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Author Topic: DepositPhotos and Shotshop- standard purchases gives only subscription amounts?  (Read 153638 times)

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« Reply #375 on: March 03, 2014, 10:11 »

1. Would anyone (buyers or contributors) use it as decision making criteria?
2. Would the agencies consider the postings (feedback, experience, etc) vital enough to listen and react?

I would also think that there should be a buyer section where they can post their experiences around service levels, pricing, etc.

Yes they would.  A purchase is an emotional decision - and the overall impression that we hold about a company always plays a significant role.
And yes they would. Because they could ignore it only at their own peril once there is enough circulation or readership of content.

Yes absolutely. A buyer section can even be in the same string as contributor section in my opinion.  Its simply anyone or public at large, that can post or respond there.  And the company itself would also have the opportunity to comment or respond - just as they can do on TripAdvisor.

« Reply #376 on: March 03, 2014, 11:10 »
My all images, all gallery, old photos are in
Looks like it's a partner from DP. I've found images deactivated long time ago, months, or even a year ago... It's still on partner's site  :o  :-\

I didn't upload the same images anywhere else. DP was the only one who could sell that old photos.
I'm waiting my last $4 and I'm out of here for good!

« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 11:32 by Ariene »

« Reply #377 on: March 03, 2014, 11:19 »
Ariene, have you clicked on the photo to see if you can go through with purchase - in many cases it is just a placeholder and the real photo is not available for download.  Hopefully this is the case!

« Reply #378 on: March 03, 2014, 11:23 »
Hmm, could not find any of my images there.  Seems to me, that many picture on this polish site are of low quality (not all, but a lot of them I saw).

« Reply #379 on: March 03, 2014, 11:32 »
@ Pixart, you're right, can't do purchase, but it shouldn't be there at all.

« Reply #380 on: March 03, 2014, 11:36 »
They have my images as well... image numbers are the same as on Deposit with prefix PHX

« Reply #381 on: March 03, 2014, 11:37 »
This Polish site is very, very slow to load, but has a few of my images from Veer (I have never been on Deposit Photos and it does mention Veer's name in the image description). Unless their search is broken I apparently have only 8 images from the 800+ I have on Veer. The images aren't best sellers or even high traffic subjects, so I have a hard time imagining they were picked out on purpose
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 13:45 by Jo Ann Snover »

« Reply #382 on: March 03, 2014, 12:27 »
This stock is partner from Veer. But I didn't know that they get images from DP as well.

« Reply #383 on: March 03, 2014, 14:21 »
Oh my, looks like entire ports from DP and Veer.  Why do they charge more for Veer Images?  Do we make more?  They do also appear to give Veer better position in the search.    49 zt Large      79 zt Large

Does anyone know what a zt is worth U.S.?
ANSWERED EDIT:  49 Zloty is almost $U.S.16
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 14:24 by Pixart »

« Reply #384 on: March 03, 2014, 15:15 »
Photogenica.. there is my images from DP, Veer and 123RF also!


« Reply #385 on: March 03, 2014, 15:30 »
I don't know how many of you use TripAdvisor, but it seems like we want a type of TripAdvisor site for stock agencies (and possibly other businesses too). That isn't as easy as one might like - fighting off fake entries for example - but it's a great way for people to see what hotels/restaurants stock agencies/services are like.

You can sort things by date so that old/bad behavior can be over time ameliorated by improvements, but history is never erased (unlike the BBB and Angie's List)

I regularly use TripAdvisor and find it an excellent source of information for travel planning. And this is a brilliant idea particularly as it could serve the public at large, contributors and buyers alike.

Consumers or buyers are frequently as concerned about the ethical standards of a business, as much as we as contributors are, when we find ourselves exposed to malicious or unfair trade practices.

A public forum can therefore help to keep the whole supply chain 'cleaner' by forcing everyone to be more actively concerned about their total business image.

I also use Trip Advisor.  In fact I actually signed up to become a member because that way I am allowed to contact "individuals" who post.  I do this especially when I am traveling to new, third world locations.  If they post negative or positive feedback you can contact them directly to get further clarification.  The real questions is....

