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Author Topic: Adobe AI content double standards  (Read 20728 times)

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« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2023, 10:09 »
So most of the links are gone.  :)

I am not sure if they are gone for spamming or for the reason that adobe is not allowing ai vector uploads.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2023, 10:11 by cidepix »

« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2023, 17:01 »
I still see over 14,000 files in a search for "japan web" (in quote marks)

« Reply #27 on: October 30, 2023, 00:42 »
So most of the links are gone.  :)

I am not sure if they are gone for spamming or for the reason that adobe is not allowing ai vector uploads.

You still didn't get any info / reply  from Adobe on this issue ?

« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2023, 07:39 »
So most of the links are gone.  :)

I am not sure if they are gone for spamming or for the reason that adobe is not allowing ai vector uploads.

You still didn't get any info / reply  from Adobe on this issue ?


and that's after I contacted them a 2nd time. I even talked to them on live chat and I get the feeling they are not sure what to tell me. I think they still haven't decided on the terms of ai vector uploads..

the guy I spoke to on live chat initially said: "it's totally fine to upload ai vectors to their collection"

but then I told him about the concerns raised in this thread, and reminded him there is no checkbox to mark the image as "generative ai" like there is in JPEG uploads.. he then gave me an email address and asked me to contact contributor support directly.

That was when I sent a 2nd email a couple of days ago.. There is still no answer.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2023, 07:46 by cidepix »


« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2023, 07:51 »
are these Ai vectors editable like hand drawn? i dont do vector, so i dont know.

« Reply #31 on: October 30, 2023, 13:45 »
Do not submit generative AI vector images. If our policy changes on that, I will notify everyone here.


Mat Hayward

Hello Mat,

Thanks for finally providing a proper answer, because I haven't been able to get one from adobe support.

What about these portfolios then?

They are obviously AI generated SVG files..

« Reply #32 on: October 30, 2023, 14:29 »
Do not submit generative AI vector images. If our policy changes on that, I will notify everyone here.


Mat Hayward

I have given that answer quite a few times. I cannot/will not discuss other contributor accounts. My strong recommendation to you is to stick with the generative AI submission guidelines:



Hello Mat,

Thanks for finally providing a proper answer, because I haven't been able to get one from adobe support.

What about these portfolios then?

They are obviously AI generated SVG files..

« Reply #33 on: October 31, 2023, 11:38 »
Do not submit generative AI vector images. If our policy changes on that, I will notify everyone here.


Mat Hayward

You are saying that generative AI vector images are going to be rejected ?
If it is it is possible that EACH and EVERY day there is MORE and MORE obviously generative AI vector images in collection ?

P.S. If we ( as contributors ) are able to see that those files are generative AI -  I'm SURE that Adobe moderation team can see it too.

« Last Edit: October 31, 2023, 11:44 by Madoo »

« Reply #34 on: October 31, 2023, 13:36 »
Do not submit generative AI vector images. If our policy changes on that, I will notify everyone here.


Mat Hayward

I strongly advise you do not submit vector images created with generative AI software. Instead, my recommendation is to fully comply with the generative AI submission guidelines:

If the policy changes in the future, I'll be sure to let everyone here know.

-Mat Hayward

You are saying that generative AI vector images are going to be rejected ?
If it is it is possible that EACH and EVERY day there is MORE and MORE obviously generative AI vector images in collection ?

P.S. If we ( as contributors ) are able to see that those files are generative AI -  I'm SURE that Adobe moderation team can see it too.

« Reply #35 on: November 01, 2023, 01:22 »
Do not submit generative AI vector images. If our policy changes on that, I will notify everyone here.


Mat Hayward

I strongly advise you do not submit vector images created with generative AI software. Instead, my recommendation is to fully comply with the generative AI submission guidelines:

If the policy changes in the future, I'll be sure to let everyone here know.

-Mat Hayward

You are saying that generative AI vector images are going to be rejected ?
If it is it is possible that EACH and EVERY day there is MORE and MORE obviously generative AI vector images in collection ?

P.S. If we ( as contributors ) are able to see that those files are generative AI -  I'm SURE that Adobe moderation team can see it too.

Funny, I was expecting real answer from a man of your age and position within Adobe.
Unfortunately for us your quoting screams just one thing....that you don't have a clue why Adobe accept generative AI vector images.

