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Author Topic: Crestock Search Engine?  (Read 3001 times)

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« on: January 22, 2009, 10:13 »
I posted this question to Crestock, but maybe someone here, can answer it.

I'm surprised that some of my best earning images aren't doing as well here. So I started doing searches of some of the foods that have been in my portfolio, for a year, and found that none of my photos turned up. Searches for "peach", "rosemary", and "red onion", "tamarinds", "toy blocks", and more, are not revealing any of my photos. Is this a keyword issue? For instance, when an obscure food like Tamarinds, is searched the result is "0 matches" even though that's the title of my photo. The word "tamarind" is not one of my keywords. So, it appears that your search engine does not include the title of the photo. Is there a way to go back into my keyword selections and add the title of photo?

« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2009, 11:19 »
Okay. I just got a response from the Crestock team, and they are perfectly willing to go back into my keywords, and add the title. I'll have to let them know which ones. About 100 photos. They advised that I can't do it myself.

The problem is, that so much of my portfolio, is fruits & vegetables. So I would just paste all the keywords that applied to either, without including the actual name of the photo. I'm so new to all of this! Haven't run into this problem on other sites.

Have recently been using ProStockMaster, and that makes everything a lot easier.


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