I've been getting these off and on for about 2 years now. The first ones I got I emailed DT about but the reply only suggested to ignore them and no indication that they were even going to look into any kind of data breach whatsoever. Recently got 3 that said the same thing but from 2 different senders. Highly annoying and I've also never heard anything about any data breach at all either.
So have I in the past years.
I can't give the name they all came from, someone who used to work at DT, who was a real person. I delete them all without reading. Whoever sends them, is very good at making it look like it comes from DT.
Something recent, at least for me, two of my emails have been pounded by spam and fake emails, "hey you won", Sam's club, COSTCO, and other big name places, but also the invoices attached for something I never ordered or an email saying tracking document for something that couldn't be delivered. DON'T OPEN THESE!
Someone I know did and those two accounts are now getting dozens of spam messages that get through, beyond the stacks that are blocked. Only two accounts, which means the email service isn't the problem, someone who's address list was compromised caused it. That's someone who uses my two main emails. None of my others are getting the same spam. Which also means, I'm not the cause.
Or I'd get messages at one of the trap emails that is unused but on my address list.
Emotet infections are delivered to computers that were previously infected with TrickBot, which began sending malicious spam email messages with macro-laden Microsoft Word and Excel files as payloads.
What happens is word or excel files have macros in them that run and will infect your system if you open one of the fake invoices, contests won, deliver notification fakes, some interesting looking coupon, or special bonus offers.
They come from someone you know who has been tricked and infected.
Just got this one "Congrats!: You've Been Selected For $100 Lowe's Reward" another showing as coming from CVS "Important+status of unclaimed reward", nd "Unlock your100Dollars Giftcard" And they come from interesting addresses like
[email protected] with a to: as
[email protected]Maybe I blocked the DT email enough times that it's stopped at the server.