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Author Topic: DepositPhotos and Shotshop- standard purchases gives only subscription amounts?  (Read 153659 times)

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« Reply #250 on: February 21, 2014, 19:42 »
On Twitter:

Less than 1% photographer fee? Questions raised on #Depositphotos business practice (English translation from German)

« Reply #251 on: February 21, 2014, 19:48 »
If anyone wants to RT or Fav it, it should be possible here:

« Reply #252 on: February 21, 2014, 19:52 »
On Twitter:

Less than 1% photographer fee? Questions raised on #Depositphotos business practice (English translation from German)


« Reply #253 on: February 22, 2014, 06:54 »

« Reply #254 on: February 22, 2014, 08:35 »
Its a crap deal and we should spread the word via blogs, twitter, etc to get the word out there.
Thanks the the OP who found this whole mess out and let us know about it - lets keep his work going!

« Reply #255 on: February 22, 2014, 08:45 »
All that I want is an opt out. Right now my files are still on ibudgetphotos, at least those I didnt deactivate. I hope they will offer us general opt out button and not rely on a system where we always have to write to them.

I also wouldt be surprised if many people keep their files opted in,even if they have the possibility to opt out.

But at least everyone then has a choice and deposit can point to their opt out button in the future if people complain.

I think everyone who is serious about stock,is certainly following the threads here. If you see it as a business,you stay informed.

« Reply #256 on: February 22, 2014, 08:58 »
All that I want is an opt out. Right now my files are still on ibudgetphotos, at least those I didnt deactivate. I hope they will offer us general opt out button and not rely on a system where we always have to write to them.

I also wouldt be surprised if many people keep their files opted in,even if they have the possibility to opt out.

But at least everyone then has a choice and deposit can point to their opt out button in the future if people complain.

I think everyone who is serious about stock,is certainly following the threads here. If you see it as a business,you stay informed.

I hope you are right about this, but DP's silence in this whole despicable cheat fest means to me that they don't want to disrupt the apple cart, meaning most of their contributors haven't sent them opt out emails.  But that's just my opinion.

« Reply #257 on: February 22, 2014, 09:04 »
Maybe I should have said,that I believe that the artist as an entrepreneur also has a responsibility to stay informed. And to share information with their own friends and community.

The Getty Google deal spread really quickly around the globe, I think that made everyone aware how important it is to share information.

I dont understand why DP is so silent and doest send an admin here to explain things, it certainly gives a bad impression. Maybe they will do it once they have an opt out available. I dont know how long it takes to program something like that and talk to their business partners to prepare them.

The sooner they have the option, the better it is for them.

« Reply #258 on: February 22, 2014, 09:28 »
I wonder if DP has to make financial amends to their partners/resellers and also future lost revenue?
1. reimburse shotshop for the purchase price of the images
2. look at the sales history of the images and pay a penalty to shotshop for lost future revenue for those images that were producing revenue for shotshop.
I can't imagine it's as simple as telling them to take down these images you purchased from us legitimately.
Good point!
Hell mend 'em.

My gut tells me this will create a financial hit to DP, but who knows.  Like someone else said I directed them to this thread, so someone is probably lurking.  And like Cobalt, I was giving DP the benefit of the doubt, but now it's clear that they will try anything to screw contributors as long as they get to laugh all the way to the bank while we eat beans and franks as our gourmet meals.

Why would you assume that? It's an API deal, ShotShop did not BUY any of our images. If they had BOUGHT all of my images, even at a subscription price, I would have made some decent money. But with an API deal, they just get access to all images Deposit offers and whenever one of their customers buys a license, they make a subscription download for only that single file. This is no different from any subscription buyer: You don't get a guarantee that any of the images available today will still be there tomorrow.

And the depressing part is that most likely a huge number of contributors will never hear about it or won't care at all, so out of the 20+ million images available on Deposit, ShotShop might "lose" a few hundred thousand of images now with those people reporting here in the thread.

However it's structured, DP doesn't just open up their collection to any tom, dick and harry who wants to use their images and make money.  My point is that there HAS TO BE A FINANCIAL implication if portfolios are being removed from the API resellers.  Shotshop, for example, in some way has to pay DP for images that Shotshop sells from the DP collection.  If a mass of high selling portfolios are suddenly removed, I'd probably conclude that is covered somewhere in their agreement, but what if it's not? What if they didn't plan for a mass exodus? So all I am saying is that "I WONDER" if there is a financial implication. And if you consider my more recent posts I am basically saying the same thing as you.

« Reply #259 on: February 22, 2014, 09:38 »
I fully agree. I doubt their partners are pleased to lose content. Customers will lightbox files for future projects and then suddenly they cant find them anymore. Especially an agency that offers files at a much higher price point, if I was the customer, I wouldnt be happy.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #260 on: February 22, 2014, 10:02 »
I fully agree. I doubt their partners are pleased to lose content. Customers will lightbox files for future projects and then suddenly they cant find them anymore. Especially an agency that offers files at a much higher price point, if I was the customer, I wouldnt be happy.
But if they could find the same image much cheaper, they'd be ecstatic.

« Reply #261 on: February 22, 2014, 10:09 »
I fully agree. I doubt their partners are pleased to lose content. Customers will lightbox files for future projects and then suddenly they cant find them anymore. Especially an agency that offers files at a much higher price point, if I was the customer, I wouldnt be happy.
But if they could find the same image much cheaper, they'd be ecstatic.