« Reply #36 on: November 02, 2023, 06:44 »
In 15 minutes I found many authors posting vector illustrations in AI format. The quality of most of the vectors is just awful, the usual auto-tracing in a vector editor. I don't understand how it all gets on microstock, but works that are really hand drawn are rejected as AI generated?
newbielink: [nonactive]
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And that's just a drop in the ocean of what I've found in a short time. :(

Another question for Mat. As far as I know, mentioning any trademark is strictly prohibited. How this image was omitted is a mystery to me.
newbielink: [nonactive]

I'm in favor of justice in all things. :)

« Last Edit: November 02, 2023, 15:59 by MarJanika »

« Reply #37 on: November 02, 2023, 12:47 »
For 15 years now, I have been uploading what a now, not so famous stock photographer called it "Snapshot images" I am an Exclusive and never looked back. I will never play with AI. My portfolio has paid my mortgage  for a 2900 sq foot house in Florida every month from the third year I started. I am turning 65 next month and am very happy with the 22000 real life images I have in my portfolio. I don't worry or care what others do. I just focus on my own port. I can't believe 15 years has gone by so fast when this other photographer made me cry with every submission. I am older and wiser now. I can't lift my Canon5DM1V anymore because of fractures in my back but I still manage to get those "real life shots" everyone laughed at with my Iphone. And I must say, They do sell well. When AI came out I thought "oh goodie" I will just lay in bed and type words. I played around with different programs and the AI architecture pictures were so real looking. But nothing gives me the satisfaction of taking that"snapshot photo" and having it sell 30 times for the month. I still upload but not like I did every day for 12 years. Now I am just sitting back watching everyone look at other peoples ports instead of concentrating on their own and building the shots they have the talent to shoot. I am not with Adobe, but I do use all the photoshop programs. I am not going to upload the new version so there will be no mistake in my uploads. There are a lot of oldtimers in this thread that I have read for years without commenting but I thought It was a good time to drop in and say, shoot what you shoot best and you will never get in trouble with that. Your port won't be disabled. Keep looking at the fraudulent accounts and you will cause yourself a lot of turmoil on the very fast tract to age 65 when all you can hold is an Iphone. And actually I am very happy with the sales of my Iphone pictures. It isn't the camera, but the eye that looks through it.

iPhones are pretty amazing these days especially if you use the Photoshop or Lightroom camera app for more control, but you might look into mirrorless if you want a camera your older bones can handle. I switched to mirrorless when I turned 60 because herniated & bulging disks made my heavy Nikons a burden. (I turned 65 last month) One thing, with a large lens, my Sony mirrorless are still somewhat heavy, but my little Olympus is light as a feather and it may not have the 60 or 42MP of my Sonys but it's great for stock.

Your attitude is excellent by the way. Age does bring us wisdom, at least it has for you.  8)


« Reply #38 on: November 02, 2023, 13:24 »
can somebody explain why AI vector images are not allowed? Are these files not editable by the customer or what is the problem about? It`s like fake vector files? Or it does not matter for the customer? edit: I dont know how a vector file is working, so it is interesting whats going on here.

« Reply #39 on: November 02, 2023, 17:33 »
can somebody explain why AI vector images are not allowed? Are these files not editable by the customer or what is the problem about? It`s like fake vector files? Or it does not matter for the customer? edit: I dont know how a vector file is working, so it is interesting whats going on here.

My guess is that AI vectors and videos are not allowed because reviewing a vector or a video takes more time than reviewing a raster image, and moderation would not be able to cope.

« Reply #40 on: November 03, 2023, 05:37 »
Is it allowed to post ai images of Martin Luther King for Martin Luther King day?

I am seeing quite a few images with his face and his name in the description.

I thought this kind of editorial art was not allowed?

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #41 on: November 03, 2023, 11:11 »
can somebody explain why AI vector images are not allowed? Are these files not editable by the customer or what is the problem about? It`s like fake vector files? Or it does not matter for the customer? edit: I dont know how a vector file is working, so it is interesting whats going on here.

My guess is that AI vectors and videos are not allowed because reviewing a vector or a video takes more time than reviewing a raster image, and moderation would not be able to cope.

Sounds good and my guess is, they can't tell if a Vector was made using AI or not. Aside from the obvious flaws or it looks like AI, the process of transforming the image from a raster to a vector, removes any of the hidden tags in the files. The software that reviews images, before they get to a human, and checks for AI and other things, size Etc. can't do it's job. That would lead to what you suggested, that all reviews would have to be human and that would take too much time.

There could be a legal reason. IS says no illustrations after 1900, but the law is 1927? "Under the Copyright Term Extension Act, books published in 1927, films released in 1927, and other works published in 1927, entered the public domain in 2023. " One of my releases on Adobe switched from approved to RED and that was for some  out of copyright illustrated items from the 1909 to 1913 era. On the other hand, AS says they don't take PD and never have.

Is an AI image Public Domain? It can't be copyrighted. So how do they accept and distribute AI images?  ???

