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Author Topic: DepositPhotos affiliate program  (Read 70241 times)

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« on: January 12, 2010, 17:15 »
As most probably already now, DepositPhotos has the Promo to pay $0.20 for each accepted image up to $100. Now they also have an affiliate program. Here my referral link if anyone is interested:


Commissions for attracting Photographers:
- $0.05 for each original photo your referral uploads for sale up to 1000 images
- $0.03 for each sale that your referral makes through a subscription

Commissions for attracting Buyers:
- 15% commission for each Pay-By-Credit purchase your referral makes
- You get the percent shown for each Subscription Plan purchased by your referral
  ( 10% - 1 month, 8% - 3 months, 6% - 6 months, 4% - 12 months )   
- You earn the amount shown for each SMS package purchased by your referral
  ( $0.05 - SMS1, $0.10 - SMS2, $0.15 - SMS3, $0.20 - SMS4 )

- $10 for placing a banner ad on your site (minimum three month)

« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2010, 08:28 »
I guess I'll hop on this train too


« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2010, 08:55 »
Sounds quite interesting - I never came across affiliate program with the payment for the images simply upploaded by your referral...

And what about their promo? Did anybody try it?

« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2010, 09:26 »
yeah, there was a few people who reported they got their upload prize

« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2010, 10:03 »
I am new in this business.

But I decided to try my forces when has seen here posts about them. Now I upload a photo.

I`ll write here, how all has passed  ::)

« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2010, 10:19 »
« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 10:23 by Stu »

« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2010, 10:31 »
Well, according to their rules you must have $50 for request - it will be a long time to have it only from referrals...

Maybe upploading images under their promo program is a good idea? They pay you "up to $100", plus referral money - in general it seems to be an interesting proposition.


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2010, 12:45 »
And I managed to sell one of my photos there this week!



« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2010, 13:10 »
There's no payment for referred contributors who sell by credits, only subscription. Doesn't that seem weird to anyone else?

Looking through the site, there's a few other issues which concern me.

The commission for a LARGE download via their SMS program is 24 cents. Yet on the Seller Price page (http://depositphotos.com/pages/seller-price) "DepositPhotos is the internets highest-paying stock image website youll find!"

Also, exclusivity is for "selling photos", not just selling RF like other agencies. If you go exclusive there, you cannot sell any photos anywhere else.

And I'm still put off by the complete absence of any person's name on the site and in their email messages. The people behind it might be the nicest people in the world with only the purest of intentions, but they're not making it seem that way. I'm still very nervous about this one.

« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2010, 13:22 »
But they do pump a lot of money into it. Money that they probably hope to get back from sales.

« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2010, 10:26 »

And I'm still put off by the complete absence of any person's name on the site and in their email messages. The people behind it might be the nicest people in the world with only the purest of intentions, but they're not making it seem that way. I'm still very nervous about this one.

It seems to me there was their representative and there is the address on their site. All is opened. Or it is not enough for you?

I am new in this business, but they have called in me confidence. It is too much work and money to be swindle.  :-\

I have uploaded my photos and received money in my account. I am so happy. It is my first money in this business  :D
However, I have not enough photos to receiving 100$.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2010, 10:37 »
Now let me understand this.....you (the photographer) gets paid to upload their own photos or is that payment only for photographers you refer? I'm confused

« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2010, 10:54 »
Now let me understand this.....you (the photographer) gets paid to upload their own photos or is that payment only for photographers you refer? I'm confused

That's correct !  You get paid to upload :)  Good heh !?   :D

Use this link and get uploading !  After you've been accepted, of course  :)

« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 09:27 by Stu49 »


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2010, 10:58 »
It makes me question "What's the catch?" I wonder if they are making sales from buyers? Has anyone gotten a payout from them yet or is it just numbers?

« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2010, 11:07 »
It makes me question "What's the catch?" I wonder if they are making sales from buyers? Has anyone gotten a payout from them yet or is it just numbers?

I suppose it's a quick way to fill up their servers with images !?

Only just joined myself, so no idea if it's all kosher or not !?  :)
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 11:10 by Stu »


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2010, 11:12 »
You have to leave the photos on there at least 6 months and if you do join you have to make sure you enter by hitting the P.P.P. button when you join to activate the program.   
Well what do I got to lose.....maybe I'll actually make more money by just uploading than I do on Featurepics...lol

« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2010, 11:21 »
Well what do I got to lose.....maybe I'll actually make more money by just uploading than I do on Featurepics...lol

lol  That's true of a lot of agencies !!  ;)

Quote :

We'll Pay You For Every Image You Add!
At DepositPhotos, it's our mission to be the Premier internet resource for Stock Images. And right now, we're aggressively seeking more and more great images to sell in our Image library. That's why we're running fantastic Promotion Program to attract photographers and illustrators of all skill levels. You'll get paid instantly for every original image you add to DepositPhotos.
That's like getting FREE MONEY just for sending us your photography!

