent updates, the CC subscription is probably financially advantageous.

Anyone who bought a CS product back then and felt they didn't need every update would have been better off with the old model.

A Photoshop update was about $300 - I dont remember exactly. Anyone who didn't want new features every year, but felt that an update every 3 or 5 years was enough, would have saved a lot of money.

Even after less than 1.5 years, the old paid model would have been cheaper.

But I don't have the exact sums in my head anymore.

But to put it very roughly: if you wouldt update for 5 years, you would have saved just under $200 per year on the old Adobe CS model versus the CC.

I will still prefer the subscription model. You get continuous updates along with many more benefits from Adobe.

« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2022, 09:26 »
Looks like I just squeaked by.

Bad news is, I have to pay by Feb 4, so I may have to pony up for one month.

« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2022, 09:31 »
Looks like I just squeaked by.

Bad news is, I have to pay by Feb 4, so I may have to pony up for one month.

I had a 3 month difference when they changed to the Feb Code Reporting date and support was very unhelpful. But call them they will probably give you a free month that's all they would offer me. I ended up paying for a year because it was cheaper than paying monthly for 3 months.

« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2022, 09:48 »
Yeah, I was thinking that. I'm actually considering dropping to the Creative Cloud Photography Plan. Last year was my first in the All Apps plan, I didn't make any use of it.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2022, 11:37 »
Looks like I just squeaked by.

Bad news is, I have to pay by Feb 4, so I may have to pony up for one month.

Nice Work!

Yeah, I was thinking that. I'm actually considering dropping to the Creative Cloud Photography Plan. Last year was my first in the All Apps plan, I didn't make any use of it.

I know that's sad for some people who could really use the free subscription, but I never activated the free photo plan last year. I'm sure I could make use of it, somehow? Now I'll get another one.

My plan is to activate so I'll have two years overlapping, and not the minor inconvenience of the  expiration and then a new free plan. Just a matter of timing and that's not a problem anymore.

« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2022, 11:53 »
Yeah, it would be nice if I maintain my level if the plans didn't have a gap in them. A day or a month, it costs the same.


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