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Author Topic: Mail from Depositphotos, asking to upload more photos  (Read 17347 times)

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« on: May 07, 2019, 09:01 »
I received this today:

""My name is Ann,
I am Content Curator at Depositphotos.
Our team is glad to represent your portfolio on our website.
I have noticed that you had not uploaded your entire collection of images our platform. There are more than  1 000 great images on other stocks that, unfortunately, are not uploaded on DP platform. I think those works would be in demand among our clients.
So to encourage you I suggest you take the advantages of our service for free:
mass uploading via personal high-speed ftp;
help with attribution;
promotion of your portfolio.
Eagerly waiting to receive your response and wishing you a wonderful day!"

My answer:
"Dear Ann,
"I find your email a little inappropriate
For years I have always uploaded the same images on all the sites.
The only reason why more than 1000 images that you can see on the other sites are not on Deposiphotos is because Depositphotos has (had) rejected all of them.
So, not my choice or my fault, but the Depositphotos one.
Now, frankly, I have no time to see what is on Depositphotos and what it is not.
You had to think better before to reject some of my images that are best sellers on other sites

Kind regards"

« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2019, 09:06 »
They are desperate. They rejected lots of my pictures a while ago and for no reason they are now accepted.

Enviado desde mi ALP-L29 mediante Tapatalk

« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2019, 09:06 »
« Last Edit: May 08, 2019, 11:10 by davidbautista »

« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2019, 11:51 »
wow haha

''So to encourage you I suggest you take the advantages of our service for free:''

Sounds like exciting news. You don't even need to pay anymore to upload there  :-X

« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2019, 13:28 »

Weird agency.

« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2019, 14:21 »
They keep "reviewing" and accepting my images submitted years back.

« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2019, 14:22 »
It could be worse, an agency once rejected Sean Locke and they never asked him to come back.

You on the other hand can walk into DP offices with swagger right now, sit with your feet on their tables and ask for a Bacardi on the rocks and a foot massage.  :D

« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2019, 17:09 »
You're actually replying to what appears to be a generic email sent to thousands of contributors? Do you really believe they care about you personally, your arguments or your rejection rate? What are you expecting, a follow up email with an apology to soothe your hurt feelings?

You may take a request for new content personal, but the reality is you're just one of thousands of contributors. Why even bother replying?

What's the point of this thread anyway? To show off your "victorious" reply over their "inappropriate" e-mail? It wasn't even inappriopriate.


« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2019, 17:23 »
My! some one is a happy mood today  ;D

Judging by Chichikov's email he received from "Ann" it did look very personal and not
particularly generic.

« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2019, 00:53 »
You're actually replying to what appears to be a generic email sent to thousands of contributors? Do you really believe they care about you personally, your arguments or your rejection rate? What are you expecting, a follow up email with an apology to soothe your hurt feelings?

You may take a request for new content personal, but the reality is you're just one of thousands of contributors. Why even bother replying?

What's the point of this thread anyway? To show off your "victorious" reply over their "inappropriate" e-mail? It wasn't even inappriopriate.
I thought it was interesting on a group that discusses microstock issues. I haven't had the email incidentally.


« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2019, 01:07 »
You're actually replying to what appears to be a generic email sent to thousands of contributors? Do you really believe they care about you personally, your arguments or your rejection rate? What are you expecting, a follow up email with an apology to soothe your hurt feelings?

You may take a request for new content personal, but the reality is you're just one of thousands of contributors. Why even bother replying?

What's the point of this thread anyway? To show off your "victorious" reply over their "inappropriate" e-mail? It wasn't even inappriopriate.

Digestion problem?

« Last Edit: May 08, 2019, 02:59 by Chichikov »


« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2019, 01:14 »
If I may comment,
all feedback is (or supposed to be) helpful.
For both contributors and agencies.
People learn (or suppossed to) learn by mistakes and the past.
It is in our nature to take personally and emotionally whatever comes to our lifes.

That said, this thread is a good archive talk on rejection.
Actually a motivational one
as long as images work that is rejected can be good sellers elsewhere.


« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2019, 13:34 »
Maybe I'm being overly picky, but when I receive an email from a business I expect proper grammar and spelling to be used.  "Ann"'s email is painful to read.  And that in of itself makes me ignore the message. 

Perhaps English isn't her first language.

« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2019, 14:26 »
Maybe I'm being overly picky, but when I receive an email from a business I expect proper grammar and spelling to be used.  "Ann"'s email is painful to read.  And that in of itself makes me ignore the message. 

Perhaps English isn't her first language.

