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Author Topic: Does depositphotos support ftp upload?  (Read 17115 times)

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  • Think before you speak
« on: January 16, 2010, 17:41 »
I've been trying to upload through FileZilla
I put  "" as the ftp address and then my user name and password, but it keeps saying can not connect.
Either I'm very stupid or BLIND, but I can not find where to upload on the site either?

heh did you get paid after your photos make it through the initial exam or only after they make in through the pending stage? I got approved but it doesn't show any money.

« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2010, 18:54 »
As I said yesterday, I uploaded a batch using Filezilla @ using my username and password.  No problem !  and yes I got paid,  $2.20 so far :)

Any more problems, pm me !

Stu :)

« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2010, 10:20 »
Try do delete the setup from Filezilla and setup the connection again.
FTP address:
Username:    Your Login
Password:    Your Password

It should work with the standard settings. I have no problems with the ftp.

If you wouldlike to upload on the site:

After logging on click on the Files tab, then click on Upload or Multi-Upload. Select your files and click on the Upload button.

After the upload don't forget to Unfinished Files and edit each image, so it is submittted.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2010, 12:59 »
I had an antique version of filezilla....anyway I uploaded the new version and now every thing is fine. I was able to upload over night last night while sleeping. Now the fun of editing them all. Wish I could just click and be done.

« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2010, 10:08 »
OK, I have more than 800 photos uploaded and sitting in the Unfinished area.

Anyone know of a shortcut for submitting them in bulk from the Unfinished area, or do you have to edit each one, assign categories, and submit individually?  Each one is taking about 20 seconds.  That's about two and a half hours of work to get to 500 images.  I just don't know if I want the free $100 that badly.

« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2010, 10:19 »
no there isn't any bulk edit. 

My time figured to about what you are saying as well - I figured it was worth it :)

You can open the images in multiple tabs so help make things go a little quicker.  You can also select categories from the previously edited image, which makes it really only take about 4 seconds per submission if you don't have any releases to ad.

« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2010, 10:23 »
no there isn't any bulk edit. 

My time figured to about what you are saying as well - I figured it was worth it :)

You can open the images in multiple tabs so help make things go a little quicker.  You can also select categories from the previously edited image, which makes it really only take about 4 seconds per submission if you don't have any releases to ad.

You can also use the "autofill" feature by cutting and pasting a previously filled image id number. Only use this if you want your next image to be EXACTLY the same for everything: Title, Description, Keywords, and MR ...

I have found this feature to be very helpful. Only one click and a scroll down with the mouse wheel to hit submit after using autofill on multiple files ...



  • Think before you speak
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2010, 11:59 »
I'm not pimping here, just got a question. Has any one been having a problem with uploads at Deposit photos this morning? Actually I uploaded yesterday and only half of them made it. Then today I deleted them so I could reupload so I wouldn't have to figure which one made it and which ones didn't. I tryed their multi upload and all the uploads showed error on the upload I tryed is crawling and I'm not sure they will make it either....Anyone else having this problem this morning???

« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2010, 14:24 »
Anyone know of a shortcut for submitting them in bulk from the Unfinished area, or do you have to edit each one, assign categories, and submit individually?
I FTP-ed 300 at a time and assigning categories was easy since I submitted similar-category images in a row by clicking on the small square thumb at every image. Only categories are inherited then (no models) and what really slowed me down is assigning releases for every image. There is no bulk release assign possibility.

What took me most time is reinventing the titles in case I entered something in the 'headline' IPTC field, since that field precedes the 'object name' field for title. Quite off-standard for stock. Also annoying and slowing you down is that you get erroneous error messages when title or description include non-alphanumeric characters, like quotes.

Whatever, I got my 111$ today and I will lay the site to rest now. I don't have high expectations as to sales the moment buyers will actually have to pay for their images. Right now, you can just sign up and get 150 images for free, for which the contributors are payed. This is an avenue that nobody mentioned here in the referral folly. Find or create a number of "buyers" that will "buy" your shots and you can easily get 100$ extra.

The clock sounds to tick when the referral program is over and when buyers will have to pay. The moment of truth is August 1 when the 6 months are over, since I don't upload any more. A sub sale every week like on CanStockPhoto isn't good enough.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2010, 15:45 »
Anyone know of a shortcut for submitting them in bulk from the Unfinished area, or do you have to edit each one, assign categories, and submit individually?
I FTP-ed 300 at a time and assigning categories was easy since I submitted similar-category images in a row by clicking on the small square thumb at every image. Only categories are inherited then (no models) and what really slowed me down is assigning releases for every image. There is no bulk release assign possibility.

What took me most time is reinventing the titles in case I entered something in the 'headline' IPTC field, since that field precedes the 'object name' field for title. Quite off-standard for stock. Also annoying and slowing you down is that you get erroneous error messages when title or description include non-alphanumeric characters, like quotes.

Whatever, I got my 111$ today and I will lay the site to rest now. I don't have high expectations as to sales the moment buyers will actually have to pay for their images. Right now, you can just sign up and get 150 images for free, for which the contributors are payed. This is an avenue that nobody mentioned here in the referral folly. Find or create a number of "buyers" that will "buy" your shots and you can easily get 100$ extra.

The clock sounds to tick when the referral program is over and when buyers will have to pay. The moment of truth is August 1 when the 6 months are over, since I don't upload any more. A sub sale every week like on CanStockPhoto isn't good enough.

FD someone on here pointed out that if you don't check the "category only" box and click on the copy image that it automatically assigns the model release to the photo as well. They were pointing out you needed to be careful when doing that. I don't upload several of the same model shot in a row so I don't know if that is the case or not.

« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2010, 16:06 »
I'm not pimping here, just got a question. Has any one been having a problem with uploads at Deposit photos this morning? Actually I uploaded yesterday and only half of them made it. Then today I deleted them so I could reupload so I wouldn't have to figure which one made it and which ones didn't. I tryed their multi upload and all the uploads showed error on the upload I tryed is crawling and I'm not sure they will make it either....Anyone else having this problem this morning???

Just uploaded 5 image via FTP and submitted them without any problems.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2010, 16:14 »
I'm not pimping here, just got a question. Has any one been having a problem with uploads at Deposit photos this morning? Actually I uploaded yesterday and only half of them made it. Then today I deleted them so I could reupload so I wouldn't have to figure which one made it and which ones didn't. I tryed their multi upload and all the uploads showed error on the upload I tryed is crawling and I'm not sure they will make it either....Anyone else having this problem this morning???

Just uploaded 5 image via FTP and submitted them without any problems.
Thanks oboy...I'll try again. Maybe it was something on my end. I had to work late last night and early this morning to get this major virus off my computer. It was a headache but I managed to do it. Hopefully that doesn't have something to do with my internet connection.

« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2010, 19:51 »
Sorry to hear that with the virus. Good luck, hope you get it all off your machine!


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