I don't know, but there are some interesting side issues and contradictions.

« Reply #42 on: November 03, 2023, 16:57 »
Do not submit generative AI vector images. If our policy changes on that, I will notify everyone here.


Mat Hayward

I strongly advise you do not submit vector images created with generative AI software. Instead, my recommendation is to fully comply with the generative AI submission guidelines:

If the policy changes in the future, I'll be sure to let everyone here know.

-Mat Hayward

You are saying that generative AI vector images are going to be rejected ?
If it is it is possible that EACH and EVERY day there is MORE and MORE obviously generative AI vector images in collection ?

P.S. If we ( as contributors ) are able to see that those files are generative AI -  I'm SURE that Adobe moderation team can see it too.

Funny, I was expecting real answer from a man of your age and position within Adobe.
Unfortunately for us your quoting screams just one thing....that you don't have a clue why Adobe accept generative AI vector images.

are you sure these aren't auto-traced vectors?

and please show some respect for those who are working,remember that Mat has rules to follow,he is working!

« Reply #43 on: November 04, 2023, 06:52 »
For 15 years now, I have been uploading what a now, not so famous stock photographer called it "Snapshot images" I am an Exclusive and never looked back. I will never play with AI. My portfolio has paid my mortgage  for a 2900 sq foot house in Florida every month from the third year I started. I am turning 65 next month and am very happy with the 22000 real life images I have in my portfolio. I don't worry or care what others do. I just focus on my own port. I can't believe 15 years has gone by so fast when this other photographer made me cry with every submission. I am older and wiser now. I can't lift my Canon5DM1V anymore because of fractures in my back but I still manage to get those "real life shots" everyone laughed at with my Iphone. And I must say, They do sell well. When AI came out I thought "oh goodie" I will just lay in bed and type words. I played around with different programs and the AI architecture pictures were so real looking. But nothing gives me the satisfaction of taking that"snapshot photo" and having it sell 30 times for the month. I still upload but not like I did every day for 12 years. Now I am just sitting back watching everyone look at other peoples ports instead of concentrating on their own and building the shots they have the talent to shoot. I am not with Adobe, but I do use all the photoshop programs. I am not going to upload the new version so there will be no mistake in my uploads. There are a lot of oldtimers in this thread that I have read for years without commenting but I thought It was a good time to drop in and say, shoot what you shoot best and you will never get in trouble with that. Your port won't be disabled. Keep looking at the fraudulent accounts and you will cause yourself a lot of turmoil on the very fast tract to age 65 when all you can hold is an Iphone. And actually I am very happy with the sales of my Iphone pictures. It isn't the camera, but the eye that looks through it.

I agree with most of what you say,but the fact is that your experience is different from the experience of another person.
Everyone due to their own personal experience and the situation they find themselves in,acts and thinks differently.

All this is fine,but as long as you maintain a certain respect in expressing your ideas,something that unfortunately is sometimes missing.

I'm younger than you,but not that young anymore,and I think there's nothing wrong with reporting a portfolio that uploads images of Wonder Woman or whatever,that breaks the rules and that tries to earn easy money with other people's property,like thieves of which there are many.

but I particularly like one thing you said,which I redefine in my own way:"follow your own path and focus on your work"

for the rest,regarding AI,if someone have doubts about something,simply follow the Adobe Generative AI User Guidelines.

of course,sometimes not everything appears completely clear,simply because it is something new for everyone,and it is easy to remain confused on some points.

it's new for Adobe too,for everyone.

Then we are here on microstock group to do what?to look each other in the face?no,so it is right that there is a more or less interesting exchange of opinions,with different ideas and different points of view,as long as everything happens always trying to respect the different point of view.

ok,I finished my coffee and I'm going back to work! :D

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #44 on: November 04, 2023, 11:33 »

are you sure these aren't auto-traced vectors?

and please show some respect for those who are working,remember that Mat has rules to follow,he is working!

Auto traced vectors, and almost always in sets of four or less, similar images?  ;D  Did you look at them?

Side note, 13,455 results for "japan web" now, was "28,968 results for "japan web""
« Last Edit: November 04, 2023, 11:36 by Uncle Pete »

« Reply #45 on: November 05, 2023, 04:27 »

are you sure these aren't auto-traced vectors?

and please show some respect for those who are working,remember that Mat has rules to follow,he is working!

Auto traced vectors, and almost always in sets of four or less, similar images?  ;D  Did you look at them?

