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Author Topic: Have just asked to cancel my account at DT  (Read 16744 times)

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« on: September 13, 2011, 11:12 »
I have just asked to DT to cancel my account.

The last drop of water was a couple of rejection. The images was of my father collection of old diapositives that is now my heritage since he is dead. I have tried to discuss it with the reviewer and tought that i have reach an agreement with him, on which i have resubmit those images. For my surprise, they got rejected again for "containing elements that might be protected by copyright" .

There are two funny things at this matter. First, if you search for diapositives at DT, you will find tree images. Neither of those with any kind of Property release, and with the pictures in the frames of those slides much much more clearly apparent then the images that i have made. Second, just as today i was censured at DT forum by an admin and got my thread closed by pointing out a clearly copyright infringment by a user, and whem i said clearly, i mean it! Same composition, same posin, same concept, same framing, SAME TITLE AND SAME KEYWORDS! of an image of no less than Yuri Arcurs!!

So i ask my self, there are two weights and two measures at DT? They are or not worried about copyrights?

The thrid thing that bothers me alot is the policy regarding editors are alow to upload and sell images at DT! For me this is a huge bad policy!

So i am sick of it, and i quit!


« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2011, 11:43 »
Not one single point you mention is valid!  old diapositives? etc, fair enough but this is micro 2011 and maybe they were not technically sound, etc.

Reviewers being allowed to upload?  ha, thats been going on all the time and what business really is that of yours? the rest of us has to live with that. Are you an exeption?

Sorry, but your action is naive and stupid,  with respect. ::)

« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2011, 11:49 »
Looking forward to your next post when they inform you that can't close your account for six months. 

« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2011, 11:49 »
diapositive = slides

I had to look it up. In all my photo classes and surfing the internet, never ran across that term before.

« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2011, 11:57 »
I don't have to live with nothing of that! and that's why i quit!

About old diapositives being out of fashion, FYI the On Assignment of this month is "Going Retro",  so the only argument that is not valid is yours! What more was not valid? The existance of similar reproduction of slides w/o PR? The fact that the slides ARE my heritage therefor MY property?

And about calling me stupid with all respect... now that is something that much be a 'new hype' therefor i do not get! And did not like it. Please respect to be respected.


« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2011, 12:03 »
diapositive = slides

I had to look it up. In all my photo classes and surfing the internet, never ran across that term before.

LOL guess i am already old with 36 years old! Felt like a dinossaur, cause i have always use that term!! LOL


« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2011, 12:15 »
Looking forward to your next post when they inform you that can't close your account for six months. 

Yes! I am looking forward to that too! Wait and see if i can't manage to get myself out of that s*t!


« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2011, 12:22 »
When playing in someone elses sandpit you play by their rules if you don't like it don't play!

Fair play to you for leaving but doubt that DT will either notice or give a....

« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2011, 12:37 »
When playing in someone elses sandpit you play by their rules if you don't like it don't play!

Fair play to you for leaving but doubt that DT will either notice or give a....

Just like i don't giva a... about them nor will either notice their absence in my life. tought  i would have fun at this stock thing, since i do photography for fun and not for living, but i will not tolerate bad policies and proceedures and no one will force me to be/have  an online account and my images for 6 months without my permission! I too easy to became persona non grata at that place.

« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2011, 12:55 »
diapositive = slides

I had to look it up. In all my photo classes and surfing the internet, never ran across that term before.

LOL guess i am already old with 36 years old! Felt like a dinossaur, cause i have always use that term!! LOL


Words' usage across the world is weird... in Italy "diapositive" (pl) or "diapositiva" (singular) is the common word for a slide; while "slide" only means the A4 (letter) transparent media (once) used in slide shows
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 12:57 by »

« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2011, 13:06 »
When playing in someone elses sandpit you play by their rules if you don't like it don't play!

Fair play to you for leaving but doubt that DT will either notice or give a....
no one will force me to be/have  an online account and my images for 6 months without my permission!

But when you agreed to DT terms ansd conditions you explicitly entered into a legally binding contract agreeing to the terms as stated... As such YOU explicitly gave them permission!  The same goes for all of your other gripes, you did not uncover anything groundbreaking or any Watergate style conspiracy, don't like it don't play but whinging aint going to change anything.

As for bad policies and procedures you yourself are entering into the most heinous of "bad practices" by attempting to breech a legally binding contract because the games are not being played by your rules!

« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2011, 13:10 »
When playing in someone elses sandpit you play by their rules if you don't like it don't play!

Fair play to you for leaving but doubt that DT will either notice or give a....

