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Author Topic: Have just asked to cancel my account at DT  (Read 17654 times)

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  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2011, 09:33 »
diapositive = slides

I had to look it up. In all my photo classes and surfing the internet, never ran across that term before.
Wasn't it on all Kodachrome boxes? It certainly was on at least one of the Fuji or Kodak slide type slide boxes as sold here (UK), but maybe not in the US (?)

Hi Sue,  yes it was but the word Diapositives is just another word for transparancies, dia-slides, etc, may it be Kodachrome, Ektachrome, Velvia or Provia. The OP however seems to have dug out some really old stuff and even if you drumscan very old trannies, its extremly hard to get good quality, unless its large format 4x5 or 8x10.
I can see why DT rejected them flat out.
Quite. I was just curious as to why Cathy wasn't familiar with the term.

@OP: see how things can get convovulated?

« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2011, 09:40 »
@OP: see how things can get convovulated?

Exactly! Not to mention convoluted.  ;D


« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2011, 10:01 »
Now I'm all discombobulated.

« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2011, 10:08 »
About 6 years ago, I wanted to go exclusive and I had to get out of several agencies.  Most of them were courteous, understanding and cooperative. They even wished me well.  Dreamstime, however, was absolutely unconcerned that my one remaining image was hanging up my process for three months. Basically their attitide was "too bad" and "stick it". I also got a few very nasty comments on these boards as well, one person saying I was stupid to expect fair treatment.

« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2011, 10:16 »
Now I'm all discombobulated.

Put the kettle on, sit urself down and have a nice cup of tea.  ;)

« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2011, 10:21 »

All this issue was settle. Exchange a couple of mails with DT staff. And have to say that was very well treated by them. Have made a public apology at the DT forum and will stay away from it for a while. After all the dust had gone down i could saw that ranting (@cclapper yes english isn't my native language, thank you for the correction) and reporting a copyright issue in public was not a wise move.

@lagereek  the images of the diapositives, slides, or whatever were accepted at the end, and no, the images are from a large slides collections, not scaned from slides it self (hope that i have expressed the idea correctly). Better if i post the images here:

Now that the storm is over, hope to get over all this and wish to start to participate here at this forum, in order to learn more about stock photography and share my experiences, rants (@cclapper see? i am a good learner!  ;)), etc..

Best wishes!


« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2011, 10:25 »
Well played Froogz. I miss slides, they seemed to be more vivid, more colorful but that might have been an optical illusion because they were always viewed with light shining through. After all the confusion I think those images could be sellers, if for nothing else than an article on the "good old days."


« Reply #32 on: September 14, 2011, 10:31 »
Thanks MP, that's much better  ;D

@ Froogz - I agree with Cuppacoffee.  Well played  ;D  It's great that you've gained something from the experience and turned a negative into a positive.  I really like the top shot.


« Reply #33 on: September 14, 2011, 10:37 »
Oh well, good!!  out of something negative comes something positive (diapositive) ;D,  good luck in future!


« Reply #34 on: September 14, 2011, 11:05 »
Dreamstime, however, was absolutely unconcerned that my one remaining image was hanging up my process for three months. Basically their attitide was "too bad" and "stick it". I also got a few very nasty comments on these boards as well, one person saying I was stupid to expect fair treatment.

I still do not get stuff like this, fair treatment for all parties is that an agreement is adhered to in my view...  If both parties agree to a compromise it is fair enough but neither s obligated to as far as I am concerned!

If you wish tp break a contractual arrangement it is done by mutual consent and no amount of bleating changes the fact that you said that in exchange for "X" you would agree to "Y".  It does make me a little angry to be honest, I am new to this whole stock thingy but in other work spheres there is a simple answer to anyone wishing to break a commercially binding contract and usually that answer is quite simply "no"!

I can understand frustrations but to throw all of your toys out of the pram as the OP did and then say he will not tolerate "Bad Practices" and throw a whole load of accusations around only to turn around less than 24 hours later and say I have apoloigised and in the end the accepted my pictures smacks of "Brattishness" and realisitcally not anything that I consider to be either grown up or adult behaviour!

