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Author Topic: If you could only shoot micro with one lens, which would it be?  (Read 36189 times)

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« on: May 22, 2010, 04:35 »
If you were forced to do a microstock shoot with only one lens, which one would you pick?

I am starting to look at primes more recently and thinking they might be a good choice for shooting micro, but if I was forced to shoot with only one lens I think I would be tempted to go with a zoom.  Perhaps the 24-70 f/2.8  That way I could get some nice wide angle shots as well as have a decent portrait lens and get good diffused backgrounds using f/2.8

That said I also really like the 70-200 f/2.8 but if I was only using one lens I think I would really want a wide angle.

How about you?

« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2010, 06:39 »
Same here __ Canon's 24-70 f2.8 is already my lens of choice for about 98% of my stock images. It's the ultimate utility lens as far as I'm concerned.

« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2010, 06:47 »
I love my Olympus 24-120 2.8.  But I got tired of waiting for a better camera body (with a bigger chip) so I bought a Mark II with the 24-70 last month.  I found the 24-70 to be soft in the corners on the wide.  I took it to the Canon service center yesterday.  Hopefully they can fix it.

« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2010, 06:53 »
Correction... The Olympus 24-120 is actually a 11-60 with a 2X factor due to the four thirds system's chip size..  Thanks

« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2010, 07:05 »
I only use the Canon 24-105 f/4 L.
It covers almost everything i need to shoot... :D

Patrick H.

« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2010, 07:41 »
Most of my shots are with tamron 17-50 2.8 great lens :)

« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2010, 07:44 »
Tamron 28-75 2.8

I love it! Had it for my Nikon and when I got the 5D II there was no choice for me regarding the first lens to purchase for it.


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« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2010, 08:53 »
That's a tough one. I'd say a Canon 24-105mm. Pretty versatile for landscapes to macro. I get better results out of my primes.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 11:52 by PaulieWalnuts »

« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2010, 10:25 »
Nikon 24-70mm F/2.8.  It's the lens I use most for people.  I switch to the 17-55mm F/2.8 for landscape work, but could live with the 24-70 for that too if I had to.

« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2010, 10:35 »
Easy, 24-105L on FF for microstock. It has a lot of flaws but if I could only have one lens, this would be it.

« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2010, 11:13 »
Same here __ Canon's 24-70 f2.8 is already my lens of choice for about 98% of my stock images. It's the ultimate utility lens as far as I'm concerned.
+1 - but I miss the 100mm range for close portraits and macro/objects. I think I'll supplement it soon with a 100mm macro lens, non IS (to be used on tripod).

« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2010, 11:22 »
I'm using the 2.8/14-24 and 2.8/24-70 and other lenses, but my "standard-lens" is Nikon AF-S 70-200/2.8G IF-ED VR. With this one, i'm shooting nearly 70% from all of my pics.


« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2010, 11:43 »
For me it used to be the 24-70 L.  It certainly has the best image quality of any lens I own, but I often find I need a bit more reach.  Now I am using the 24-105 more often.  Still good image quality, but better range.  And shooting with strobes the 4.0 max aperture is more than enough. 

« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2010, 12:09 »
it would vary by what the 'shoot' is -- for closeup, study, obviously a low range lens works best, but for ourdoor, sports, work, the 70-200+ will be more useful [though counting that lens as ONE really begs the question]

and you can still get a wdie angle effect with that lens, by doing panoramas with the camera held vertically

that said, it's hard for me to choose anything other than the 20x i have on my sony hx1 -- wide angle to tight closeup, it's great for portraits andpeople shots in markets, etc, since you can stand off and shoot unobtrusively


« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2010, 13:32 »
For me it used to be the 24-70 L.  It certainly has the best image quality of any lens I own, but I often find I need a bit more reach.  Now I am using the 24-105 more often.
Did you find any quality (esp. sharpness) difference between the 24-105 and the 24-70?

« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2010, 14:03 »
I sold my 24-70/2.8 after I bought the 24/105 f/4. I find the 24-105 more useful for my style of shooting. So that's my choice.

« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2010, 14:09 »
I mostly use the 24-70 and pick up the 70-200 when I need to get in tighter.
All this talk about the 24-105 has got me thinking about changing things up, though.

« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2010, 15:03 »
I mostly use the 24-70 and pick up the 70-200 when I need to get in tighter.
All this talk about the 24-105 has got me thinking about changing things up, though.

If I did more just plain old studio under strobe or low light but decent tripod or support I would have kept the 24-70 but I like going hand held, and my hands aren't so steady this days, so the IS on 24-105 makes it better for me. I end up with more keepers. Also the IS in planes, as you know, is much better than an extra stop on the lens.

I forgot to mention too that when I was doing people on white background, the 24-105 had less washout and better contrast than the 24-70 with the high amount of reflected light off the b/g.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 15:06 by Zeus »


« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2010, 15:51 »
For me it used to be the 24-70 L.  It certainly has the best image quality of any lens I own, but I often find I need a bit more reach.  Now I am using the 24-105 more often.
Did you find any quality (esp. sharpness) difference between the 24-105 and the 24-70?

I get very sharp images with both lenses.  No noticeable difference.  Maybe the 24-70 is a bit more contrasty.    The main difference is low light shooting, and depth of field, where obviously the f2.8 is better. 

For my shoots the extra reach trumps the advantage of the wider aperture.  Another advantage is the lighter weight of the 24-105.  When shooting for 5-6 hours straight that makes a difference in my arm and shoulder.   

« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2010, 16:10 »
Well that about seals it for me.
The Canon lineup of a 5D MkII with a 24-105mm sounds like the best setup for shooting stock.

« Reply #20 on: May 22, 2010, 16:39 »
just Canon shooters eheh Nikon guy here but never tried a Canon, I use a cheap Sigma 18-200 :P


« Reply #21 on: May 22, 2010, 17:00 »
just Canon shooters eheh Nikon guy here but never tried a Canon, I use a cheap Sigma 18-200 :P

I shoot Nikon too...have for many years, but I'm saving for a Canon T2i.  I was thinking of getting it with the 18-55 kit lens.  But, I got a kit lens (18-135) with my last Nikon and it really sucks.  This is a very interesting thread.  That 24-105 sound perfect.  Wish it wasn't so expensive.

« Reply #22 on: May 22, 2010, 17:16 »
Well that about seals it for me.
The Canon lineup of a 5D MkII with a 24-105mm sounds like the best setup for shooting stock.

The 24-105 does have more pillow distortion so if your shooting architecture more it's not as nice plus more vignetting at wide and open but is very sharp.

« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2010, 19:12 »
I use mostly 16-85. Perfect range, but I wish somebody will do the same range but faster...


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« Reply #24 on: May 22, 2010, 20:05 »
Well that about seals it for me.
The Canon lineup of a 5D MkII with a 24-105mm sounds like the best setup for shooting stock.

Unless you're a lens snob I don't think you'll be disappointed.

It's very sharp at center, and just a little softer at the edges. It's fairly contrasty. The stabilization works very well. Only downside is a little distortion and CA. Oh, and it's a bit heavy but hey, it's a solid lens.


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