Just like i don't giva a... about them nor will either notice their absence in my life. tought  i would have fun at this stock thing, since i do photography for fun and not for living, but i will not tolerate bad policies and proceedures and no one will force me to be/have  an online account and my images for 6 months without my permission! I too easy to became persona non grata at that place.

As said above - you gave them permission when you uploaded. Not that I am a particular fan of the 6 month lock in, but I did agree to it when I continued to upload new content after they implemented it.

Nothing wrong with stopping when you disagree with what an agency does, but you do have to abide by your side of the agreement.


« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2011, 13:55 »
Let's see, you joined DT in 2005 and to date have 25 images there with 8 sales. You wrote a DT blog saying how much you have learned from rejections and from other contributors and now you call them names. You also say in your blog that you have only just started uploading images there. But, if you joined in 2005 you must have been either a buyer or just an interested party and should have read all the FAQs by now. I think you are just mad at your recent rejections and are trying to justify them by pointing fingers at others who seem to have gotten away with something that you cannot. And, to emphasize your frustration you post about it here too. Many old images there would not be accepted today so different rules applied when they were accepted. It's hard to compare images they accepted in 2004 with those accepted today.

Every post in their forums has been about something you deem not to be fair, a criticism or an attempt to point a finger at the admin team for something you don't agree with. I don't think they will be sorry to see you go. If you haven't tried this at other micro agencies be prepared for worse. DT is one of the easiest agencies to work with and have been known to actually listen when approached with new ideas (not yelled at). They have been aggressive lately with DMCA notices when contacted by their contributors about infractions with pretty good results. I'm not saying that they are perfect but no agency is. That's the name of the (microstock) game.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 14:23 by cuppacoffee »

« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2011, 14:16 »
Froogze, microstock isn't for everybody, get out and keep your sanity. DT might even waive the 6 month rule for you. I've never seen a thread on dt with so many staff members entering. They're quite a patient lot really, especially if you consider how some other agencies don't accept any freedom of speech, if it's negative comments about their agency.

« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2011, 14:46 »
there will be always a second, third or even 4th type of contributors for agencies

I have questioned myself about all the crap going on some if not in all stock agencies but in the end there is just one question, what do you want from stock? if you dont want to be upset, depressed or other negative stuff just step out and find other industry, if not give your best everyday or at least every time you pick the camera to do some stock pics, in the end they will pay off despite all the negative spirit on this or other forum

« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2011, 15:04 »
Hi Froogz, I was the one who "censored" you, when you've started attacking other users. Do you remember? Right when you finished questioning our honesty as an agency, you started pointing fingers at other users.
Oh, wait, that's not called "censoring", it's called "moderating". We don't allow anybody pointing fingers or attacking other users. It's simple common sense on any forum, not just on Dreamstime. If you had anything to complain about other users, you should have contacted us by email, not like you did - starting a thread AND writing a blog about it, like you own the absolute truth. That really was not a grown up behaviour.

You were allowed to criticize us, and that thread is still live right now. You had the right to an opinion. But for sure you will not be allowed to attack other users.

Regarding the subject of your thread, if we had to accept only original concepts, there would have been less than 100.000 photos on all agencies. Actually, the photographer you think that was copied clearly said once that he finds his inspiration in other stock sites. So, you don't know for sure if it was an original idea. And regarding keywords, the same photographer set up a FREE keywording tool, to help other contributors in keywording their images. This should have been enough for you to understand his position on inspiration. Oh, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't need any protection supplied by you :)

It seems to me that you should concern more about yourself and your photos, instead of searching around flaming subjects on public forums.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 15:06 by viorel_dudau »


« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2011, 15:06 »
There's a difference between criticizing and just being negative. I haven't read any of the blog posts or forum comments Froogze has made so i don't know where he lies on that but in this instance he makes a good point.

I'm exclusive with Dreamstime which says something: I like them. I want to work with them but if there's something that needs improving I will speak up. I don't have a large port or make huge sales but I see myself, like all contributors, as being a partner. I provide them with the material they sell and they provide me with a place to sell my material. Partners. They criticize me when they reject my shots and I criticize them when their policies are suspect. Doesn't mean they're a bad agency.

Some contributors on here by the sounds of their posts, have an attitude of "it's their rules so what can I do but bend over and take it in the a$$". Well, I don't do that. Neither, it seems, does Froogze.

