Luis, I was not saying your thread was ridiculous. As was pointed out earlier, my "udderly ridiculous" was yet another dairy joke. Udder being those things you squeeze to milk the cows. The correct way to spell the word, when used with ridiculous, would be
utterly ridiculous, which means VERY ridiculous.
Sorry, it's difficult for me to know how much English you would understand. Thanks for letting us know you are Portuguese.
As far as the DT limits...I didn't post an answer to your real question because when I upload, I usually only upload 5-10 photos at a time and limits at any of the sites rarely hinder me. And I have been falling down on the job lately, so I haven't spent much time at any of the sites to know that things have changed.
@ madelaide: I agree about not needing milk, but I must say there is nothing better than a tall glass of ice cold milk to dip some Oreos in!