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Author Topic: Blue bar on Canva "royalties for usage instead of exports" ??  (Read 3353 times)

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« on: September 23, 2023, 01:21 »
"On October 1st, we will start paying for template "usages" instead of "exports".
This improvement means you earn royalties each time your design is downloaded, printed OR presented."

I've read this 20 times now, and I still have no idea what it means ...

« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2023, 01:28 »
I am also not sure what it means, but with how microstock agencies always try to make announcements about cuts in royalities for us sound like some kind of improvement,  I would guess.... probably nothing good.

Isn't Canva paying all contributors out of the same pot, basically dividing their earnings? That would mean if we get paid for more stuff, the same amount of money just gets divided into smaller sums for everyone.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2023, 01:31 by Her Ugliness »

« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2023, 08:58 »
Does Canva allow for presentations to be done online, via their web site? I see this text on their web site:

"Collaborate, edit, and present on-the-go
Easily edit slides and present from anywhere using Canvas presentation software, on any browser or mobile device."

I think that means that there's no download involved for this type of use but Canva's telling you that will count towards your payout

« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2023, 09:29 »
"Collaborate, edit, and present on-the-go
Easily edit slides and present from anywhere using Canvas presentation software, on any browser or mobile device."
I think that means that there's no download involved for this type of use but Canva's telling you that will count towards your payout

I think that makes sense - which means it would be good news after all ...

« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2023, 14:04 »
I think that what they are saying is that they will take their money pool (a mysterious amount based on something - trust us) and spread it out based on some cryptic formula based on how often your assets are used - probably not evenly - so a use of a template might count more than the use of an image - but they won't tell us how they decide.

What is different in this announcement is that they are using more usages to decide how to split up the pool - so this might be good for you if you had usages that weren't previously counted towards the $ you got, but if you don't, it will be bad for you because the total pool is not going up but it will be sliced thinner and more slices will go to someone else. It gives them more flexibility to pay more for content they want (and thus pay less for content they already have).

They didn't say it, but I suspect that the recent big drop in earnings is because they decided to reward template usages more - at the expense of image usages. Good for template designers, bad for image creators.  This new change will allow them even more ability to reward one type of content, and since the total pool will not go up that means they will take that money from some other type of content. It is not transparent in the least, and subject to change at their whim too (which seems to be the case for all of the sites to some extent).

If this means that they pay for applies and usages that could be good for us, if it means there are a bunch of other usages that aren't from our images that they are also paying for it could be bad. I suspect we will just get a payment from them every month just like before. It will continue to drop, and we won't have any idea how they really calculated it.


« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2023, 14:25 »
I think if you are not a template creator you have nothing to be happy about. Since this change concerns template creators and if it increases their earnings even further, the part of the pool for element creators will be even smaller.

« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2023, 06:11 »
their money pool (a mysterious amount based on something - trust us)
We trust them, since they are such a good people... They as a company are growing and their earnings are increasing together with our applies and exports, while our effective earnings are dropping, there is nothing suspicious about that.

« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2023, 05:05 »
Does Canva allow for presentations to be done online, via their web site? I see this text on their web site:

"Collaborate, edit, and present on-the-go
Easily edit slides and present from anywhere using Canvas presentation software, on any browser or mobile device."

I think that means that there's no download involved for this type of use but Canva's telling you that will count towards your payout
That's correct. Previously, Canva's template royalties worked on the basis of exports, which didn't count cases like full-screen presenting of a presentation, or the printing of a Print product.

There are no changes to the overall size of the royalty pool; it's more about making our template royalty system more fair for all Creators and design types.

This change also has no impact on the elements royalty pool, or elements creators. The royalty pools for templates and ingredients (elements, photos, video, etc) are separate.

« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2023, 06:57 »
This change also has no impact on the elements royalty pool, or elements creators. The royalty pools for templates and ingredients (elements, photos, video, etc) are separate.

Thanks for the good news!


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