Got to be worth a try !?  :)


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2010, 11:34 »
Ok I'm getting ready to register and I'm not seeing the P.P.P. they talk about that you're suppose to click on to get the promotion. I don't want to go ahead and put my info in if the link isn't there.

« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2010, 12:08 »
Ok I'm getting ready to register and I'm not seeing the P.P.P. they talk about that you're suppose to click on to get the promotion. I don't want to go ahead and put my info in if the link isn't there.

It's one of the tabs !  Affiliate and Promotion should be there :)


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2010, 12:29 »
Well what do I got to lose.....maybe I'll actually make more money by just uploading than I do on Featurepics...lol

lol  That's true of a lot of agencies !!  ;)

Quote :

We'll Pay You For Every Image You Add!
At DepositPhotos, it's our mission to be the Premier internet resource for Stock Images. And right now, we're aggressively seeking more and more great images to sell in our Image library. That's why we're running fantastic Promotion Program to attract photographers and illustrators of all skill levels. You'll get paid instantly for every original image you add to DepositPhotos.
That's like getting FREE MONEY just for sending us your photography!

Got to be worth a try !?  :)

I found the link, but I started to register on my laptop and then had to go to my main computor to attached the five review images. Hopefully it worked! I guess we'll see.

« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2010, 13:16 »
I'm not going near this one until I see a lot more information about who they are, where they are, and how they intend to make money.

« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2010, 13:22 »
Lee and I have already "debated" about Depositphotos on the RasmusRasmussen blog.
I agree with Lee about their not total transparency. The first approach was quite spammy.
On the other hand, I can give you some facts:
- I uploaded my photos and got my payout of 64$ (in a few days)
- Depositphotos is making an advertising campaign on my site. They bought three different kind of banners and payed in 2 days without problems.
- I've got my photos on a dozen of sites where I haven't see a penny in a year

I can't assure if they are safe or not, but make your choice... you know the bad and the good now ;-)

So, another affiliation link to feed that beast  http://submit.depositphotos.com/?ref=1001087


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2010, 13:38 »
Lee and I have already "debated" about Depositphotos on the RasmusRasmussen blog.
I agree with Lee about their not total transparency. The first approach was quite spammy.
On the other hand, I can give you some facts:
- I uploaded my photos and got my payout of 64$ (in a few days)
- Depositphotos is making an advertising campaign on my site. They bought three different kind of banners and payed in 2 days without problems.
- I've got my photos on a dozen of sites where I haven't see a penny in a year

I can't assure if they are safe or not, but make your choice... you know the bad and the good now ;-)

So, another affiliation link to feed that beast  http://submit.depositphotos.com/?ref=1001087

Thanks rmarinello. That was helpful knowing someone has gotten money back from them. Like you said many of these sites we pour our images on are compltely dead ends, so if this ends up a dead end at least we made money on the uploads!

« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2010, 04:55 »
It makes me question "What's the catch?" I wonder if they are making sales from buyers? Has anyone gotten a payout from them yet or is it just numbers?

it's not so uncommon to pay for uploads.  Fotolia did that when they started too.

There's no payment for referred contributors who sell by credits, only subscription. Doesn't that seem weird to anyone else?

I think that is a wording problem?!  On their referrals page they have these headings for Referral Statistics
Uploading Files    
Subscription Sale    
Pay-by-Credit Purchase    
Subscription Plan Purchase    
SMS Package Purchase    
Total By Month    
Total By All Time

Which certainly makes it look like they pay for referral credit download sales as well.  But of course - time will tell.
edit:... hmm on second though - maybe you are right.  there doesn't seem to be a specific 'credit based' earnings spot, unless they mean to include all sales in  'subscription sale'

The commission for a LARGE download via their SMS program is 24 cents. Yet on the Seller Price page (http://depositphotos.com/pages/seller-price) "DepositPhotos is the internets highest-paying stock image website youll find!"

Yeah this does seem very low.  They are paying as low as 24% commission on these sales.

Also, exclusivity is for "selling photos", not just selling RF like other agencies. If you go exclusive there, you cannot sell any photos anywhere else.
Well noted, however I don't think going exclusive with DepositPhotos should be considered no matter what the terms are.

And I'm still put off by the complete absence of any person's name on the site and in their email messages. The people behind it might be the nicest people in the world with only the purest of intentions, but they're not making it seem that way. I'm still very nervous about this one.

It seems to me there was their representative and there is the address on their site. All is opened. Or it is not enough for you?

I am new in this business, but they have called in me confidence. It is too much work and money to be swindle.  :-\

I think what Lee was referring to was that they don't have a single name on their website - who is the owner, president, head of something or anything.  Also, in general email exchange they don't sign their emails with a name.  When conducting business, most people want to know WHO they are conducting business with - which individual person they are talking to.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 03:07 by leaf »

« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2010, 18:37 »
I give it a try and uploaded five files. How long will it take before they send you a acceptance message?


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