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Author Topic: More ''Good news'' from Canva :-/  (Read 42269 times)

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« Reply #75 on: October 09, 2019, 09:25 »
I don't see Sept either.

« Reply #76 on: October 09, 2019, 10:08 »
April $.08
May $.16
June $.19
July $.19
August $.22

Since this subscription program is subject to their "multi-use" license , I guess I will have to close my account until they implement an opt-out or minimum.  If they were still making what they did a year ago, that might be rough, but since it dropped 90%, it won't be too hard.  Sad, really.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 10:17 by Sean Locke Photography »


  • Professional stock content producer
« Reply #77 on: October 09, 2019, 10:29 »
April $.08
May $.16
June $.19
July $.19
August $.22

Strange, I get exactly the same RPD numbers you quote, but for one month later, so from May to September.
There seems to be an error with assigning the correct month at Canva?


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #78 on: October 09, 2019, 10:37 »
Those are the numbers I see in the same months as Sean - it appears that some of us see this incorrect menu drop down for months. What a fine development team they must have over there!

« Reply #79 on: October 09, 2019, 10:41 »
Now that I think about it, we'll all get the exact same numbers, since they just take all the money taken in and divide it by the number of downloads.

I don't have a September option.


« Reply #80 on: October 09, 2019, 10:42 »
I did an in-depth analysis of my first Canva Photos Unlimited earnings and sales in my blog:
(it's German, but should translate well with Google Translate)

Reading indicates that we might "all" be replaced by agencies by free contributors in time leaving a small space for niche content creators? If one agency figured it out how to profit from free contributors, guess anyone will follow?


« Reply #81 on: October 09, 2019, 11:25 »
I didn't really follow what's happening at Canva. First look at the stats shows that my income dropped like 500% between March and June and stayed at that level.

Is that only my case or have others experienced the same?   


  • Professional stock content producer
« Reply #82 on: October 09, 2019, 11:39 »
I didn't really follow what's happening at Canva. First look at the stats shows that my income dropped like 500% between March and June and stayed at that level.

Is that only my case or have others experienced the same?

It is no wonder that revenue drops when they invite customers to use over 1 million new free images.


« Reply #83 on: October 09, 2019, 11:49 »
My download numbers haven't dropped drastically but the earnings did due to the lack of multiple licenses (just a few a month).
I suppose more and more sales will be from the new subscription model once they start to market it heavily and maybe it will replace the current model completely which is sad.

« Reply #84 on: October 09, 2019, 13:09 »
It's amazing how all agencies thinks about digits, numbers, units, percentages and so on, like all photos are the same and worth nothing each individually. So sad...

« Reply #85 on: October 09, 2019, 14:02 »
I didn't really follow what's happening at Canva. First look at the stats shows that my income dropped like 500% between March and June and stayed at that level.

Is that only my case or have others experienced the same?

It is no wonder that revenue drops when they invite customers to use over 1 million new free images.

Ok, so I guess that started around that time ?


« Reply #86 on: October 09, 2019, 16:56 »
If it helps for those considering closing their account, I disabled all of my photos before closing my account, but they still do residual sales for those pictures being used in templates.

So I re-opened my account (with my images still disabled) and found that all of my "pending cut out" images are able to be licensed now. Somehow when they flipped the switch that happened.

I suggest instead of closing your accounts, simply disable your images if you can and wait until they get a handle (if ever) on their contributor interface. Might save some hassle later.


  • Professional stock content producer
« Reply #87 on: October 10, 2019, 02:41 »
I didn't really follow what's happening at Canva. First look at the stats shows that my income dropped like 500% between March and June and stayed at that level.

Is that only my case or have others experienced the same?

It is no wonder that revenue drops when they invite customers to use over 1 million new free images.

The "free images" offer started in May 2019.

Ok, so I guess that started around that time ?

« Reply #88 on: October 10, 2019, 08:55 »
Has anybody else noticed their DL numbers randomly decrease in the new interface?

Last night when I made a final check of sales before calling it a day I had 100 dl's this morning I only have 98.

It happened once during the day yesterday when I seem to have lost a sale...

And I'm still having trouble reconciling my records with this month payment.

I may have just hit my frustration threshold with these clowns.

Stefan Dahl

  • Formerly known as Uber Images

« Reply #89 on: October 10, 2019, 11:12 »
We made 323$ there in September! Thats way to little to ever ever ever be sustainable. I think we are gonna close the account this month.

I suggest all the people who have the guts follow along. Lets do the same thing we all did to Depositphotos - They ended up having an outdated library within 48hours when a lot of us with expensive portfolios deleted our pictures.

Every contributor counts here, and im sure most make so little that it doesn't matter anyway.


