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Author Topic: Why is DT being stupid?  (Read 38473 times)

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  • I'm Lobo
« Reply #100 on: April 13, 2009, 13:58 »

then what happens after the 90 days? are your once exclusive images sellable with other sites ?

The 90 days refers to your ability to apply to become exclusive with iStock again. After the 90 days you can apply again. That's all that means. If you are exclusive with iStock all of your images are exclusive. We don't allow for individual image exclusivity.

« Reply #101 on: April 13, 2009, 14:04 »
Batman, you were probably right if you request the deletion from Alamy first. I deleted all the keywords, title and discriptions first and then request the deletion, that was how it should be done. The image will disappear after 6 months, but it would not be searchable within days. Alamy didn't raise any objection over that.

In Alamy, although you have to wait for 6 months for the image to disappear from the database, you can delete all the keywords and descriptions so the image will not be searchable anymore.

Bigstock will delete for you, if you email its support.

freedom, i don't think you can change the keywords, it's greyed out !

« Reply #102 on: May 19, 2009, 23:42 »
I apologize if this has already been mentioned, but you can speed up the deactivation process by opening multiple browser windows.  That's how I used to upload to iStock when I was too cheap to buy their upload software.  :P


« Reply #103 on: May 19, 2009, 23:50 »
That's how I used to upload to iStock when I was too cheap to buy their upload software.  :P
Sounds like you're referring to Deep Meta, which is worth much more than Franky charges for it.

Actually, Franky doesn't charge anything for it; it's free. So you must be even cheaper than I am (and that's really cheap!).  ;D  ;D


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