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Author Topic: Rights management area  (Read 6179 times)

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« on: February 17, 2009, 22:20 »
Do you advice to check:

- Increase Max. copies (I-EL)
- Web usage (W-EL)
- Print Usage (P-EL)
- Sell the rights (SR-EL)


I am submitting my images without checking any of these... Would I get a better chance to have my images accepted if I check these?

Is it really worth it?

Thank you!

« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2009, 23:07 »
I am submitting my images without checking any of these... Would I get a better chance to have my images accepted if I check these?

It won't help acceptance but I will help earnings, so check all by any means.

« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2009, 01:15 »
It won't help acceptance but I will help earnings, so check all by any means.

Sell the rights (SR-EL) is not, in my opinion, this simple and straight forward. Actually I believe you usually should tick this check box only for DT exclusive images because if you are submitting them to all the other agencies, it may take a while to get them removed from those and hence you are in risk of violating the contract for the SR-EL. Note the last sentence. You have only 72 hours...

From DT:

Sell the Rights (SR-EL):
This license represents a full ownership of the downloaded image. The buyer can use it exclusively (exclusivity applies from the moment that the file was downloaded using this license), and include it in any type of design with just a few restrictions: sensitive subjects may still apply and the buyer may not claim that the file was created by him nor resell it as a photo.
The agency will disable the image immediately after the buyer acquired this license. The photographer is required to disable the file permanently from all other places where he may sell it, as soon as possible after the sale occured, but no longer than 72 hours...

« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2009, 01:17 »
duplicated post...

« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2009, 01:55 »
Same here everything except sell the rights on non exclusive images.

It won't help acceptance but I will help earnings, so check all by any means.

Sell the rights (SR-EL) is not, in my opinion, this simple and straight forward. Actually I believe you usually should tick this check box only for DT exclusive images because if you are submitting them to all the other agencies, it may take a while to get them removed from those and hence you are in risk of violating the contract for the SR-EL. Note the last sentence. You have only 72 hours...

From DT:

Sell the Rights (SR-EL):
This license represents a full ownership of the downloaded image. The buyer can use it exclusively (exclusivity applies from the moment that the file was downloaded using this license), and include it in any type of design with just a few restrictions: sensitive subjects may still apply and the buyer may not claim that the file was created by him nor resell it as a photo.
The agency will disable the image immediately after the buyer acquired this license. The photographer is required to disable the file permanently from all other places where he may sell it, as soon as possible after the sale occured, but no longer than 72 hours...

« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2009, 05:43 »

Lucky people who can buy images at 50 cents! When I was graphic designer (a few years ago), we couldn't buy anything decent for less the $50.... Time has changed...


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