« Reply #35 on: September 14, 2011, 11:56 »
I can understand frustrations but to throw all of your toys out of the pram as the OP did and then say he will not tolerate "Bad Practices" and throw a whole load of accusations around only to turn around less than 24 hours later and say I have apoloigised and in the end the accepted my pictures smacks of "Brattishness" and realisitcally not anything that I consider to be either grown up or adult behaviour!

Anyone can have an opinion about anything, and the fact is that i don't care the way you think. You are not aware about what was talked between me and DT staff, and mainly, you don't know me! So please keep your grown up and adult thing to you.

I was just sharing with who cares about the settle of this history, and the fact the my pictures was accepted or not has nothing to do with the way it had ended. FYI the picture was accepted earlier today, and the hole issue ended yesterday.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 12:00 by FRooGZ »

« Reply #36 on: September 14, 2011, 12:10 »
Dreamstime, however, was absolutely unconcerned that my one remaining image was hanging up my process for three months. Basically their attitide was "too bad" and "stick it". I also got a few very nasty comments on these boards as well, one person saying I was stupid to expect fair treatment.

I still do not get stuff like this, fair treatment for all parties is that an agreement is adhered to in my view...  If both parties agree to a compromise it is fair enough but neither s obligated to as far as I am concerned!

If you wish tp break a contractual arrangement it is done by mutual consent and no amount of bleating changes the fact that you said that in exchange for "X" you would agree to "Y".  It does make me a little angry to be honest, I am new to this whole stock thingy but in other work spheres there is a simple answer to anyone wishing to break a commercially binding contract and usually that answer is quite simply "no"!

I can understand frustrations but to throw all of your toys out of the pram as the OP did and then say he will not tolerate "Bad Practices" and throw a whole load of accusations around only to turn around less than 24 hours later and say I have apoloigised and in the end the accepted my pictures smacks of "Brattishness" and realisitcally not anything that I consider to be either grown up or adult behaviour!

Well said!

« Reply #37 on: September 14, 2011, 12:13 »
I can understand frustrations but to throw all of your toys out of the pram as the OP did and then say he will not tolerate "Bad Practices" and throw a whole load of accusations around only to turn around less than 24 hours later and say I have apoloigised and in the end the accepted my pictures smacks of "Brattishness" and realisitcally not anything that I consider to be either grown up or adult behaviour!

Anyone can have an opinion about anything, and the fact is that i don't care the way you think. You are not aware about what was talked between me and DT staff, and mainly, you don't know me! So please keep your grown up and adult thing to you.

I was just sharing with who cares about the settle of this history, and the fact the my pictures was accepted or not has nothing to do with the way it had ended. FYI the picture was accepted earlier today, and the hole issue ended yesterday.

The minute that you posted in a public fora you invited the thoughts of the members of the community, my thoughts are valid and logical...  If you feel that I have made illogical leaps please point them out?  

You are free to an opinion however if you start throwing them out there you must expect a response and that is my response, a response that you have chosen to respond to by putting your fingers in your ears whilst going "la la la" I don't care, like I say very grown up and professional!

I have just one question, you claimed to be unwilling to accept bad porcedures and policies but it now seems that oyu are willing to stay affiliated on the site, does that mean that you have either changed your mind or that you changed DT's mind?

« Reply #38 on: September 14, 2011, 12:31 »
Like you said, that i prefer to keep it to me.

You are free to have your option on anything you want. I didn't say you weren't. What i meant is that your jugdment about my person, is not important at all. I don't know you and you don't know me. So we are at a speculation ground over here.

There is a quote that i like a lot and might fit in here: "Judge Not, Lest the First Stone be Cast at Your Glass House"

I admited that i have made a mistake, public admited and public apologised, if that is not enought for you, well, i don't care. If that is childish behaivor still, well, i don't care.

« Reply #39 on: September 14, 2011, 12:57 »
Dreamstime, however, was absolutely unconcerned that my one remaining image was hanging up my process for three months. Basically their attitide was "too bad" and "stick it". I also got a few very nasty comments on these boards as well, one person saying I was stupid to expect fair treatment.

