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Author Topic: I will do for you almost all submit work on videohive for free  (Read 21724 times)

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« on: August 06, 2015, 13:01 »
I am video designer. I create videos and sell them on the shutter videohive pound5 Deposit.
Do You have a lot of video that you want to send to videohive (shutter pound5 Deposit)?

If so, can I do for free to you:
1. Create a video preview of the logo videohive
2. Create two photo preview to videohive
3. Fill in all fields on videohive (except for the title, description and keywords)
4. Remove audio from video
5. Archive in ZIP archive of the main video file

For 3 days I can send to sabmitt 300-500  videos to shutter videohive pound5 Deposit . :)

What I would like to get in return?
Why am I doing this for free?

Interesting introduction
Extended review of their work.


  • Professional stock content producer
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2015, 13:06 »
ANd of course you want the username and passwords of the videographers to get access to the stock sites?

« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2015, 07:29 »
Hello Fotorob!
I have created an online service. This site would quickly send the video for sale to video stocks. Now my website multiplayer.  This site is not for >1,000 users. It's only for a narrow circle of friends and acquaintances. I help everyone who asks for it.

I recently created a possibility to import of all descriptions from POND5. Now you can import all from POND5 and export all to VIDEOHIVE, your YouTube channel and all other stocks.

I'm not trying to persuade you to trust me your data. This person is your decision. I can send private messages with the addresses of sites with my reputation and reviews.

If you have a desire to try, then I will give you access to my site. I would be happy if we were able to discuss this online service in more detail  with you personally. :)

« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2015, 00:11 »
I would be interested into it.
Maybe listening how it works and see why you are doing it.
I've been organizing .csv files for easy ipload, but Videohive is still a mistery. Can't upload the way they ask, it's a waste of time.
Let me know what's the deal and I'll check if it sounds fair.


« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2015, 01:40 »
whats to prevent you from getting all these footage and selling it on the black market yourself or just submitting them as your own with all different aliases...  ::)
good luck with your hustle!

« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2015, 02:30 »
I still don't get the point of selling ANYTHING on Videohive. The prices are an insult not to mention the commission structure.

« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2015, 06:29 »
I sell them on the shutter videohive pound5 Deposit.
I can send to shutter videohive pound5 Deposit . :)

I don't trust someone who don't use comma between words.

« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2015, 21:19 »
Who wastes their time with videohive anyway


« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2015, 05:32 »
What I would like to get in return?
Why am I doing this for free?

Interesting introduction
Extended review of their work.

Interesting introduction.    What does that even mean?
Extended review of their work.    Why don't you just browse any stock agency's portfolio that's publicly available and review to your heart's content....

You are asking people to hand over their work to you before its even commercially available. Sorry buddy but you are not getting your hands on my work without paying for it...

Can anyone verify that this guy if for real?

« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2015, 15:08 »
sent a message... got no answer.
I was intereseted into the way he was actually transfering the Pond5 videos to VideoHive directly but it seems like this is crap and will never happen.
Videohive has this complex way to upload and are working on something better since a bit, but right now, I'm sill looking for a solution to send files there without wasting time.

« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2015, 15:41 »
There is no "free lunch".

« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2016, 18:04 »


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2016, 11:15 »
Careful now


Oh, be fair.  ::)
He just said he would submit them to agencies; he didn't say he would submit them into the ports of the actual authors.

« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2016, 11:13 »
Sorry to hijack the thread,but just thought I'd offer you my new free debt paying service. Just send me your bank account and credit card details and a copy of your signature and I'll take care of all those annoying bills you have to waste time paying every month.


For the reward of knowing I'm saving other people time.

« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2016, 13:08 »
Sorry to hijack the thread,but just thought I'd offer you my new free debt paying service. Just send me your bank account and credit card details and a copy of your signature and I'll take care of all those annoying bills you have to waste time paying every month.


For the reward of knowing I'm saving other people time.

Oh, it's so good to know there are so many great, giving people on this planet who don't even want anything in return ;D


« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2016, 19:08 »
Sorry to hijack the thread,but just thought I'd offer you my new free debt paying service. Just send me your bank account and credit card details and a copy of your signature and I'll take care of all those annoying bills you have to waste time paying every month.


