Agency Based Discussion => Dreamstime.com => Topic started by: stockastic on August 04, 2012, 22:16
Anyone else getting a message of "Technical Error" when trying to upload to DT?
Anyone else getting a message of "Technical Error" when trying to upload to DT?
Where have you been?
Only FTP uploading works.
Only FTP uploading works.
What do you mean only FTP uploading works? The Java uploader works fine on my end.
Same problem here.... :((
http://www.microstockgroup.com/dreamstime-com/uploading-error/ (http://www.microstockgroup.com/dreamstime-com/uploading-error/)
And i also posted on the the DT forum as well.
Nothing i could do would fix it so i just use FTP from now on.
I don't have any problem with the Java uploading.
Uploading to DT? You've lost me there. Do people still do that?
Uploading to DT? You've lost me there. Do people still do that?
I do - until they trash my portfolio's sales (it happened once before in my prior life as an indie). I've never used the Java uploader as the one time I tried, it appeared to be brain dead and would only look at my Mac's boot drive, not any of the others. I fully expect it'll happen again at some point, but at this point I just try to follow the sales, wherever I find them :)
Same problem here, but I can't upload even in FTP. Filezilla cannot connect to server.
FTP problem solved: in Filezilla I was using my login as user instead of my ID.
The Java uploader still gives "technical error". Amazing. It's been weeks.
The Java uploader still gives "technical error". Amazing. It's been weeks.
The java upload works fine with me (firefox).
I had the same error message yesterday but found that if I turned off the windows firewall and let Norton handle the firewall it all worked fine and was able to get my upload sent in. Seems like I had two firewalls running at the same time and that can cause issues sometimes.