If no one speaks up and says I don't think what you're doing is fair then they will never know how their contributors feel, never change their ways and improve and those contributors will continue to spread their cheeks. I think this attitude that agencies can do whatever they want and we have to take it has to stop. We don't have to take it. Telling them that is a good first step.

edit: to be clear I'm not referring to the copying of images or concepts or pointing fingers at other contributors only to the legitimate concerns.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 15:22 by digitalexpressionimages »

« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2011, 15:24 »
Hi Froogz, I was the one who "censored" you, when you've started attacking other users. Do you remember? Right when you finished questioning our honesty as an agency, you started pointing fingers at other users.
Oh, wait, that's not called "censoring", it's called "moderating". We don't allow anybody pointing fingers or attacking other users. It's simple common sense on any forum, not just on Dreamstime. If you had anything to complain about other users, you should have contacted us by email, not like you did - starting a thread AND writing a blog about it, like you own the absolute truth. That really was not a grown up behaviour.

You were allowed to criticize us, and that thread is still live right now. You had the right to an opinion. But for sure you will not be allowed to attack other users.

Regarding the subject of your thread, if we had to accept only original concepts, there would have been less than 100.000 photos on all agencies. Actually, the photographer you think that was copied clearly said once that he finds his inspiration in other stock sites. So, you don't know for sure if it was an original idea. And regarding keywords, the same photographer set up a FREE keywording tool, to help other contributors in keywording their images. This should have been enough for you to understand his position on inspiration. Oh, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't need any protection supplied by you :)

It seems to me that you should concern more about yourself and your photos, instead of searching around flaming subjects on public forums.

Hi viorel_dudau,

Had just post my last (at least for now and for a good time) post at dreamstime forum, asking for apology for my ramp. I have tought about everything that happened and you are right about ramping in public. Hope you and all that i might cause any upset can accept it, it is truthful.

I know i am nobody at this hole microstock thing, and even less as a photographer. I do it because i like to shoot. Have a some formal classes but i am far away from been a professional. So i admit that aproach to change things at where i stand and the way i did was ridicule.

Still think that original concept is onething and absolut copy is another, but let's get this behind.

Best regards,

« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2011, 15:32 »
Well, I have just read what he said on his DT submitters-as-inspectors thread and he was pretty aggressive. He has a point - though I think the point is better aimed at another site where there seems to be fairly clear evidence of at least some inspectors colluding and using the system to award themselves special privileges, I am not aware of that happening at DT.

When people feel diminished as a result of rejections and policies that they feel affect them negatively it is easy for that to turn to anger and an obsession with perceived wrongdoing.


« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2011, 15:51 »
Hi viorel_dudau,

Had just post my last (at least for now and for a good time) post at dreamstime forum, asking for apology for my ramp. I have tought about everything that happened and you are right about ramping in public. Hope you and all that i might cause any upset can accept it, it is truthful.

I know i am nobody at this hole microstock thing, and even less as a photographer. I do it because i like to shoot. Have a some formal classes but i am far away from been a professional. So i admit that aproach to change things at where i stand and the way i did was ridicule.

Still think that original concept is onething and absolut copy is another, but let's get this behind.

Best regards,

Bull in a China shop comes to mind, but I've been there a few times too. It's big of you to apologise though. Dt's forum is not the right place for causing a stir. You can continue to do it here though. :D 


« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2011, 16:15 »
Well guys, in his case DT will probably wave the 6 months rule. I dont think they want more diapositives, supositries, slides, trannies, etc, etc, etc. ;D

« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2011, 06:16 »
Had just post my last (at least for now and for a good time) post at dreamstime forum, asking for apology for my ramp. I have tought about everything that happened and you are right about ramping in public. Hope you and all that i might cause any upset can accept it, it is truthful.

I think you mean rant and ranting?


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2011, 07:47 »
diapositive = slides

I had to look it up. In all my photo classes and surfing the internet, never ran across that term before.
Wasn't it on all Kodachrome boxes? It certainly was on at least one of the Fuji or Kodak slide type slide boxes as sold here (UK), but maybe not in the US (?)


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2011, 08:04 »
@OP: take it from one who likes a good rant as much as the next person. It's bad enough posting when you've got the RedMist coming down over your eyes - my typos go up about 100% from a high base - but when you're posting in a language which isn't your native language, it just compounds the problem, and leads to all sorts of misunderstandings.


« Reply #24 on: September 14, 2011, 09:16 »
diapositive = slides

I had to look it up. In all my photo classes and surfing the internet, never ran across that term before.
Wasn't it on all Kodachrome boxes? It certainly was on at least one of the Fuji or Kodak slide type slide boxes as sold here (UK), but maybe not in the US (?)

Hi Sue,  yes it was but the word Diapositives is just another word for transparancies, dia-slides, etc, may it be Kodachrome, Ektachrome, Velvia or Provia. The OP however seems to have dug out some really old stuff and even if you drumscan very old trannies, its extremly hard to get good quality, unless its large format 4x5 or 8x10.
I can see why DT rejected them flat out.


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