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Author Topic: Image sent to the free section without my consent  (Read 4556 times)

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« on: May 11, 2011, 10:12 »
Or at least so it seems.

Last week, it occurred to me to check the stats of the two images I have in the free section. To my surprise, one of them was missing from my portfolio and, worse, I found there an image which was sent to the keymasters.

Both images got a warning about being online for more than 4 years without sales. I donated to the free section the one that is missing, but the other one was sent to re-keywording, something that indeed happened, since the title, keywords and description were revised. I don't remember ever donating it, why would I do that after having it re-keyworded?

Maybe I'm going crazy or my memory is playing tricks on me... Too bad I deleted the emails with the warnings. But hell, I feel 99% sure about this.

Support is looking into it, but I would like to check if anyone else is having the same issue. Do you have images in the free section that shouldn't be there?

« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2011, 10:46 »
Is there an easy way to check whether or not one has images in the free section? I don't think I do, as I have never donated any, but would be happy to check.

« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2011, 11:08 »
Is there an easy way to check whether or not one has images in the free section? I don't think I do, as I have never donated any, but would be happy to check.

Click on My Profile, on the top of the page. If you have free images, there should be a listing, just like the ones for the latest uploads and most popular images. Or visit the url


replacing USERNAME with your actual user name.

Edit: just checked your profile and it seems you don't have any. Thank you for your interest ;).
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 11:11 by luder »

« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2011, 12:05 »
Yes, thanks for the heads up on how to find them. And I agree, doesn't look like any of mine are there. But I appreciate your posting your problem, it keeps the rest of us aware of potential problems.

Hope you get your issue sorted out.

« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2011, 06:09 »
Support confirmed the "free" image was keyworded in 2010 and they moved it back to the commercial section. Didn't explain the missing image, nor did they offer compensation for the free downloads, though...

I consider the matter closed. Keep an eye on your free images!

« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2011, 12:35 »
i've had the same problems - there was a place somewhere in the profile where you could turn off the automatic freeing of images, but  after doing that my older images continue to get listed as free 

i've written support several times to no effect - best response has been that i can disabkle them indivudually! [extra hassle you have to give a FREASON why you want to disable EACH image]


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