I still do not get stuff like this, fair treatment for all parties is that an agreement is adhered to in my view...  If both parties agree to a compromise it is fair enough but neither s obligated to as far as I am concerned!

If you wish tp break a contractual arrangement it is done by mutual consent and no amount of bleating changes the fact that you said that in exchange for "X" you would agree to "Y".  It does make me a little angry to be honest, I am new to this whole stock thingy but in other work spheres there is a simple answer to anyone wishing to break a commercially binding contract and usually that answer is quite simply "no"!

I can understand frustrations but to throw all of your toys out of the pram as the OP did and then say he will not tolerate "Bad Practices" and throw a whole load of accusations around only to turn around less than 24 hours later and say I have apoloigised and in the end the accepted my pictures smacks of "Brattishness" and realisitcally not anything that I consider to be either grown up or adult behaviour!

Well said!

You guys make this so simple and black and white.  Maybe you didn't read the situation.  I had removed all but ONE IMAGE from Dreamstime.  They refused to consider removing it so I could move on.  They made me wait THREE MONTHS to remove that image, so I could go exclusive elsewhere.  During that time, they made no sales of the image, they made no money on it, it made no practical difference to them AT ALL. It is unreasonable, belligerant, uncooperative and spiteful behavior.  You support that behavior?  Weird. Their behavior was pointless and destructive. You like that? Weird. 

« Reply #40 on: September 14, 2011, 13:08 »
pictures locked doesnt make any sense, I do understand they had a reviewer looking at the picture and that means $

but when it come to bring level 0 and 25% royalties they dont give us 3 months so we can get used.. again they have the fork and the cheese (portuguese expression) so nothing we can do, obey and dont talk with reviewers or make complain, it wont take you anymore, actually might be prejudicial, there are "great" moves from both big and small agencies (we notice that quite often here)

« Reply #41 on: September 14, 2011, 13:14 »
You guys make this so simple and black and white.  Maybe you didn't read the situation.  I had removed all but ONE IMAGE from Dreamstime.  They refused to consider removing it so I could move on.  They made me wait THREE MONTHS to remove that image, so I could go exclusive elsewhere.  During that time, they made no sales of the image, they made no money on it, it made no practical difference to them AT ALL. It is unreasonable, belligerant, uncooperative and spiteful behavior.  You support that behavior?  Weird. Their behavior was pointless and destructive. You like that? Weird. 

What about Istock? They too could have been flexible in their 'rules' and allowed you to go exclusive with the exception of that one image. I don't understand why you are so critical about DT enforcing their ToS (which you signed up to) but seem to think that Istock were being perfectly reasonable. It was in Istock's interest to make an exception for you but absolutely not in DT's interest.

« Reply #42 on: September 14, 2011, 13:31 »

You guys make this so simple and black and white.  Maybe you didn't read the situation.  I had removed all but ONE IMAGE from Dreamstime.  They refused to consider removing it so I could move on.  They made me wait THREE MONTHS to remove that image, so I could go exclusive elsewhere.  During that time, they made no sales of the image, they made no money on it, it made no practical difference to them AT ALL. It is unreasonable, belligerant, uncooperative and spiteful behavior.  You support that behavior?  Weird. Their behavior was pointless and destructive. You like that? Weird. 

I wonder if you could have set it to sell the rights for 1$ and bought it yourself (or paid someone to buy it).

« Reply #43 on: September 14, 2011, 13:38 »
Dreamstime, however, was absolutely unconcerned that my one remaining image was hanging up my process for three months. Basically their attitide was "too bad" and "stick it". I also got a few very nasty comments on these boards as well, one person saying I was stupid to expect fair treatment.

I still do not get stuff like this, fair treatment for all parties is that an agreement is adhered to in my view...  If both parties agree to a compromise it is fair enough but neither s obligated to as far as I am concerned!

If you wish tp break a contractual arrangement it is done by mutual consent and no amount of bleating changes the fact that you said that in exchange for "X" you would agree to "Y".  It does make me a little angry to be honest, I am new to this whole stock thingy but in other work spheres there is a simple answer to anyone wishing to break a commercially binding contract and usually that answer is quite simply "no"!

