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Author Topic: Canva, what's the plan now?  (Read 32106 times)

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« Reply #50 on: December 15, 2020, 12:00 »
OK. Pretty decent sum has turned up for Subs income November. :)  But not the same as previous months.:(

So not the 'double earnings' any more or is it just me who has got this reduced amount?

« Reply #51 on: December 15, 2020, 12:46 »
OK. Pretty decent sum has turned up for Subs income November. :)  But not the same as previous months.:(

So not the 'double earnings' any more or is it just me who has got this reduced amount?

I got more than double so I don't know. It's possible it's just a bug (there were some negative earnings showing when they introduced double earnings).

« Reply #52 on: December 18, 2020, 10:44 »
what is the minimum compensation (commission for a sale) now? am not registered there but skeptical

« Reply #53 on: December 27, 2020, 22:01 »
what is the minimum compensation (commission for a sale) now? am not registered there but skeptical
35% of whatever is paid in a subscription ... and we have no idea how many subs we sell because they dont tell us, so we really dont know.

Has anyone had the guaranteed amount for November?  Mine is wayless than previous months!

« Reply #54 on: December 28, 2020, 04:23 »
Yes, I got the extended payment of the double-of-March.  It was paid on 16th December.


« Reply #55 on: January 01, 2021, 03:47 »

Has anyone had the guaranteed amount for November?  Mine is wayless than previous months!

Yes, mine was well down. I sent emailed, but have heard nothing to date. :(


« Reply #56 on: January 07, 2021, 16:00 »
Did yall know theres a huge group of people who use canva to create simple designs which they offer for sale as digital downloads on Etsy?  Nothing extra to the contributor.

Wow. Thanks for the heads up. Template design as a service, I get. But not as a product.

« Reply #57 on: January 20, 2021, 04:31 »
Anyone else noticed that their november sub earnings are higher than it was first reproted? From sub sales I earn between 65-70$, I can't remember exactly the amount it was but I'm 100% sure it was in that range. Now I checked and it 116$. And this is not that extra amount that they add to reach double earnings from march, it's higher than that.

« Reply #58 on: January 20, 2021, 05:30 »
Yes, same here, but I went back in time more, and noticed that the other months went up too, but for juli/aug/sept/oct ... it totalled to the exact 2x March amount, so that is understandable.  However, november is HIGHER than 2x March, and a lot higher than the real earnings.   ????

« Reply #59 on: January 21, 2021, 00:26 »
my November subs went up a lot - I think I wrote down what they originally reported, but the current report is definitely more than the 2x that the previous months have been.

« Reply #60 on: January 21, 2021, 00:45 »
Several months all add up to the same dollar amount, all higher than originally reported with the exception of November which is considerably higher than the original total.

« Reply #61 on: March 24, 2021, 13:10 »
ill say it one more time, ive gone from payout one a month/2months, to never seeing a payout again, i am down to 2 sales per month, so divide pay out threshold 100 dollar by about 78 cent, and thats how many months it will take to get paid again. canva probably lined their pockets by selling out to getty, but canva is dead for me. just not taking my images down, too much effort lol

« Reply #62 on: March 24, 2021, 18:04 »
are you not getting sub sales?  my monthly direct sales are down > 50%  but, with the subs, overall payouts (every month) have been steady

« Reply #63 on: March 28, 2021, 04:16 »
are you not getting sub sales?  my monthly direct sales are down > 50%  but, with the subs, overall payouts (every month) have been steady

i had a few subs when they first came out, since then nothing zilch nada


« Reply #64 on: March 28, 2021, 07:31 »
Not sure how Canva has gotten away with the pay structure of "let us sell your work in our subs offering and we will chuck you as much cash as we feel like on any given day, with zero transparency to boot. Pinky swear it will be fine"

It is absolutely crazy, I think we must all be been under some sort of mass hypnosis!