For the reward of knowing I'm saving other people time.

You are as generous as you are kind. I will promptly send you my username and password because I'm terrible at managing my own money.

But seriously, I can't believe people fell for his scam. Nothing is free...except for that burrito I got from Chipotle recently.

« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2016, 04:28 »
whats to prevent you from getting all these footage and selling it on the black market yourself or just submitting them as your own with all different aliases...  ::)

Hello. I'm not going to sell your video on black market. I do not plan to upload your video as my personal. This is not allowed by the rules systems. I do not like dirty business.  I have other plans. Nothing criminal and bad, I did not invent. I claims team of associates with whom we will be together  to improve our online service. Registration is now closed on my system. The system used by those who had previously registered. I shoot a lot of video, but really do not like send  video to different sites for sale. Therefore, I created an online system. The system saves 99.9% of the time, which had to be used before, and all I need the system does everything itself automaticaly.

I don't trust someone who don't use comma between words.

 I am an artist, and I was never embarrassed by my ignorance in the letter. To trust or not to trust - it's your own business. I did not persuade. English language - it's not my native language.

sent a message... got no answer.
I was intereseted into the way he was actually transfering the Pond5 videos to VideoHive directly but it seems like this is crap and will never happen.
Videohive has this complex way to upload and are working on something better since a bit, but right now, I'm sill looking for a solution to send files there without wasting time.

Sorry for the raised back. If you still have the desire, then I can help you set up the system and transfer all descriptions from pond5 videohiv to all the other sites that I plugged into my system. After the publication of my proposal I have put together a team of users, and we communicate through a private chat. I very rarely go to the forum now.

Careful now

http://forums.submit.shutterstock.com/topic/88119-all-7300-videos-were-gone/ [nofollow]

The problem I had already decided. It was a temporary shutdown of my portfolio.  All files are online now http://www.shutterstock.com/video/gallery/1302118/ [nofollow]

Oh, be fair.  ::)
He just said he would submit them to agencies; he didn't say he would submit them into the ports of the actual authors.

I'm not so stupid that would spoil the reputation of the sites that sell my videos. :)  All users upload videos to their own accounts. Now I create a team of cameramen and set up a business account. I am now going to pay videographers for work and they will upload videos to my corporate account. The system has private rooms for copywriters to describe my videos. Any user can also connect their copywriter in my system.

You are asking people to hand over their work to you before its even commercially available. Sorry buddy but you are not getting your hands on my work without paying for it...

Can anyone verify that this guy if for real?

The system I have done for myself and my dad. Placed server in Germany. At my server a lot of resources. I decide to share my site with everyone. All the people who use the system, trust me their videos. There were also offers copy and install it on a separate server, which would be another company could use my program.  They wanted that I would not have had access to the files. It is also possible, but not for free. Need to discuss it.

About me I do not hide information.
Here is my facebook https://www.facebook.com/shramko.andrii [nofollow]
Here Skype zmei116
Here's my employer's account reviews https://www.fl.ru/users/wazzabi/opinions/ [nofollow]
https://www.youtube.com/user/zmei116 [nofollow]

http://zastavkin.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=12861 [nofollow]  - all about my system

Sorry to hijack the thread,but just thought I'd offer you my new free debt paying service. Just send me your bank account and credit card details and a copy of your signature and I'll take care of all those annoying bills you have to waste time paying every month.


For the reward of knowing I'm saving other people time.

You are as generous as you are kind. I will promptly send you my username and password because I'm terrible at managing my own money.

But seriously, I can't believe people fell for his scam. Nothing is free...except for that burrito I got from Chipotle recently.

I was not looking for people that would give them the opportunity to use my system for free. I was looking for like-minded people who are interested to improve the functionality of the system together.
That is, any of my members can offer any functionality to the system. If functionality is interesting to us, and help us all functional sekonomit hundreds of hours of time, then we create this functionality. You convince yourself that I am a swindler? Well, I can not forbid you this.

All I answered? If you have personal questions - you can write on Skype.
Sincerely, Andrew Shramko


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