I know there were some older threads about Lensbaby's, but im curious if people are using these successfully for stock and how hard it is to get shots with these accepted.
I originally wrote off Lensbaby's when I first heard about them awhile back thinking "I could do that in Photoshop." Looking at The Composer now on some sample shots (not to mention seeing these showing up in movies) im starting to like the idea of playing around with one of these.
I am suprised how many people think these are a waste of money, I think we might all be getting a little brainwashed from submitting stock for too long. The cheapest one is around $80 new on Amazon.com, I only know of one other lens that cheap.
Im sure there are a hundred different ways of achieving the "Lensbaby look" without buying one, I would just like to hear from some peeps that have some experience with them and using them for stock.