« Reply #65 on: March 28, 2021, 22:35 »
Not sure how Canva has gotten away with the pay structure of "let us sell your work in our subs offering and we will chuck you as much cash as we feel like on any given day, with zero transparency to boot. Pinky swear it will be fine"

It is absolutely crazy, I think we must all be been under some sort of mass hypnosis!
what are they getting away with? NO other agency shares their subscription earnings this way! - to the benefit of the artists

if only the other sites would follow this model - sub sales on canva have been great compared to their former sales


« Reply #66 on: March 29, 2021, 01:19 »
Not sure how Canva has gotten away with the pay structure of "let us sell your work in our subs offering and we will chuck you as much cash as we feel like on any given day, with zero transparency to boot. Pinky swear it will be fine"

It is absolutely crazy, I think we must all be been under some sort of mass hypnosis!
what are they getting away with? NO other agency shares their subscription earnings this way! - to the benefit of the artists

if only the other sites would follow this model - sub sales on canva have been great compared to their former sales
We don't even know what percentage we are getting collectively. They just choose a total amount they want to split between contributors and send it out with a vague promise they will increase it as they increase sales. Not even a promise they will do so in proportion to their income or anything. Is there any other agency that operates like this? Do you have any doubt they will cut our payments without us even knowing when they hit saturation?

« Reply #67 on: March 29, 2021, 18:43 »
Not sure how Canva has gotten away with the pay structure of "let us sell your work in our subs offering and we will chuck you as much cash as we feel like on any given day, with zero transparency to boot. Pinky swear it will be fine"

It is absolutely crazy, I think we must all be been under some sort of mass hypnosis!
what are they getting away with? NO other agency shares their subscription earnings this way! - to the benefit of the artists

if only the other sites would follow this model - sub sales on canva have been great compared to their former sales
We don't even know what percentage we are getting collectively. They just choose a total amount they want to split between contributors and send it out with a vague promise they will increase it as they increase sales. Not even a promise they will do so in proportion to their income or anything. Is there any other agency that operates like this? Do you have any doubt they will cut our payments without us even knowing when they hit saturation?

so you totally believe everything the other agencies tell you about sales?  every week it seems it's another agencies night in the barrel.  at least canva is doing something - why do you support other agencies that give you ZERO from  their unused subscriptions, etc?


« Reply #68 on: March 30, 2021, 02:59 »

so you totally believe everything the other agencies tell you about sales?  every week it seems it's another agencies night in the barrel.  at least canva is doing something - why do you support other agencies that give you ZERO from  their unused subscriptions, etc?

I am all for the idea of splitting a percentage of total sub payments between contributors based on how many downloads each contributor gets. It is much better than Shutterstocks new payment structure where we do indeed get zero from unused subs and SS gets to pretend they pay a much larger percentage to use than they actually do.
This isnt what is happening with Canva. They are paying out an amount each month, the level of which which they get to decide on with zero transparency, and without any indication of how they come up with the figure. I cant believe you are defending it and not pushing for better terms. Why would you support a business relationship where one side gets to 100% set the terms like that? Why not try and negotiate for a better deal. Its weird to me.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #69 on: March 30, 2021, 08:06 »

so you totally believe everything the other agencies tell you about sales?  every week it seems it's another agencies night in the barrel.  at least canva is doing something - why do you support other agencies that give you ZERO from  their unused subscriptions, etc?

I am all for the idea of splitting a percentage of total sub payments between contributors based on how many downloads each contributor gets. It is much better than Shutterstocks new payment structure where we do indeed get zero from unused subs and SS gets to pretend they pay a much larger percentage to use than they actually do.
This isnt what is happening with Canva. They are paying out an amount each month, the level of which which they get to decide on with zero transparency, and without any indication of how they come up with the figure. I cant believe you are defending it and not pushing for better terms. Why would you support a business relationship where one side gets to 100% set the terms like that? Why not try and negotiate for a better deal. Its weird to me.

While you covered both agencies and what they do and don't really do, just fine, I wonder about the last part? How?

"Why not try and negotiate for a better deal."

How does someone do that? I've never had any agency offer to negotiate and I've never seen any of them listen to us.

