So for about a week I noticed Yuri being the 1st on "top 10 photographers" list. Fair enough, he's got the quantiy and quality. However, looking through his pictures I noticed that his rank is Platinum. Now c'mon... this is at short time after they (depositphotos) made a blog entry about Valua Vitaly being the first to break the barrier of Green rank.
I don't know if ranking means anything, but if you play around with the site it appears that it means better search placement.
I wrote them, demanding an explanation about the fairness of the procedure. They didn't answer so far - it's been a few days.
I will also be content with Gold ranking, thanks a lot. Everyone else, make here a note about what rank would you like to have and maybe (just maybe) someone at DepositPhotos takes notice, right?

How fair is this?