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Author Topic: Depositphotos - new fotobank  (Read 32019 times)

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« on: November 11, 2009, 09:17 »
DepositPhotos (http://depositphotos.com) the new photobank is open.
At present the photobank is working in accumulating state, photographer's promotion program is running.

To take part in the Photographers promotion program it is required to pass the exam and then perform activation in the Promotion tab. After that, money will be added to the account for each accepted image. Info: http://depositphotos.com/promo.php

The nearest plans cover launch of other language versions of the site and actions for customer attraction. Expansion of upload ways is announced.


  • The promotion program - $0.20 per each accepted image (on 500 images);
  • Convenient uploading and attributing, autofeeling by the previous attributed file. Mass autofeeling (to a file group), as well as piece;
  • Author commissions is 44 to 60%;
  • Cash request is starting from $50. Money received upon the promotion program may be ordered without any limitations;
  • Money transfer systems are PayPal, Moneybookers, Webmoney;
  • Detailed statistics of image sales and views

Customer offers:

A unique tool set for purchasing maximizes customer audience:
  • Credits;
  • Subscription;
  • SMS-payments;
  • The on-going offer "a second image as a gift" (moreover, authors of bonus images receive royalty like for a general purchase).

The photobank features:

  • There is a symbolic exam of 5 images;
  • At registration, a document proving identity (a domestic or foreign passport, driving license etc.);
  • A free bonus image for a piece purchase; moreover, both the author of the sold and bonus image receive the royalty;
  • Separate registration for authors and customers;
  • The royalty size depends on the quantity of sold images.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2009, 09:30 by DepositPhotos/EN »

« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2009, 09:20 »
"DepositPhotos is a New Standard In Stock Photography!"

How are you the "new standard"?

« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2009, 09:39 »
welcome to the jungle :)

Good luck with the site.  Nice to see you are taking an aggressive roll in getting photos online (paying for uploads) and that you obviously have proper funding for things like advertising.

« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2009, 09:55 »
It is definitely nice to see the phone sales.  I don't know of any other site that offers this directly.  I believe Corbis has some back end deals with some phone companies providing imagery and it seems to be big business.

« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2009, 10:05 »
To get the payment you need to upload "original" images, what is the definition of original?

« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2009, 10:39 »
DepositPhotos (http://depositphotos.com) the new photobank is open.
At present the photobank is working in accumulating state, photographer's promotion program is running.

To take part in the Photographers promotion program it is required to pass the exam and then perform activation in the Promotion tab. After that, money will be added to the account for each accepted image. Info: http://depositphotos.com/promo.php

The nearest plans cover launch of other language versions of the site and actions for customer attraction. Expansion of upload ways is announced.


  • The promotion program - $0.20 per each accepted image (on 500 images);
  • Convenient uploading and attributing, autofeeling by the previous attributed file. Mass autofeeling (to a file group), as well as piece;
  • Author commissions is 44 to 60%;
  • Cash request is starting from $50. Money received upon the promotion program may be ordered without any limitations;
  • Money transfer systems are PayPal, Moneybookers, Webmoney;
  • Detailed statistics of image sales and views

Customer offers:

A unique tool set for purchasing maximizes customer audience:
  • Credits;
  • Subscription;
  • SMS-payments;
  • The on-going offer "a second image as a gift" (moreover, authors of bonus images receive royalty like for a general purchase).

The photobank features:

  • There is a symbolic exam of 5 images;
  • At registration, a document proving identity (a domestic or foreign passport, driving license etc.);
  • A free bonus image for a piece purchase; moreover, both the author of the sold and bonus image receive the royalty;
  • Separate registration for authors and customers;
  • The royalty size depends on the quantity of sold images.

Not to sound like an eternal pessimist, but, I recall Albumo doing a similar offer.

Does history repeat itself?


« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2009, 10:49 »
but then we did get money for doing very little!  ;)

« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2009, 10:56 »
but then we did get money for doing very little!  ;)

Maybe some did, but, reading comments from their site from May to September, a lot of artists were screaming for their money, not getting any replies.

Numerous artists were demanding portfolios and accounts be closed.

I came across them in June and uploaded some files to try them out. They stayed pending right thru to their closure in October.

I was after that, reading , I saw they had serious problems.