« Reply #90 on: October 10, 2019, 11:33 »
I already closed my Canva account in May. Unfortunately my portfolio on iStock is published on Canva. I will end up by making pennies on Canva through iStock  >:(

Anyone know if it is possible to opt out for Canva on iStock ?

« Reply #91 on: October 11, 2019, 05:09 »
We had a large portfolio on Canva but our earnings on Canva have fallen significantly since the end of last year. We dont like being forced into the unlimited subscription and having our images from Istock on Canva. Weve deleted our images on Canva and are trying to find out more from Istock, although the current response from Istock is that we are not able to opt out of them sending the images to Canva.

« Reply #92 on: October 11, 2019, 08:53 »
Has anybody else noticed their DL numbers randomly decrease in the new interface?

Last night when I made a final check of sales before calling it a day I had 100 dl's this morning I only have 98.

It happened once during the day yesterday when I seem to have lost a sale...

And I'm still having trouble reconciling my records with this month payment.

I may have just hit my frustration threshold with these clowns.

I noticed today. I have decrease with about 10 sales compared to 8 hours earlier (as numbers and as amount too). I'm traditionally positive about Canva, but now I'm already hesitant if all there is OK.

« Reply #93 on: October 13, 2019, 03:15 »
Nice new sales page with thumbnails etc.  Now I can see more clearly how they have totally scr*wed me on sales.....

« Reply #94 on: October 19, 2019, 19:10 »
I already closed my Canva account in May. Unfortunately my portfolio on iStock is published on Canva. I will end up by making pennies on Canva through iStock  >:(

Anyone know if it is possible to opt out for Canva on iStock ?

No it is not possible to opt out.

As for balancing the income ... they added the subs to the monthly tally but that has not been added to the final tally. If you go back several months you will see all the subs that have not been added into your payment total.

I have had tickets in since the 9th and the only response has been an autoresponder. I then asked on FB whether they actually looked at tickets and they assure me they do. They said they would escalate it, so far still no response and the figures are still inaccurate.

Communication with contributors does not seem to be high on their agenda, they used us to get going, and now I suspect they dont really need us. Why would they, when they have access to the whole of Getty/iStock and the free sites they now own (and who knows what other deals they have)?

« Reply #95 on: October 24, 2019, 19:52 »
My peak month at Canva was about $900 and I was delighted with the effort I had made.  That was a year ago.  This month will be less than $200.

They said when they announced the istock deal that our work would 'continue to have priority in searches'.  That was clearly not their intention or they changed their minds.

Now they are trying to convert customers to the subscription model, further eroding credit sales.  My subs sales paid me $9 last month.  Perhaps good for them, rubbish for me.

As others have said, they used us to help get the business going and now they are successful it appears they don't care about us any more.

« Reply #96 on: October 24, 2019, 20:38 »
As for balancing the income ... they added the subs to the monthly tally but that has not been added to the final tally. If you go back several months you will see all the subs that have not been added into your payment total.

I have had tickets in since the 9th and the only response has been an autoresponder. I then asked on FB whether they actually looked at tickets and they assure me they do. They said they would escalate it, so far still no response and the figures are still inaccurate.

Same problem here. Sub earnings not added to my payment total. No response to my ticket to them.

« Reply #97 on: October 24, 2019, 21:49 »
As for balancing the income ... they added the subs to the monthly tally but that has not been added to the final tally. If you go back several months you will see all the subs that have not been added into your payment total.

I have had tickets in since the 9th and the only response has been an autoresponder. I then asked on FB whether they actually looked at tickets and they assure me they do. They said they would escalate it, so far still no response and the figures are still inaccurate.

Same problem here. Sub earnings not added to my payment total. No response to my ticket to them.

If you mind the October subs earnings, they will appear after the month finish.

« Reply #98 on: October 25, 2019, 00:11 »
As for balancing the income ... they added the subs to the monthly tally but that has not been added to the final tally. If you go back several months you will see all the subs that have not been added into your payment total.

I have had tickets in since the 9th and the only response has been an autoresponder. I then asked on FB whether they actually looked at tickets and they assure me they do. They said they would escalate it, so far still no response and the figures are still inaccurate.

Same problem here. Sub earnings not added to my payment total. No response to my ticket to them.

If you mind the October subs earnings, they will appear after the month finish.

The problem is not October. My sub sales of previous months since May when they were first reported were never added to my total. That is 5 months (May-Sept) that were never added to my "Unpaid revenue", nor my "All time revenue". You better check yours.

« Reply #99 on: October 26, 2019, 05:00 »

Note - be sure to take down all your payment data first.  I no longer have access to that, and will need it for taxes.


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