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Author Topic: Adobe Creative Cloud  (Read 34149 times)

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« on: April 25, 2012, 11:53 »
I guess I'll have to do more research, but this is starting to look like the best deal.

I was looking at the upgrade prices from CS4 (which I'm running now), and they look fairly expensive. I'm not sure what the special offer they allude to is though.

« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2012, 12:31 »
I'm not paying subscription for any application if I can help it.

« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2012, 12:48 »
I'm not paying subscription for any application if I can help it.

I guess that is my fear, that I have to. If they are going to an every year release schedule and charging a lot extra to upgrade from older versions, it may just be easier to buy the subscription.

« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2012, 12:55 »
I guess I'll have to do more research, but this is starting to look like the best deal.

I was looking at the upgrade prices from CS4 (which I'm running now), and they look fairly expensive. I'm not sure what the special offer they allude to is though.

Yesterday I read offer of local dealer. They don't call upgrade from CS3/CS4 "special offer", they say that upgrading from CS3/4 to CS6 is possible only till Dec 31. I'm afraid that Adobe didn't get rid of their idea that it would be necessary to buy every single upgrade in the future. Or dealer doesn't have latest information.

« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2012, 12:56 »
For me, there is nothing they are adding that I have to have.  I may upgrade to CS6 because I need to use .mts HD video files in Premiere, but otherwise, I'd be happy where I am.

« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2012, 14:15 »
For me, there is nothing they are adding that I have to have.  I may upgrade to CS6 because I need to use .mts HD video files in Premiere, but otherwise, I'd be happy where I am.

I kind of feel the same way. They'll probably just break the features I like, but somebody will eventually send me a CS6 document for some job. So, I'll probably need to upgrade my software... or is it my resume I'm upgrading?

« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2012, 14:38 »
For me, there is nothing they are adding that I have to have.  I may upgrade to CS6 because I need to use .mts HD video files in Premiere, but otherwise, I'd be happy where I am.

I kind of feel the same way. They'll probably just break the features I like, but somebody will eventually send me a CS6 document for some job. So, I'll probably need to upgrade my software... or is it my resume I'm upgrading?

That's my problem. I have CS5 now but it's just a question of time when I get some data in InDesign or Illustrator 6 from client or his ad agency. Asking them to send me document saved to previous version is bad step. Clients do not want to hear or understand the reasons why I don't need newest version - they would think I'm some kind of Corel weirdo. And usually there's no time to ask someone else to save data to previous version.

« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2012, 16:37 »
For me, there is nothing they are adding that I have to have.  I may upgrade to CS6 because I need to use .mts HD video files in Premiere, but otherwise, I'd be happy where I am.

I kind of feel the same way. They'll probably just break the features I like, but somebody will eventually send me a CS6 document for some job. So, I'll probably need to upgrade my software... or is it my resume I'm upgrading?

That's my problem. I have CS5 now but it's just a question of time when I get some data in InDesign or Illustrator 6 from client or his ad agency. Asking them to send me document saved to previous version is bad step. Clients do not want to hear or understand the reasons why I don't need newest version - they would think I'm some kind of Corel weirdo. And usually there's no time to ask someone else to save data to previous version.
Good points. People - such as designers and printers - who get work from other graphics people don't have much choice but to upgrade, and the subscription looks like it might be a good deal for them.

But my problem is not only with the Adobe 'breaking the features I like' by introducing bugs, but I worry about my favorite plugins. If I get every upgrade, it is only a matter of time until some plugin which I use every day stops working with Photoshop or Illustrator CS[whatever].


« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2012, 21:38 »
For me, there is nothing they are adding that I have to have.  I may upgrade to CS6 because I need to use .mts HD video files in Premiere, but otherwise, I'd be happy where I am.

I kind of feel the same way. They'll probably just break the features I like, but somebody will eventually send me a CS6 document for some job. So, I'll probably need to upgrade my software... or is it my resume I'm upgrading?

That's my problem. I have CS5 now but it's just a question of time when I get some data in InDesign or Illustrator 6 from client or his ad agency. Asking them to send me document saved to previous version is bad step. Clients do not want to hear or understand the reasons why I don't need newest version - they would think I'm some kind of Corel weirdo. And usually there's no time to ask someone else to save data to previous version.

   Corel weirdo! That's great!
I've bought every upgrade since photoshop was called barneyscan and came with a scanner. They have always added features that seemed useless until you got to know them. For me, it's just a cost of doing business, and for advertising and design clients, you have to have the latest software. If you're shooting exclusively for stock, there is no need to upgrade from even the older versions, because they all do the things needed for stock. As for cloud based subs, in many ways that might be better, if it allows ongoing upgrades and fixes in a more timely manner. It works great with SAP for another business i am a partner in. The key difference is that there are plenty of competitors to SAP, whereas, if not Adobe, then who else? Corel?

« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2012, 21:48 »
I don't think the issue is whether to upgrade, but for some of us, some of the time, every other release would be fine. Adobe's track record for fixing bugs isn't all that great - and as far as I know they never release a patch for an older version once the new one is out, so you're stuck trying to decide what will cause the least disruption to getting your work done. Upgrade and deal with figuring out how to keep working given all the changes they've made (hoping they've fixed the bug) or keep working around the bug without losing any more time learning the new version.

I feel Adobe is strong-arming users into upgrades with Camera RAW (you can't get new camera support on old versions) and that didn't get enough people upgrading in the past, so now they're threatening with having to pay full price if you don't upgrade each version. I don't think their upgrades have been good value (I use Photoshop hours a day almost every day; what I mean is that for what you pay, there's less and less that's really good in each new version).

I'll upgrade because I use Photoshop all the time; but I'm not happy about how Adobe's going about things.


« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2012, 00:50 »
..... Adobe's track record for fixing bugs isn't all that great ......
That's putting it very kindly indeed

« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2012, 01:00 »
I'll stick with PS Elements and save some more money.  Don't see the point in constantly upgrading or renting when I don't really need anything that can't be done with very cheap software.  I will probably switch to GIMP one day.  I prefer spending money on cameras and lenses.


« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2012, 02:37 »
I hardly use my PS CS4 Version. Tweaks and developing can be faster done in picture-browsers. I prefer to concentrate on photographing things not on photoshopping things.

« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2012, 13:09 »
I took the plunge and bought their cloud service. It took a little while to download everything, but it ran smoothly while I went out to dinner. I got a discount of $30 a month (instead of $50) too because my CS4 qualified for their upgrade discount.

Now, the fun part of exploring all the different programs and changes begins.


« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2012, 02:34 »
Price seem like a rip off compared to purchasing the upgrades, especially if you only upgrade ever couple of versions.
On top of that I imagine bug fixing will be even slower now with less customers holding out for creases to be ironed out of features before deciding to upgrade.

« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2012, 09:23 »
Price seem like a rip off compared to purchasing the upgrades, especially if you only upgrade ever couple of versions.
On top of that I imagine bug fixing will be even slower now with less customers holding out for creases to be ironed out of features before deciding to upgrade.

I think they've changed their upgrade policy now so that upgrade discounts will only apply if you're upgrading from the most recent version.  No more skipping versions so you'd have to upgrade each time they have a new release or pay full price.  The real benefit goes to those using multiple programs.  Lightroom is supposed to be added later this year so if you're using LR, PS, and InDesign it becomes more economical.  Definately a win if you're using more than a few programs.


« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2012, 09:48 »
Oh poop, I hadn't realized they had done that with the upgrades, I guess also part of pushing these people to the cloud model too.


« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2012, 09:57 »
Just checked the pricing for the UK, they have like a 50% price hike on the US version, for something that is delivered over the internet!
what, how do they justify this?

« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2012, 10:17 »
Just checked the pricing for the UK, they have like a 50% price hike on the US version, for something that is delivered over the internet!
what, how do they justify this?

Lots of complaints about that on Scott Kelby's blog along with the fact that it's not even available in several countries (ie: several in South America noted).  It's a topic that's come up alot and never had a good answer, just a rather lame excuse about higher business costs.  I suppose there are some added costs for online support, multiple languages for some countries, business licenses, taxes, copyright filings, etc. but it does seem unfair.


« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2012, 10:30 »
I am still thinking about taking the plunge but the two bars are the crazy price hike, which as you imply the excuses for seem rather lame, plus the thought that I would be receiving upgrades as tools are developed, when actually they cant even get major bugs fixed between versions. That scares me, I get the horrible feeling that I could be paralyzed for weeks at a time as they deal with problems with the tools I work with every day. At least with a fixed version you know new problems are unlikely to keep cropping up, and old ones may eventually get fixed.

« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2012, 11:46 »
I think they've changed their upgrade policy now so that upgrade discounts will only apply if you're upgrading from the most recent version.  No more skipping versions so you'd have to upgrade each time they have a new release or pay full price.  The real benefit goes to those using multiple programs.  Lightroom is supposed to be added later this year so if you're using LR, PS, and InDesign it becomes more economical.  Definately a win if you're using more than a few programs.

That was basically my thinking. That and they want to release new versions every year. It's a shame to be forced into buying more often, but it's not so bad of a price. I do get a lot of use out of a variety of programs in the suite. I guess it's just another business expense.

« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2012, 18:48 »
My internet access is spotty enough that I would never choose to use a program that required a working fast connection.

« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2012, 20:48 »
My internet access is spotty enough that I would never choose to use a program that required a working fast connection.

You download the program to your computer just as you would if purchasing so the internet connection would only impact the initial download.  It just does a monthly ping-back to verify that you still have an active subscription.  It was likened to the program trials where you can test the program but the access expires in 30 days.

« Reply #23 on: June 27, 2012, 16:45 »
Lightroom now available through the Cloud.

« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2012, 17:00 »
Lightroom now available through the Cloud.

I never had Lightroom. Is there any advantage compared to Photoshop / Bridge?
BTW - I love Muse. I mean Muse software (in fact I love Muse band as well)
I'm happy that I made a decision to subscribe Creative Cloud.


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