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Author Topic: Has anyone got a fuji hs30 or used one  (Read 4510 times)

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« on: August 12, 2012, 05:32 »
Hi, I'm thinking of buying a Fuji hs30. Has anyone used one or have one :). I want to know what you think of the Fiji. Maybe your rating of it. Have you used other cameras - you could rate it compared to other cameras you have used.

« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2012, 19:36 »
Only problem is tiny sensor size - typical APS-C 11 times larger sensor than the Fuji HS30 which would likely make getting pics accepted at stock sites an uphill battle, but it has a large zoom range.  Would be great for a "just for fun" ultra zoom, but I would rather use the Nikon Coolpix P510 for that.


« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2012, 02:39 »
The Canon PowerShot SX40 HS is probably a better option.  I've had no problems submitting with the SX30 and it looks like the new model has an improved sensor.  The drawback is the speed of these cameras, I find it much harder to take photos of fast moving subjects.  But I wouldn't usually carry an 800mm lens with me and the SX30 is quite sharp at the long extreme.  I don't think any of these cameras are sharp through all the zoom range, most of them are poor at the wide end.  Mine seems to of developed a fault.  I have had it over a year and have definitely abused it but these cameras aren't as tough as the DSLR's that I use.

I'll wait and see what comes out in the next few month, I'd sacrifice a bit of zoom range for a larger sensor with better image quality.  I hope Canon or Sony do a bridge camera with their larger P&S sensors.


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