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Author Topic: Closing DT account  (Read 25086 times)

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« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2012, 19:42 »
I am not competition to anyone in DT as explained before my 82 photos made 1,30 I think I had 6 DL.

Instead of deleting your portfolio, maybe upload better photos? Seriously - 6 DL off of 82 photos is pretty bad and is indicative of a portfolio which isn't very stock friendly. That's not the agency's fault.

« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2012, 19:48 »
I am not competition to anyone in DT as explained before my 82 photos made 1,30 I think I had 6 DL.

Instead of deleting your portfolio, maybe upload better photos? Seriously - 6 DL off of 82 photos is pretty bad and is indicative of a portfolio which isn't very stock friendly. That's not the agency's fault.

I guess you are forgetting that we are talking about DT, not SS :D

or are you having a lot better ratio?

« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2012, 19:59 »
235 images online, 1780 sales. 7.6 downloads per image. Acceptance ratio 94% (though it is falling  ;))

And really I'm mid pack. There are a ton of contributors with far better sales and ratios than mine. I dunno...6 sales off of 82 photos makes it seem like the OP needs to shoot better stock photos instead of figuring out where to upload to next.

« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2012, 20:20 »
I was thinking we were talking monthly not overall ;)

that said havent you got more files in DT than these days? why if I may ask?

« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2012, 21:12 »
Three reasons. For one, when I came back from IS exclusivity I decided to upload only my best material to DT. Secondly, I "played their game" and tried to keep similar images to an absolute minimum. I have considerably more images on IS and SS as a comparison.

Lastly, I hardly ever create for stock anymore. It bores the heck out of me tbh, and I'm really not that good at it. I like to shoot and do creative edits at home. Uploading to stock sites is not something which interests me except every once in a while. I'm happy to stay there however and collect my monthly income.  8)


« Reply #30 on: June 20, 2012, 05:40 »
I am not competition to anyone in DT as explained before my 82 photos made 1,30 I think I had 6 DL.

Instead of deleting your portfolio, maybe upload better photos? Seriously - 6 DL off of 82 photos is pretty bad and is indicative of a portfolio which isn't very stock friendly. That's not the agency's fault.
They do not want my better photos, I tried dude, I have the smallest port at DT out of all my sites. They rejected my best sellers for similar. they wanted me to combine all into one file. they reject everything I throw at them. My port is 300 photos elsewhere and selling. Screw that.

Dont judge too quick my friend, doesnt look good on you.


« Reply #31 on: June 20, 2012, 05:43 »
Furthermore, many here are complaining their sales at DT tanked, go tell them as well their ports stink.

« Reply #32 on: June 20, 2012, 06:28 »

They do not want my better photos, I tried dude, I have the smallest port at DT out of all my sites. They rejected my best sellers for similar. they wanted me to combine all into one file. they reject everything I throw at them. My port is 300 photos elsewhere and selling. Screw that.

Dont judge too quick my friend, doesnt look good on you.

So post a link to your iStock portfolio. Let's take a look.


« Reply #33 on: June 20, 2012, 07:43 »

They do not want my better photos, I tried dude, I have the smallest port at DT out of all my sites. They rejected my best sellers for similar. they wanted me to combine all into one file. they reject everything I throw at them. My port is 300 photos elsewhere and selling. Screw that.

Dont judge too quick my friend, doesnt look good on you.

So post a link to your iStock portfolio. Let's take a look.

I am not with IS, and I have absolutely nothing to prove to you, whatsoever.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 07:55 by Poncke »


« Reply #34 on: June 20, 2012, 08:06 »

They do not want my better photos, I tried dude, I have the smallest port at DT out of all my sites. They rejected my best sellers for similar. they wanted me to combine all into one file. they reject everything I throw at them. My port is 300 photos elsewhere and selling. Screw that.

Dont judge too quick my friend, doesnt look good on you.

So post a link to your iStock portfolio. Let's take a look.

If he wanted to post it he would have already.  He's right, we shouldn't be so quick to judge.  It's not easy to get ahead starting at an agency these days.  Getting a good ranking would be a huge challenge.  Rejections have increased and it's only going to get harder to get an image accepted as the gallery grows.  For newcomers, it's really not worth the effort.  There's no point leaving images sitting at a micro going stale.  He may have signed up on DT recently and be well established at other agents.  We don't know, so why judge?  He may be making more on IS in a day than you make in a month on DT and decided it's not worth the bother.

Looking at your profile, you joined DT May 29, 2007.  That's 5 years ago or specifically 1849 days ago which brings your average daily downloads to 0.96.  That's nothing to brag about and it doesn't put you in a position where you can knock someone's portfolio, without even seeing it.  Kind of rude and unnecessary, don't you think?


