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Author Topic: New educational resource for copyright and licensing matters  (Read 4440 times)

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« on: September 27, 2010, 17:28 »
Hey MSG Members,

Just wanted to give you guys a heads up on a new educational resource we just launched at Cutcaster to help educate photo buyers and researchers on the appropriate ways to download and use photos they find online. If anyone wants to collaborate with us on the site we are more than happy to work with willing participants to grow the resource base and create new content. See below

Press Release
For Immediate Release

Cutcaster Launches Educational Copyright Resource, Stock Photo License

September, 2010 - San Francisco, California

Stockphotolicense.com, an educational copyright resource for photo buyers and researchers, launches their new website this month with the goal of explaining in simple terms how one can use an image online and the various legal complexities of digital image use. The site provides detailed information on image license types, photo copyright issues, legal protections and extensions, using free images, Creative Commons, personal vs. commercial use and provides a list of questions you can ask your image suppliers before you buy an image.

As image use among bloggers, website owners and graphic designers increases, many image users dont understand specific licensing terms or how to legally use content they find online. This has increased the amount of illegally downloaded images and copyright infringement cases, which happen in most cases without the image user even realizing the legal ramifications of their actions. Stock Photo License provides a checklist roadmap with questions you should be asking to ensure the legality of your image use online.

We receive a variety of questions relating to the differences between royalty free and free images as well as how an Internet user can utilize images they find online. John Griffin, the creator of Stock Photo License said. Stock Photo License specifically presents information and resources on image licensing and copyright matters for the image researcher, photo buyer or anyone that wants to legally use another persons image they found online. The website lists copyright and legal resources as well as asks typical questions with answers to help an image user.

Stockphotolicense.com was created by Cutcaster, a photography marketplace that specializes in royalty free photos as well as free images, to serve as a resource for both photographers who upload their images online and those looking to download images. Stockphotolicense.com has an active user base and is seeking to add more resources to its list of specialists.. If you own or know of a copyright or licensing resource that could work with Stock Photo License please reach out to the team at [email protected] or follow SPL on Twitter @stockphotousage.

For more information on Stock Photo License please email [email protected]

About Stock Photo License
Stock Photo License (SPL) presents information and resources on image licensing and copyright matters for the image researcher, photo buyer or anyone that wants to legally use another persons image they found online. The websites goal is to provide those who are unsure about image licensing with the information, legal definitions and resources to make informed and legal stock photo purchases. Stock Photo License is for every photo researcher, photo buyer, photo user and photographer who is interested in learning more about the changing landscape of photo licensing and is a collaborative effort between all the parties involved with photo licensing.


« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2010, 18:56 »
For commercial use, you need to double check that your supplier holds the appropriate model or property release for that image. A simple email asking the photographer or agency for proof that you hold the releases is a good start.

You might want to look at this again, apart from the fact that the last part is misworded, you're advising people to ask agencies and photographers to breach data protection laws.

Edited to add: There are many many mistakes in the information on that site, both spelling, grammer and more importantly the way legal advice has been given, did you run this past an IP lawyer?
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 19:03 by RT »


« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2010, 13:24 »
For commercial use, you need to double check that your supplier holds the appropriate model or property release for that image. A simple email asking the photographer or agency for proof that you hold the releases is a good start.

You might want to look at this again, apart from the fact that the last part is misworded, you're advising people to ask agencies and photographers to breach data protection laws.

Edited to add: There are many many mistakes in the information on that site, both spelling, grammer and more importantly the way legal advice has been given, did you run this past an IP lawyer?

Stock Photo License is not suggesting that agencies should turn over private data to photo buyers who request the releases but provide the assurances that there is a valid model release on file with the agency. We did change that "you" to "they" like you pointed out. Thank you.

Where do you see other areas that could be improved? This is a work in progress so any help from this group would be great.


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