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Author Topic: Pixabay & Canva Partnering, "exciting news"  (Read 8411 times)

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« on: May 18, 2019, 09:03 »
Friend of mine received this email from Pixabay with an "exciting news" of partnering with Canva.

This is surely directly linked to the acquisition by Canva of Pixabay and Pexels:



As one of our valued contributors on Pixabay, wed like to share some exciting news with you first hand!

Very shortly, well be announcing that Pixabay is officially partnering with Canva, the worlds fastest growing online design community.

Were excited about partnering with Canva because we share a common vision. Our mission of empowering creators with amazing free content ties perfectly with Canvas mission of empowering the world to design.

Teaming up with Canva will mean that we can better connect Pixabay contributors with people that want to use your images and videos and increase the exposure of your content, as Canva is used by over 15 million users across 190 countries worldwide.

** What happens next **

Pixabay will still remain Pixabay, but even better!

By partnering with Canva, well be able to better support the growing number of images and videos uploaded everyday. It also gives us the ability to build the right tools and features to help you focus on what you do best, creating beautiful content to share with the world!

In short, Pixabay will continue to be a standalone platform and we are as committed to achieving our mission as we were on day one.

We look forward to the next chapter of Pixabays future. If you have any questions or concerns, dont hesitate to write us at [email protected].

We appreciate your feedback and continued support.

Simon & Hans
Pixabay Founders



« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2019, 09:10 »

connect Pixabay contributors with people that want to use your images and videos and increase the exposure of your content

What a goal in life...

Those "contributors" need a psychotherapist as well as the whole "exposure"/instagram community. They didn't get enough attention in their childhoods, so they are begging for it in all possible ways. :o

Btw, those free collections aren't growing that much, I've checked some keywords on unsplash, nothing changes in 6 months, same photos.

Also, they're waiting for all those lawsuits for stolen photos and unreleased people in years to come. Some idiots wedding photographers upload someone's wedding photos there without MR's nor consent, this is just crazy.

So Canva and others are dealing with unsafe content and will pay for it later. Let them.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2019, 09:21 by swisschocolate »

« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2019, 09:33 »

Our mission of empowering creators with amazing free content ties perfectly with Canvas mission of empowering the world to design.

They don't even sugarcoat it - they flat out say 'we like taking stuff for free and making money out if it'.


« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2019, 10:38 »
just a (kind of) humorous reaction / comment:

The ackward moment that we will realize
that we get payed less than those Pixabay guys get "tipped"
for a file that they actually offered for free at the first place!


« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2019, 02:47 »
This is what I received from a (faily) agency I contributed since now :

Hey Luca

We've got exciting news to share regarding the future of Lendrop.Canva, the company behind the worlds most popular design editor, has acquired Lensdrop.

This means that from now on we're working together to build the worlds best modern and diverse stock photography marketplace.


If you dont know Canva yet it is an amazingly simple, free to use online design tool revolutionising the world of graphic design. With Canva you can design anything and publish anywhere.

Together we are now shaking up the world of stock photography.

Today, May 17th 2019 Lensdrop is relaunched as Canva Photos Unlimited.

This means that we are moving everything from the current Lensdrop.com website to a new website that is integrated within Canva.

It also means that we finally have enough photos to do our big launch (that we have been trying to do for three years, and that we have never given up on :) )

All your photos will be transferred automatically. Theres only one thing you need to do to be part of Canva Photos Unlimited: if you want to continue to upload photos, and get paid for your existing photos, you must sign up for a free Canva contributor account using the same email that you signed up for Lensdrop with (the email address you are receiving this email on): www.canva.com

Lensdrop.com will be shut down as of June 15th, 2019*. Please ensure you sign up for Canva before your account is no longer accessible.

Canva is going for shopping

Sent from my CLT-L29 using Tapatalk

« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2019, 06:33 »
What happened in Canva headquarters what

Enviado desde mi ALP-L29 mediante Tapatalk

« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2019, 13:43 »
As with all agencies you should read Canva's Terms and conditions carefully. 
Beware of the possibility of retrospective rejections, even on good selling images.
Even if they reject all of your images don't close your account, because they still have the rights to sell your images for an indefinite period if it has been made into a template, which anybody can do.  I have had sales of images over three years after being rejected.

« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2019, 11:28 »
I don't think there was anything mentioned in their T&C about merging with Getty, Pixabay and effectively killing our income.

« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2019, 12:28 »

connect Pixabay contributors with people that want to use your images and videos and increase the exposure of your content

That jumped out at me as well.  Not "connect contributors will people that will pay to license your content".  Nope.

« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2019, 17:29 »


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