Side note, 13,455 results for "japan web" now, was "28,968 results for "japan web""

That is perfect example of AI generated vectors.
My two pennies about why  four similar is that the midjourney generate 4 "images" and fraudsters submit them all.
I'm quite sure that Adobe acceptance of such files is NOT by mistake.
Considering that Adobe collection content is moderated by humans those files are accepted even if it is OBVIOUS that they are  Ai generated, NO ONE here, even Mat, can convince me otherwise.
His state "Do not submit generative AI vector images" without further actions to remove those files and "contributors" from collection still says one or two things:

1) they (Adobe) do this deliberately.
2) there is HUGE gap in communications between Adobe departments so he is simply not informed that moderators are instructed to accept those files.

That is why I started this topic as a double standards issue.
Accepting those files and not removing it from collection is enormous disrespect toward working people - illustrators , photographers videographers.

« Reply #46 on: November 05, 2023, 07:35 »
Sorry,maybe I missed something,but I don't see any violation of the Adobe Generative AI User Guidelines in these vectors.

they are auto-traced vectors obtained from AI outputs,and therefore they are not vectors generated by AI.

i think there is a difference,they are not using Illustrator to create an AI content,but they are using Illustrator(or other software) to trace images.

I don't even see a particular set of similar ones,yes maximum 4 similar ones,therefore I don't see anything that violates the Adobe guidelines for AI content or the general terms of the contributor agreement in these vectors,they can't even be called AI content,even though the original output was clearly AI.

Maybe I'm wrong,but this is what I see.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2023, 18:33 by Injustice for all »

« Reply #47 on: November 06, 2023, 01:03 »
Sorry,maybe I missed something,but I don't see any violation of the Adobe Generative AI User Guidelines in these vectors.

they are auto-traced vectors obtained from AI outputs,and therefore they are not vectors generated by AI.

i think there is a difference,they are not using Illustrator to create an AI content,but they are using Illustrator(or other software) to trace images.

I don't even see a particular set of similar ones,yes maximum 4 similar ones,therefore I don't see anything that violates the Adobe guidelines for AI content or the general terms of the contributor agreement in these vectors,they can't even be called AI content,even though the original output was clearly AI.

Maybe I'm wrong,but this is what I see.

In that logic of yours Ai generated "image" after importing to image manipulation program ,such as photoshop or lightroom,  and changing few little things should become photo ? 

P.S. Violation in a first place is that Adobe claims that all AI generated files MUST BE DECLARED SO and those files obviously aren't. Which is fraudulent activity toward buyers.

« Reply #48 on: November 06, 2023, 07:15 »
Sorry,maybe I missed something,but I don't see any violation of the Adobe Generative AI User Guidelines in these vectors.

they are auto-traced vectors obtained from AI outputs,and therefore they are not vectors generated by AI.

i think there is a difference,they are not using Illustrator to create an AI content,but they are using Illustrator(or other software) to trace images.

I don't even see a particular set of similar ones,yes maximum 4 similar ones,therefore I don't see anything that violates the Adobe guidelines for AI content or the general terms of the contributor agreement in these vectors,they can't even be called AI content,even though the original output was clearly AI.

Maybe I'm wrong,but this is what I see.

In that logic of yours Ai generated "image" after importing to image manipulation program ,such as photoshop or lightroom,  and changing few little things should become photo ? 

P.S. Violation in a first place is that Adobe claims that all AI generated files MUST BE DECLARED SO and those files obviously aren't. Which is fraudulent activity toward buyers.

No,In my opinion this is only applicable to vector images,not to raster images.

I believe that it is more important to AI label a photorealistic image than an illustration,It's important that AI images that look real carry the AI ​​label so everyone can see that it's not real even if it looks like it.

returning instead to the problem of vectors,at the moment Adobe does not allow the creation of AI vectors.

an auto-traced vector is not a generated vector.

from the Adobe generative AI guidelines:"Label your image as generative AI when the use of generative AI tools in Photoshop or Illustrator changed,augmented,or added a new primary subject of an image".

Examples when to label your image as generative AI:

-Generating new additions, such as a new person, animal, or object
-Adding new subjects might compromise the accuracy of an image
-Making significant adjustments or changes to a human subject in an image
-Recoloring the primary subject of an image

as you can see,a vector created by tracing an AI output does not break any of these points.

all of this can clearly raise doubts,because it is not completely clear.

what I know is that if it's not specified in the AI guidelines,it means that it doesn't involve a violation of the guidelines.

However yesterday I took a look at Adobe Stock vector collection,and there are many AI,EPS,SVG vectors that are labeled as AI,so I believe that tracing an AI output is allowed.

I also believe that this is not applicable to photorealistic images,i.e. auto-tracing a photorealistic image is not allowed.

« Reply #49 on: November 06, 2023, 07:27 »
I believe that tracing an AI output is allowed.
well ok if you wanna risk getting banned, but we all have lot at stake so maybe better not


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