Personally, I am going to wait a while before I upload to any new sites. Give them the chance to prove themselves.  Listen to output from other artists participating, etc.


« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2009, 11:10 »

Not to sound like an eternal pessimist, but, I recall Albumo doing a similar offer.

Does history repeat itself?


Fotolia paid for uploads too.  It worked for them :)

I think the biggest challenge is, well, their competition. Fotolia was the last site to 'really' make it.  It will be interesting to see if anyone else can rise up in the next years.

« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2009, 11:15 »
Interesting site.  I was having a look at the whole registration and upload process and it talks about gaining "inspector loyalty" through quality image submissions. I found the wording quite curious and was wondering if it's an indirect refrence to inspectors playing favorites or giving preferencial treatment to established contributors versus new contributors?


« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2009, 11:20 »
Interesting site.  I was having a look at the whole registration and upload process and it talks about gaining "inspector loyalty" through quality image submissions. I found the wording quite curious and was wondering if it's an indirect refrence to inspectors playing favorites or giving preferencial treatment to established contributors versus new contributors?

I'm fairly new ,sounds that way to me.

« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2009, 13:44 »
I like the site, solid design, fast and pretty thumbnail processing (at larger view), well done!
I like the commission as well - makes me feel valuable, and I like the 'mobile sales'.
Good idea!
All in all this sounds good to me and since STX - Photos - Jupiter deal is closing down tomorrow, I'm going to try this instead.
Let me browse through the manuals and I'll get back to you.
Good luck 'Deposit Photos'!


« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2009, 14:34 »
I mean no offense at all by this post.

But I find it strange that DepositPhotos is a US company, yet reading the website (or the OP's post here) it seems clear to me that it is not created by a native English speaker. Of course, there are plenty of non-native English residents in the US (I'm married to one!), but I would have thought that they would hire a native English speaker to write the English portion of the website.

I wish DepositPhotos well, and I admit the $0.20/image accepted makes it a bit enticing. But given my disappointment with my sales at SnapVillage / Veer, backed by the power of Corbis, it's hard to get enthusiastic about any new site.

$0.24 or $0.30 per sub sale sounds terrible, but I am very happy to see the size is limited to < 5MP. I'd accept subs much more readily if they all had such size limits.

EL commissions seem a bit low to me, but they don't happen often enough to worry about.

I was unable to find the definitions of XS, X, M, L, XL, XXL, and XXXL, other than L = ~5MP. $1.32 commission for that is a bit on the low side:

123: $1.02-$1.50
BigStock: $2.00
DT: $0.96-$1.80
FT: $1.60
IS: $2.28-$3.60
SS: $2.48
StockXpert: $2.00-$2.50

I suspect the other commission rates are a bit low, too ($0.22 for XS certainly is). But that's the consequence of having low prices to attract buyers!

Good luck!

« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2009, 14:57 »
The site looks nice but I wouldn't give away EL rights for that kind of low price. fotolia has them low at start but you can increase them pretty nicely once your rank goes up.

Also contributors are paid very low commissions on mobile sms purchases.

So, I guess I will skip this one.

Good luck anyway, nice site.

« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2009, 15:45 »
I mean no offense at all by this post.

But I find it strange that DepositPhotos is a US company, yet reading the website (or the OP's post here) it seems clear to me that it is not created by a native English speaker...
I noticed that too, even in the membership agreement.  That puts me right off, I will wait and see if they fix all the errors.  If it wasn't for my experience with albumo, I would give this one a go but I am much more wary now.

« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2009, 15:56 »

To take part in the Photographers promotion program it is required to pass the exam and then perform activation in the Promotion tab. After that, money will be added to the account for each accepted image. Info: http://depositphotos.com/promo.php

The link doesn't work!


« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2009, 16:25 »

To take part in the Photographers promotion program it is required to pass the exam and then perform activation in the Promotion tab. After that, money will be added to the account for each accepted image. Info: http://depositphotos.com/promo.php

The link doesn't work!

This one does:

And it's quite obvious that the Photographer's Tutorial was strongly "inspired by" the same document on iStock's website  ;D
« Last Edit: November 11, 2009, 16:31 by KB »

« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2009, 06:08 »
I sent in my initial 5 images about 7 hours ago and have since gotten reviewed and accepted.  Now if subsequent images get reviewed that fast I'll be pretty impressed.


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