So true. And perhaps one of the biggest risks.  Knowledge is power.

« Reply #262 on: February 22, 2014, 10:15 »
No more new uploads from me to DP until they remove my portfolio from all their partner sites! If they don't do it soon I will deactivate all my images! They bring me less than 1,5% of my microstock income. No big deal!

« Reply #263 on: February 22, 2014, 10:59 »
No more new uploads from me to DP until they remove my portfolio from all their partner sites! If they don't do it soon I will deactivate all my images! They bring me less than 1,5% of my microstock income. No big deal!
+1 Same here!

« Reply #264 on: February 22, 2014, 11:48 »
No more new uploads from me to DP until they remove my portfolio from all their partner sites! If they don't do it soon I will deactivate all my images! They bring me less than 1,5% of my microstock income. No big deal!
+1 Same here!

I am not uploading any of my new stuff either.  In fact, I am on the fence about closing my account with them altogether.  I have a niche image collection that they would lose. The only reason I uploaded to them in the first place was that, like many others, was asked privately by them to join in return for "favored" positioning.  Yea, um, okay, I fell for it. But it is at a point where my work has far more value sitting on my hard drive collecting dust when you consider the way DEPOSIT PHOTOS has scammed us.

« Reply #265 on: February 22, 2014, 12:43 »
I'm afraid, even if you would send a request, they don't close your account. My account is still active, never got an answer when I asked for closing of my account.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2014, 13:27 by roede-orm »

« Reply #266 on: February 22, 2014, 13:05 »
...The only reason I uploaded to them in the first place was that, like many others, was asked privately by them to join in return for "favored" positioning.

And that was where they lost me. We can't all be favored - everyone's above average!

That promise was a negative on two fronts from my perspective - one was that it was truly unsustainable (versus the unfortunate use of that term by the Getty fabrication machine); the other was that it was anti-buyer. A search should be delivering the most useful results to the buyer if the site is to do well long term.

I had given some thoughts to reconsidering my position - given the ever changing landscape of one flavor of turmoil or another - but DP's response to this situation, even more than the scummy deal itself, has led me to conclude that this is an outfit I could not give my content to.

We always worry about trusting agencies, but DP has scored an own goal in showing their ethics very plainly for us to see. At this point even if they offered an opt out for all off-site sales I'm not sure I'd trust them to abide by that - Sean's content is still on Shotshop this morning...


« Reply #267 on: February 22, 2014, 13:14 »
I'm afraid, even if you would send a request, they don't close your account. My account is till active, never got an answer when I asked for closing of my account.
I'm leaving only one image up for now and keeping my account. My concern is that since they don't delete the images (even if they are disabled) that someday/somehow they'd change their TOS and reactivate them. I'd prefer to keep what access I have to my images, even if they are not for sale.

« Reply #268 on: February 22, 2014, 15:00 »
I'm afraid, even if you would send a request, they don't close your account. My account is till active, never got an answer when I asked for closing of my account.
I'm leaving only one image up for now and keeping my account. My concern is that since they don't delete the images (even if they are disabled) that someday/somehow they'd change their TOS and reactivate them. I'd prefer to keep what access I have to my images, even if they are not for sale.

Being too lazy to check, if I were to deactivate images, could I reactivate them myself unfettered?

« Reply #269 on: February 22, 2014, 15:15 »
I'm afraid, even if you would send a request, they don't close your account. My account is till active, never got an answer when I asked for closing of my account.
I'm leaving only one image up for now and keeping my account. My concern is that since they don't delete the images (even if they are disabled) that someday/somehow they'd change their TOS and reactivate them. I'd prefer to keep what access I have to my images, even if they are not for sale.

Being too lazy to check, if I were to deactivate images, could I reactivate them myself unfettered?
No problem at all, because your pictures are still there.

« Reply #270 on: February 22, 2014, 22:41 »
What a difference a year makes. I found this response to Luis on a thread from just a year ago.  I guess Shotshop doesn't have any qualms about displaying "the same images like the subscription stocks" anymore considering their alliance with DP.

Hi Luis Santos,

thanks for your interest contributing images at please let me explain that we are mainly focussed on the german speaking markets with more selected images and even higher prices than the usual microstocks. It doens't make sense for us to display the same images like the subscription stocks. I am sorry and hope for your understanding.

good luck and
best regards
Stephan Krmer

« Reply #271 on: February 23, 2014, 01:59 »
"It doens't make sense for us to display the same images like the subscription stocks. I am sorry and hope for your understanding. good luck and
best regards
Stephan Krmer
;D ;D ;D  ." Sure, we understand it 8)

« Reply #272 on: February 23, 2014, 02:40 »
What could be the reason for customers to buy from Shotshop, when they can buy them cheaper via DP (credits or subs) ? Is DP not accessible to German markets ?

« Reply #273 on: February 23, 2014, 03:00 »
What could be the reason for customers to buy from Shotshop, when they can buy them cheaper via DP (credits or subs) ? Is DP not accessible to German markets ?
Of course, they are available and they offer an interface complete in German. Wondering the same, so I don't have an answer! But it must be lucrative in any way.

« Reply #274 on: February 23, 2014, 03:24 »
What could be the reason for customers to buy from Shotshop, when they can buy them cheaper via DP (credits or subs) ? Is DP not accessible to German markets ?
Of course, they are available and they offer an interface complete in German. Wondering the same, so I don't have an answer! But it must be lucrative in any way.
Thanks Roede-orm !


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