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Author Topic: Camera-Phone or Phone-Camera - Polaroid SC1630  (Read 13781 times)

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« on: January 13, 2012, 06:48 »
Essentially every cell phone these days has a camera.. however, I can't think of any cameras that has a cell phone.. not yet anyhow :)

Polaroid just created a camera however that has Android as the OS.  It still doesn't have any cell phone connectivity but it sounds like they are looking into getting a carrier contract and if so, perhaps it will at least have 3G internet.  It would certainly make sense.  If there was a nice P&S camera that was also a phone, I think they may just get my business.


« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2012, 06:49 »
here's an image

.. and vid
Polaroid SC1630 hands-on


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« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2012, 07:24 »
Polaroid nailed it. This is where things are headed. Convergence of camera and phone. I think as more products like this are introduced over the next few years compact P&S cameras will start seeing a sharp decline in sales and will mostly be gone in ten years.


« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2012, 08:22 »
For someone who wants an Android for some of the apps, but doesn't need another cell phone, this may be interesting? Thanks. (Oh wait I have four pocket cameras now, I think I need to wait before I spend the money.)  ;D But I'd want one...

« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2012, 08:41 »
For someone who wants an Android for some of the apps, but doesn't need another cell phone, this may be interesting? Thanks. (Oh wait I have four pocket cameras now, I think I need to wait before I spend the money.)  ;D But I'd want one...

haha, exactly.
If they can make this into an actual phone, that would reduce the number of gadgets we need and that would be a big hit.

« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2012, 09:23 »
There's also this, but its Japan only at the moment...


The Polaroid seems more like an iPod touch competitor...

« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2012, 09:57 »
thanks holgs.  I hadn't seen that one before.


« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2012, 16:32 »
I suppose this might be the place for my newest camera... free with Amazon code credits from banking and some other offers. Including a 8GB SD card, cost me nothing.

Lucky for me, the best setting on it is "P" for professional, where I can actually choose the ISO.  ::) 

But it's the "pocket" camera, a viewfinder, uses AA batteries, takes 720P video, small and 12MP with a real lens. That's where the rest of the camera/Phones die. Smaller sensor and tiny little lens. The ones people have shown in the posts look interesting. By the way, the A1200 in Black is under $80 delivered so my phone is still, "just a phone" (although it does tell time?) And my cameras are just cameras.

Where the S90 failed was 1) A pop-up flash that was as aggravating as all heck and 2) No viewfinder. Loved it, nice pictures, good features. It's for sale $229 delivered, spare batter, 2000 clicks on FM forums.

Where the G12 failed was, just too darn big. I ripped my pocket carrying it in my Winter jacket. I love the G series. Nice remote now, amazing settings and features, really nice photos for a Bridge camera. 1 FPS burst rate. LOL But now black and 12MP, perfect for travel and touring.

Everyone needs a toy camera in their pocket at all times.

Long story, here's the shortest version ever. I can do the whole saga if anyone wants?) JamCam 640x480, that I carried in the glove box. Used 9V battery and when I came upon this accident, car upside down in the middle of the road. I called 911 and blocked the road so someone wouldn't hit it. I took two photos (crummy ones at that) and the battery went dead! I was finished. Since then I've tried to have a pocket camera that used standard AA batteries.

« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2012, 17:12 »
... but can it make calls?  that's the question I want to know.


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« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2012, 17:36 »
Everyone needs a toy camera in their pocket at all times.

Yep, and what better way to have it but on one device such as a phone. The Iphone is proof there's demand. Once the manufacturers start making phones that have cameras that aren't a pain to use and have better technology there won't be a need for a pocket camera.

I just bought an S100 and yes, the auto-popup flash is already bugging me.  I wonder why camera manufacturers don't make a circular flash that goes around the lens. I would think this should solve a few different problems.


« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2012, 01:25 »
Everyone needs a toy camera in their pocket at all times.

Yep, and what better way to have it but on one device such as a phone. The Iphone is proof there's demand. Once the manufacturers start making phones that have cameras that aren't a pain to use and have better technology there won't be a need for a pocket camera.

I just bought an S100 and yes, the auto-popup flash is already bugging me.  I wonder why camera manufacturers don't make a circular flash that goes around the lens. I would think this should solve a few different problems.

I'll confess my $19 (Samsung, T-Mobile - Pay as you go) phone does have a camera in it, does video and I think it has a voice recorder. But the phones with cameras, even the best like a HTC with the LED light, are still not as good as a cheap pocket camera.

I don't know how much they added on the S100 over the S90 but whatever it is, the camera takes very nice pictures for something that small. Loaded with features and controls.


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