I can understand frustrations but to throw all of your toys out of the pram as the OP did and then say he will not tolerate "Bad Practices" and throw a whole load of accusations around only to turn around less than 24 hours later and say I have apoloigised and in the end the accepted my pictures smacks of "Brattishness" and realisitcally not anything that I consider to be either grown up or adult behaviour!

Well said!

You guys make this so simple and black and white.  Maybe you didn't read the situation.  I had removed all but ONE IMAGE from Dreamstime.  They refused to consider removing it so I could move on.  They made me wait THREE MONTHS to remove that image, so I could go exclusive elsewhere.  During that time, they made no sales of the image, they made no money on it, it made no practical difference to them AT ALL. It is unreasonable, belligerant, uncooperative and spiteful behavior.  You support that behavior?  Weird. Their behavior was pointless and destructive. You like that? Weird. 

It is indeed black and white, a contractual agreement is, in its very definition black and white and it has to be to make it worth anything!

Whether I, you or indeed Dreamstime like it or not a contractual agreement is a contractual agreement, you were the one who wished to renege on your responsibilities and DT were completely within their rights to say no!

« Reply #44 on: September 14, 2011, 14:29 »
Of all the problems existing in this industry, and the way agencies have treated contributors over the last year, I cannot fathom attacking an upstanding agency like Dreamstime. If I were them I would gladly waive the 6 month rule just to be done with the headache of dealing with someone who argues this much but has uploaded only 25 images since 2005.

« Reply #45 on: September 14, 2011, 15:32 »
Of all the problems existing in this industry, and the way agencies have treated contributors over the last year, I cannot fathom attacking an upstanding agency like Dreamstime. If I were them I would gladly waive the 6 month rule just to be done with the headache of dealing with someone who argues this much but has uploaded only 25 images since 2005.

FYI, i was a designer and a buyer back in 2005. Started uploading in august 2011. My issues with DT are settled. And for my best luck i do not depend on stock agencies for a living, so i can affort to critique them if i see something that do not like. For now on will just do it by direct contacting them and not in public.

This thread is over


« Reply #46 on: September 19, 2011, 15:54 »
Of all the problems existing in this industry, and the way agencies have treated contributors over the last year, I cannot fathom attacking an upstanding agency like Dreamstime. If I were them I would gladly waive the 6 month rule just to be done with the headache of dealing with someone who argues this much but has uploaded only 25 images since 2005.

FYI, i was a designer and a buyer back in 2005. Started uploading in august 2011. My issues with DT are settled. And for my best luck i do not depend on stock agencies for a living, so i can affort to critique them if i see something that do not like. For now on will just do it by direct contacting them and not in public.

This thread is over

"It ain't over till it's over..." And after a diatribe about diapositives, I suspect there will be more. I'll probably forget that term for slides by tomorrow, but it was interesting having it come up.

Now that you posted the images in question, I see that it wasn't the slide scan contents but the mount designs that were in question. (did I get that right?) Interesting.

I'm sure some people are very happy and do well at DT. When I closed my account, I followed their guidelines and terms, cashed out, had no problems, and possibly still have an account? I don't know, except I removed all my images because I had so many rejected as "these don't sell well" and low commercial value, when they were the same as my best sellers on DT, same as acceptable the months before. Style and general contents, not identical.

Everyone went away happy. They got rid of my CrapStock, I got my money and had one less agency to worry about. Two other sites took months of emails and trying to explain, that all I wanted to do was cash out and leave. Some how, something that simple didn't translate to agencies who claim to be based in Houston TX or NY NY?  ???

« Reply #47 on: October 02, 2011, 08:18 »
Well, I have just read what he said on his DT submitters-as-inspectors thread and he was pretty aggressive. He has a point - though I think the point is better aimed at another site where there seems to be fairly clear evidence of at least some inspectors colluding and using the system to award themselves special privileges, I am not aware of that happening at DT.

When people feel diminished as a result of rejections and policies that they feel affect them negatively it is easy for that to turn to anger and an obsession with perceived wrongdoing.


Which site are you talking about??


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