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Author Topic: DT no longer allows paying for rekeywording old, unsold images  (Read 4710 times)

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« on: September 03, 2012, 09:52 »
We have removed the rekeywording via the keymaster option for images lined up for database cleaning (images older than 3-4 years with no downloads to date). This option has unfortunately proven little efficiency so far, with very few or no sales at all.

Good move. I wish other sites would clean out old non-sellers. It was tried but didn't lead to sales of images that might have been ok but weren't keyworded properly. Most were accepted when the site was desperate for any and all images. Requirements have since vastly changed/improved. Combined with the "report bad keywords" program (which I know is not perfect) this might help to improve the quality of the Search there. It will probably also weed out the non-selling "too many similars" that flood the site (I know there is much disagreement about similars but some are just, well, too similar and have not sold year after year).
« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 10:42 by cuppacoffee »


« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2012, 10:09 »
I agree Cuppacoffee.  I never bothered using the keywording system on old non-sellers.  Better to just weed them out. 

« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2012, 10:41 »
DT's keywording service for old images was a dud to begin with. I'm sure the few images they managed to sell after re-keywording them were keyworded improperly in the first place, missing very important keywords (maybe even slip-ups of the contributor).

That doesn't justify the time consuming action of re-keywording them.

DT has implemented a bunch of questionable features on their site such as the "Stock Rank" game.

In the meantime DT has sunk dramatically and I wish someone with more business sense would have steered that ship 4 years ago when sales were kicking butt but now it appears to be just damage control although I don't see much success at this point anymore.

« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2012, 12:01 »
DT's keywording service for old images was a dud to begin with. I'm sure the few images they managed to sell after re-keywording them were keyworded improperly in the first place, missing very important keywords (maybe even slip-ups of the contributor).

That doesn't justify the time consuming action of re-keywording them.

DT has implemented a bunch of questionable features on their site such as the "Stock Rank" game.

In the meantime DT has sunk dramatically and I wish someone with more business sense would have steered that ship 4 years ago when sales were kicking butt but now it appears to be just damage control although I don't see much success at this point anymore.

^^^ Agreed.


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