I am the same way. And if a company is going to write emails in English, they should be professional enough to make sure spelling and grammar are correct. They make millions of $$ ... no excuse. Sure, everyone makes mistakes, but they shouldnt, at their level. Its like the email date mistake Shutterstock just sent out...they take enough of our money to make sure that doesnt happen. Back in the day, in graphic arts, we used to send all work through at least 2 people for proofreading. I guess no one cares about trivial things like professionalism (or ethics) anymore.

« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2019, 15:29 »
It could be worse, an agency once rejected Sean Locke and they never asked him to come back.

You on the other hand can walk into DP offices with swagger right now, sit with your feet on their tables and ask for a Bacardi on the rocks and a foot massage.  :D

Ha!  Ah the life.


« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2019, 23:20 »
It could be worse, an agency once rejected Sean Locke and they never asked him to come back.

You on the other hand can walk into DP offices with swagger right now, sit with your feet on their tables and ask for a Bacardi on the rocks and a foot massage.  :D

Ha!  Ah the life.

It's not life.
Life is a gift.
It's people.

As an offtopic example, the late Yannis Behrakis (Reuters) was actually self banned
from his native speaking photography forum (dpgr.gr) after the hard criticizing criticism
he got at his early days of photo journalism photography portfolio showcasing.

« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2019, 07:49 »
That's an odd e-mail, especially since the difference is due to images they rejected previously.  With their recent activity of suddenly accepting images that they rejected years ago it is clear that they already have all your images stored somewhere - they could correct that problem themselves if they really wanted to.

I continue to upload there occasionally, but in my experience new images almost never sell (even though old ones do fine) so there isn't too much point.  Maybe they are trying to increase their "asset" base in preparation for selling the company.


« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2019, 12:13 »
That's an odd e-mail, especially since the difference is due to images they rejected previously.  With their recent activity of suddenly accepting images that they rejected years ago it is clear that they already have all your images stored somewhere - they could correct that problem themselves if they really wanted to.

I continue to upload there occasionally, but in my experience new images almost never sell (even though old ones do fine) so there isn't too much point.  Maybe they are trying to increase their "asset" base in preparation for selling the company.

As I have systematically deleted the images they rejected, they can no longer put them in my portfolio.
I think they still have a record of these images in their database, but not the images themselves, and that's why they asked me to upload the missing images again ...
Do they really think I'm going to waste my time on a site representing 0.5% of my revenue on microstock sites?

« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2019, 12:50 »
over last 6 months i'd noticed they were accepting 4-5x the number of images i'd actually been submitting but just figured it was a bug - sales remained pitiful.  but I didnt notice the total lifetime rejected had decreased -- from previous 50% accepted i'm now at about 95%!!!

« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2019, 13:55 »
same here.

used to get lots of unjustified rejections, saying all my photos where too similar (they absolutely are not)

now they accept everything

« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2019, 20:32 »
As I have systematically deleted the images they rejected, they can no longer put them in my portfolio.
I think they still have a record of these images in their database, but not the images themselves, and that's why they asked me to upload the missing images again ...

Oh, that explains it - they know what they're missing.  I'm too lazy to delete rejected images and it was weird when they suddenly started accepting ones that they rejected years ago.

« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2019, 23:17 »
Maybe I'm being overly picky, but when I receive an email from a business I expect proper grammar and spelling to be used.  "Ann"'s email is painful to read.  And that in of itself makes me ignore the message. 

Perhaps English isn't her first language.
What are the problems in the message?

Enviado desde mi ALP-L29 mediante Tapatalk

« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2019, 14:50 »
I received this today:

""My name is Ann,
I am Content Curator at Depositphotos.
Our team is glad to represent your portfolio on our website.
I have noticed that you had not uploaded your entire collection of images our platform. There are more than  1 000 great images on other stocks that, unfortunately, are not uploaded on DP platform. I think those works would be in demand among our clients.
So to encourage you I suggest you take the advantages of our service for free:
mass uploading via personal high-speed ftp;
help with attribution;
promotion of your portfolio.
Eagerly waiting to receive your response and wishing you a wonderful day!"

My answer:
"Dear Ann,
"I find your email a little inappropriate
For years I have always uploaded the same images on all the sites.
The only reason why more than 1000 images that you can see on the other sites are not on Deposiphotos is because Depositphotos has (had) rejected all of them.
So, not my choice or my fault, but the Depositphotos one.
Now, frankly, I have no time to see what is on Depositphotos and what it is not.
You had to think better before to reject some of my images that are best sellers on other sites

Kind regards"

You should ask for an additional 10% royalty.

« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2019, 12:18 »
DP is selling more nature photos for me than any other agency. I have no issues in uploading images there.

« Reply #24 on: May 22, 2019, 12:40 »
DP is selling more nature photos for me than any other agency. I have no issues in uploading images there.
What type of nature pictures?

Enviado desde mi ALP-L29 mediante Tapatalk


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