1. Would anyone (buyers or contributors) use it as decision making criteria?
2. Would the agencies consider the postings (feedback, experience, etc) vital enough to listen and react?

I would also think that there should be a buyer section where they can post their experiences around service levels, pricing, etc.

It would effect my decisions. It would need to be in many different languages though (perhaps translated?). It seems to me one of the problems with connecting contributors is they are from all over and speak many different languages.

« Reply #386 on: March 03, 2014, 15:32 »
@ jarih,
You can opt out from 123rf partner sites. You can't from Veer. There was a thread about Veer option:

Ajaj, I feel really bad with this partners sites and to low earnings :(
Wish I knew (and care) before... Whatta mess to clean up now...
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 15:39 by Ariene »

« Reply #387 on: March 03, 2014, 19:41 »
It looks like most of my portfolio is on the Polish site, too. I don't have anything on Veer, but I do have my port with DP and 123. Where are they getting my images from? Are they a partner with DP?

« Reply #388 on: March 03, 2014, 19:52 »
Oh my, looks like entire ports from DP and Veer.  Why do they charge more for Veer Images?  Do we make more?  They do also appear to give Veer better position in the search.    49 zt Large      79 zt Large

Does anyone know what a zt is worth U.S.?
ANSWERED EDIT:  49 Zloty is almost $U.S.16

If you select the Union Jack button to get English, the prices switch to Euros: 3, 6, 8 & 13 for DP and 3, 5, 15 & 19 for Veer.

But the way Veer works with its partner program, you get your standard Veer amounts regardless of the price the reseller flogs it for (which is one of the problems I had with Veer's resellers, the other being the lack of opt out).

« Reply #389 on: March 04, 2014, 02:19 »
... Where are they getting my images from? Are they a partner with DP?

"Yes, is our partner.
Should you have any further questions feel free to contact us."


« Reply #390 on: March 04, 2014, 03:29 »
I have asked Photogenica where they got my images, because some are still available when I deactivated them on DP. They said their partner was 123RF.

« Reply #391 on: March 04, 2014, 03:42 »
I do not see my 123rf images at Photogenica - just 8 of my Veer images. Are they hand picking what they want versus taking everything?  I did opt out of 123rf partner sales over the weekend, but I checked before that.

« Reply #392 on: March 04, 2014, 04:33 »
Only just latched onto this thread since I rarely upload there anymore.

What a disgrace. More and more, our so-called representatives and marketeers somehow manage to make Fagin look like an ambassador for decency and fair play.

« Reply #393 on: March 04, 2014, 07:05 »
Photogenica is showing the portfolio names I only use (or used) at Veer, 123.  They are also showing the name I use at DP and others...   

« Reply #394 on: March 05, 2014, 05:22 »
Deactivated couple hundred more images from DP yesterday .. then my finger got tired :)

« Reply #395 on: March 05, 2014, 08:16 »
I have asked Photogenica where they got my images, because some are still available when I deactivated them on DP. They said their partner was 123RF.

When and how did you contact them?
I've sent email (in polish lang.) at [email protected] March 03 and still waiting for replay...


« Reply #396 on: March 05, 2014, 08:55 »


« Reply #397 on: March 05, 2014, 10:22 »
Photogenica has my images using my DP username. It's a username I only use at DP, completely different from my 123RF username.

They also use my DP ID number in the profile URL at Photogenica.

Looks to me like Photogenica images come from DP, not 123RF.


« Reply #398 on: March 05, 2014, 10:35 »
Would they give me incorrect information about that, or lie about it, or dont know who their supplier is? Maybe 123RF is one of their suppliers. Some images of mine are no longer available which would be images from DP. Other images still available could come from 123.


« Reply #399 on: March 05, 2014, 14:06 »

They could be getting images from both places. But they're definitely not getting images only from 123RF. DP is supplying some of them for sure. Even the images numbers at Photogenica match DP image numbers.


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