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Author Topic: Denoising with Neat Video - how would your rig perform?  (Read 4111 times)

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« on: June 04, 2018, 02:48 »
I'm in search of a GPU to accelerate the process of denoising footage in NV.
It would be great if you could run the NV benchmark on your rig and share your results here. I'm sure it would help me and many other people with choosing the best bang for the buck cpu gpu combo.

You can download the benchmark here: https://www.neatvideo.com/download/neatbench

Be sure to add what kind of hardware are you using. If sth is OC then share the clock speeds too :)

Have a great day!

« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2018, 03:13 »
Not quite sure how to interpret these results.  Surprised you didn't start with your own results...??

At any rate, I have an iMac Pro.  10 CPUs. 128 GB RAM.  I turned off the main upload for this (Backblaze trying to upload 6TB of files...), but still have other things running in the background.  Here is what the benchmark gave me --

Last login: Sun Jun  3 17:14:04 on console
Burts-iMac-Pro:~ burt$ /Users/burt/Downloads/NeatBench ; exit;
Neat Bench (Neat Image 8.4.0, Neat Video 4.7.4) x64
Copyright (c) 1999-2018 Neat Image team, Neat Video team, ABSoft.
All Rights Reserved.

Log will be saved to /Users/burt/NeatBenchLog 2018-06-04 03-10-14.txt

GPU detection log:

Looking for NVIDIA CUDA-capable devices...
Failed to load CUDA driver ("/usr/local/cuda/lib/libcuda.dylib")
If you use an NVIDIA card, please install the latest CUDA driver from NVIDIA.

Looking for AMD OpenCL-capable devices...
OpenCL driver version: 20180315.215937
OpenCL initialized successfully.
Checking OpenCL GPU #1:
GPU device name is: AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine
16368 MB available during initialization
Check passed - will attempt to use the device

Neat Video benchmark:

Frame Size:   1920x1080 progressive
Bitdepth:   8 bits per channel
Mix with Original:   Disabled
Temporal Filter:   Enabled
    Quality Mode:   Normal
    Radius:   2 frames
    Dust and Scratches:   Disabled
    Slow Shutter:   Disabled
Spatial Filter:   Enabled
    Quality Mode:   Normal
    Frequencies   High, Mid, Low
    Artifact Removal:   Enabled
    Detail Recovery:   Disabled
    Edge Smoothing:   Disabled
    Sharpening:   Disabled

Detecting the best combination of performance settings:
running the test data set on up to 20 CPU cores and on up to 1 GPU
AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine: 16368 MB currently available, using up to 100%

CPU only (1 core): 2 frames/sec
CPU only (2 cores): 4.26 frames/sec
CPU only (3 cores): 5.85 frames/sec
CPU only (4 cores): 7.63 frames/sec
CPU only (5 cores): 9.35 frames/sec
CPU only (6 cores): 10.9 frames/sec
CPU only (7 cores): 12.8 frames/sec
CPU only (8 cores): 14.1 frames/sec
CPU only (9 cores): 15.4 frames/sec
CPU only (10 cores): 16.7 frames/sec
CPU only (11 cores): 16.7 frames/sec
CPU only (12 cores): 16.7 frames/sec
CPU only (13 cores): 17.2 frames/sec
CPU only (14 cores): 17.5 frames/sec
CPU only (15 cores): 17.9 frames/sec
CPU only (16 cores): 17.9 frames/sec
CPU only (17 cores): 17.5 frames/sec
CPU only (18 cores): 17.5 frames/sec
CPU only (19 cores): 17.9 frames/sec
CPU only (20 cores): 16.9 frames/sec
GPU only (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 11.5 frames/sec
CPU (1 core) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 9.9 frames/sec
CPU (2 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 8.06 frames/sec
CPU (3 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 10.2 frames/sec
CPU (4 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 12 frames/sec
CPU (5 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 13.3 frames/sec
CPU (6 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 13.5 frames/sec
CPU (7 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 17.2 frames/sec
CPU (8 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 17.5 frames/sec
CPU (9 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 17.2 frames/sec
CPU (10 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 18.5 frames/sec
CPU (11 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 18.2 frames/sec
CPU (12 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 18.2 frames/sec
CPU (13 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 17.9 frames/sec
CPU (14 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 17.9 frames/sec
CPU (15 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 18.2 frames/sec
CPU (16 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 17.5 frames/sec
CPU (17 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 17.2 frames/sec
CPU (18 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 16.9 frames/sec
CPU (19 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 16.4 frames/sec
CPU (20 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine): 15.4 frames/sec

Best combination: CPU (10 cores) and GPU (AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 Compute Engine)

« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2018, 03:46 »
Not quite sure how to interpret these results.  Surprised you didn't start with your own results...??
I'm currently abroad away from my main PC, that's why. In about a month I should be able to share how my rig does with this benchmark.


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« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2018, 20:57 »
Asus laptop, i7 Quad Core 6700HQ, 32GB RAM, GTX 1070 8GB.

GPU detection log:

Looking for NVIDIA CUDA-capable devices...
CUDA driver version: 9020
NVIDIA CUDA initialized successfully.
Checking CUDA GPU #1:
GPU device name is: GeForce GTX 1070
6782 MB available during initialization (8192 MB total)
Check passed - will attempt to use the device

Looking for AMD OpenCL-capable devices...
Failed to initialize OpenCL.
If you use an AMD card, please install the latest AMD driver with OpenCL support.

Neat Video benchmark:

Frame Size:     1920x1080 progressive
Bitdepth:       8 bits per channel
Mix with Original:      Disabled
Temporal Filter:        Enabled
    Quality Mode:       Normal
    Radius:     2 frames
    Dust and Scratches: Disabled
    Slow Shutter:       Disabled
Spatial Filter: Enabled
    Quality Mode:       Normal
    Frequencies High, Mid, Low
    Artifact Removal:   Enabled
    Detail Recovery:    Disabled
    Edge Smoothing:     Disabled
    Sharpening: Disabled

Detecting the best combination of performance settings:
running the test data set on up to 8 CPU cores and on up to 1 GPU
GeForce GTX 1070: 6782 MB currently available (8192 MB total), using up to 100%

CPU only (1 core): 1.35 frames/sec
CPU only (2 cores): 2.81 frames/sec
CPU only (3 cores): 4.02 frames/sec
CPU only (4 cores): 5.38 frames/sec
CPU only (5 cores): 5.41 frames/sec
CPU only (6 cores): 5.71 frames/sec
CPU only (7 cores): 5.68 frames/sec
CPU only (8 cores): 5.75 frames/sec
GPU only (GeForce GTX 1070): 14.1 frames/sec
CPU (1 core) and GPU (GeForce GTX 1070): 11 frames/sec
CPU (2 cores) and GPU (GeForce GTX 1070): 11.8 frames/sec
CPU (3 cores) and GPU (GeForce GTX 1070): 13.9 frames/sec
CPU (4 cores) and GPU (GeForce GTX 1070): 15.4 frames/sec
CPU (5 cores) and GPU (GeForce GTX 1070): 15.2 frames/sec
CPU (6 cores) and GPU (GeForce GTX 1070): 14.9 frames/sec
CPU (7 cores) and GPU (GeForce GTX 1070): 14.9 frames/sec
CPU (8 cores) and GPU (GeForce GTX 1070): 15.2 frames/sec

Best combination: CPU (4 cores) and GPU (GeForce GTX 1070)


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