« Reply #35 on: June 20, 2012, 08:16 »

They do not want my better photos, I tried dude, I have the smallest port at DT out of all my sites. They rejected my best sellers for similar. they wanted me to combine all into one file. they reject everything I throw at them. My port is 300 photos elsewhere and selling. Screw that.

Dont judge too quick my friend, doesnt look good on you.

So post a link to your iStock portfolio. Let's take a look.

I am not with IS, and I have absolutely nothing to prove to you, whatsoever.

Smart lad.
I'm starting to combine mine, not all but those that are very similar.
Sales are still regular so I don't plan on leaving this agency just yet.

djpadavona, this little fish won't bite so go try your luck on someone else.

Good luck Poncke!

« Reply #36 on: June 20, 2012, 08:46 »
I think today is a unique example for me at DT.  Usually sales are pretty average lately, but today less than half what I would normally make on a recent weekday.  I checked my search positions and don't see anything amiss.  Might be some sort of technical issues. 


My number of views is average as usual, but without a single sale for a six days!
Maybe is a glitch?


« Reply #37 on: June 20, 2012, 09:43 »
My thanks go out to Wim and Grafix.... its rare these days to get support on a forum as  a completely new poster.  8)

Cheers, good luck to you too. !

« Reply #38 on: June 21, 2012, 09:53 »
So post a link to your iStock portfolio. Let's take a look.
I am not with IS, and I have absolutely nothing to prove to you, whatsoever.

You are taking the absolute wrong attitude on this. I'm requesting you post your portfolio so people can help you figure out whatever problems you have run into, and make it more stock worthy. Instead you take everything as a personal attack, and are trying to "align yourself" with other board members. Which will get you nowhere, unless you convince them to buy your photos. So are you here to win people onto your side, or are you here to learn how to make better stock images?

Your response does not surprise me in the least. You blame DT for rejecting your images, and not selling them, and then you admit in a recent thread that iStock turned down your application, and that you have zero sales lifetime at Bigstock. Take the effort you are wasting on complaining about agencies, and put it into making better images.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 10:05 by djpadavona »


« Reply #39 on: June 21, 2012, 10:02 »
So post a link to your iStock portfolio. Let's take a look.
I am not with IS, and I have absolutely nothing to prove to you, whatsoever.

You are taking the absolute wrong attitude on this. I'm requesting you post your portfolio so people can help you figure out whatever problems you have run into, and make it more stock worthy. Instead you take everything as a personal attack, and are trying to "align yourself" with other board members. Which will get you nowhere, unless you convince them to buy your photos. So are you here to win people onto your side, or are you here to learn how to make better stock images?

Your response does not surprise me in the least. You blame DT for rejecting your images, and not selling them, and then you admit in a recent thread that iStock turned down your application, and that you have zero sales lifetime at Bigstock. As I stated, the problem is with your portfolio. Stop blaming the agencies.

You have no idea why I am closing my account with DT, I posted only one reason here in a reply to another poster. I am not trying to align with anyone, you are seeing ghosts, I am my own one man wolfpack. I howl at the moon at night, and eat beef for breakfast.

I didnt get into IS when I applied months ago, my work improved, I am sure I would pass now. I asked around on other sites what the experience of people is with BS, all the same, not many do well there, even with big quality ports. So with a small port there are no sales. I am not the only one.

Personal attacks? Me? I never met you, and you blaim my port without seeing it and without knowing me.

Who are you anyway? Stock guru? if you are not Yuri, I dont feel the need to take your advice.

Now I definately do not feel the need to show you anything

« Reply #40 on: June 21, 2012, 10:08 »
Wow, I hope that made you feel better. Okay, moving on.


« Reply #41 on: June 21, 2012, 12:35 »
I am my own one man wolfpack. I howl at the moon at night, and eat beef for breakfast.

Charlie Sheen?  Is that you??? 

;D  (sorry, couldn't resist)


« Reply #42 on: June 21, 2012, 13:26 »
I am my own one man wolfpack. I howl at the moon at night, and eat beef for breakfast.

Charlie Sheen?  Is that you??? 

;D  (sorry, couldn't resist)
Haha, love Charlie, but it was more Zach Galifianakis.  ;D


« Reply #43 on: June 21, 2012, 23:22 »
I am my own one man wolfpack. I howl at the moon at night, and eat beef for breakfast.

Charlie Sheen?  Is that you??? 

;D  (sorry, couldn't resist)
Haha, love Charlie, but it was more Zach Galifianakis.  ;D

Maybe that's what Dan meant - you're wolf pack grew by two  ;D


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