« Reply #70 on: March 30, 2021, 08:58 »

"Why not try and negotiate for a better deal."

How does someone do that? I've never had any agency offer to negotiate and I've never seen any of them listen to us.

Cavan Images does it, you can go from 40% to 50% if you convince them.

« Reply #71 on: March 30, 2021, 10:23 »

so you totally believe everything the other agencies tell you about sales?  every week it seems it's another agencies night in the barrel.  at least canva is doing something - why do you support other agencies that give you ZERO from  their unused subscriptions, etc?

I am all for the idea of splitting a percentage of total sub payments between contributors based on how many downloads each contributor gets. It is much better than Shutterstocks new payment structure where we do indeed get zero from unused subs and SS gets to pretend they pay a much larger percentage to use than they actually do.
This isnt what is happening with Canva. They are paying out an amount each month, the level of which which they get to decide on with zero transparency, and without any indication of how they come up with the figure. I cant believe you are defending it and not pushing for better terms. Why would you support a business relationship where one side gets to 100% set the terms like that? Why not try and negotiate for a better deal. Its weird to me.

It's not, that we don't like transparency, but, even if they put out how they calculate it, what difference would it make? They can change those calculations in a heartbeat and you couldn't do crap about it. Just like with shutterstock. They basically cut sub royalties overnight, where did negotiations came in, remind me?

At the end of the month, all that matters are $$, and Canva for me it's one of the top tiers. And that's the only thing that matters.


« Reply #72 on: March 30, 2021, 13:56 »

Cavan Images does it, you can go from 40% to 50% if you convince them.

Yup, and one of the top agencies that has tiers boosted me to second from top tier from the outset and gave me preferential search placement in the algorithm. The most egregious thing I was offered was a deal on a new subs site were 50% income was split between contributors. I was offered for each of my downloads to count as two units in the calculation in perpetuity (I refused to ever upload my images to this site as this was so dishonest, taking money from other contributors without them knowing).

Anyway back on topic, C and other agencies are reading this thread right now and getting the impression that contributors dont care what they get as long as are paid something. You dont even have to tell us what we got per download or as a percentage of sales, so that's good carry on.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #73 on: March 31, 2021, 10:03 »

"Why not try and negotiate for a better deal."

How does someone do that? I've never had any agency offer to negotiate and I've never seen any of them listen to us.

Cavan Images does it, you can go from 40% to 50% if you convince them.

Not to be rude, but I mean someplace I actually care about that pays in the first place?  ;) Like Adobe, or Alamy?

Yup, and one of the top agencies that has tiers boosted me to second from top tier from the outset and gave me preferential search placement in the algorithm. The most egregious thing I was offered was a deal on a new subs site were 50% income was split between contributors. I was offered for each of my downloads to count as two units in the calculation in perpetuity (I refused to ever upload my images to this site as this was so dishonest, taking money from other contributors without them knowing).

Anyway back on topic, C and other agencies are reading this thread right now and getting the impression that contributors dont care what they get as long as are paid something. You dont even have to tell us what we got per download or as a percentage of sales, so that's good carry on.

Yes to both you must have some really good portfolio/collection to get an offer. Nice going. The second part, yeah, the next big thing in Microstock, mystery commissions that are based on no data and no numbers. Looks dangerous. I don't think it's a good plan, but what do I know.

It's not, that we don't like transparency, but, even if they put out how they calculate it, what difference would it make? They can change those calculations in a heartbeat and you couldn't do crap about it. Just like with shutterstock. They basically cut sub royalties overnight, where did negotiations came in, remind me?

And add to that list of cuts, without negotiation, IS, 123RF, Pond5, Alamy, Fotolia, Dreamstime, Deposit, Bigstock and I'm sure others that I'm not aware of and are irrelevant because cutting something that's nearly invisible, doesn't mean much.

As Justanotherphotographer noted, not telling could lead to other industry changes in a bad way.

« Reply #74 on: April 12, 2021, 10:05 »
So the March earnings were posted a few days ago. My best month there, almost triple from my last years March earnings and also best earner for March of all agencies.


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