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Author Topic: Partnership of Depositphotos and Defrozo on Kickstarter  (Read 7377 times)

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« on: April 09, 2015, 07:35 »
I found this in my inbox after work this morning.  Not sure exactly what it all means I skimmed through it.  After an 8 hour shift I'm exhausted.  Here's the text:

Dear User,

We are happy to announce that Depositphotos is now collaborating with the Defrozo marketing platform launched recently on Kickstarter, becoming an Official Integrated Partner.

Defrozo is a free marketing platform, performing an all-in-one service for photographers. With the aid of the Defrozo service, you can showcase your photography, organize your workflow, manage your clients, sell prints, and discover growth hacks tailored specifically to photographers.

To turn this project into reality, Kickstarter launched a fundraising effort on March 17, and during the first week Defrozo collected 31% of the $50,000 it needs.

Together with Defrozo, we are striving to provide new business opportunities for photographers and customers, increase the quantity of high-quality content, and help clients get fast and easy access to creative and artistic works.

Best regards,
Depositphotos Team

Here's the link to the Kickstarter page:

Not sure what exactly this means for contributors and what kind of partnership it is.  Is it good?  Is it bad?

I look forward to your thoughts.


Semmick Photo

« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2015, 07:40 »
If Defrozo are an official partner, why doesnt DP pump in the hard needed $50K from their 97% commission? Greedy hacks.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 09:25 by Semmick Photo »

« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2015, 09:11 »
Ick, it's built on wordpress.  No thanks.

« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2015, 12:14 »
If Defrozo are an official partner, why doesnt DP pump in the hard needed $50K from their 97% commission? Greedy hacks.

Let me guess they will integrate our images for next to nothing.   

Could better for us if they are too cheap back the remaining 30,000

160 backers

$22,711 pledged of $50,000 goal

6 days to go

« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2015, 12:48 »
I looked at the written info and watched some of the video (scrubbed through a lot as it seemed focused on how you can make pretty galleries and not on the commerce features). It doesn't seem to me that this would work as a site I could license images from.

I wouldn't mind something based on WordPress if it did all the things needed to license images (as examples, I don't see anything about the mechanics of uploading full size images and having watermarked thumbs generated and the licensing sales generating the needed sizes on the fly).

It also didn't talk about things like VAT and payment gateway options; file formats supported (could I sell PSDs, PNGs, videos, etc.). It didn't mention what the differences are between the free site and $49 a month would be or whether I could host it on my own site vs. pay them for storage

If this is just a portfolio site that shows clients proofs and sells prints, there are all sorts of options to do that already, so why fund another one?

« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2015, 17:53 »
Agreed if they partnered with them why not fund it the rest of the way?  Also if it's not just for licensing images and they're going to use it for POD then I'm definitely not interested in this.  And the fact that they don't go over the commerce side of it seems underhanded to me since that's what most if not all of us would be interested in.

I already have something for WordPress that I'm probably going to change anyway to something else so also not thrilled with that.

And if I wanted a gallery I can make my own.


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