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Author Topic: Anybody using the Sony a77?  (Read 8804 times)

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« on: April 29, 2012, 13:32 »
I am currently using a Canon Rebel T2i but have been thinking about an upgrade for a while. I love the 7D, but in the end it's got the same sensor as the T2i and is getting a bit dated. Fascinated by the SLT technology, I played around with a Sony a77 at a store the other day and I was completely awestruck. I might have to change systems... the handling and the ergonomics are amazing, the price is good, and build quality feels a lot better than Canon. Of course I couldn't test IQ or anything in depth.

So my question is: Is anybody here working with an a77? How do you like it? What's the pros and cons?

« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2012, 13:57 »
Not too many Sony users on the forums so I'll chime in.  I currently use the A580 which was the last true DSLR Sony put out.  I've had shots even at ISO 1600 accepted into stock so yes I am quite impressed with the image quality.  From what I'm hearing though, the A77 is a bit more prone to noise than the A580 is, but then with the A77 you get 8 more MP.  DP review has a pretty good assessment of it in their test.
Just make sure that you get good lenses to go with it.  I'd recommend the Zeiss 16-80mm for a wide-angle/zoom.  Older Minolta AF glass also is perfectly compatible with the Sony AF mount; a big "pro" in my opinion.

« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2012, 14:13 »
I'd recommend the Zeiss 16-80mm for a wide-angle/zoom.

What about the kit 16-50 SSM? It looked pretty impressive to me.

« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2012, 15:38 »
www.dyxum.com is a popular forum for sony users. Not stock but you will get more info there

« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2012, 15:32 »
Yes Dyxum is a great resource for Sony DSLR users and has a great lens review section.  AlphaMountWorld is also really good.  I haven't used the 16-50mm but I can tell you that the Tamron 17-50 F2.8 is also a good lens.

« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2012, 16:31 »
Yes Dyxum is a great resource for Sony DSLR users and has a great lens review section.  AlphaMountWorld is also really good.  I haven't used the 16-50mm but I can tell you that the Tamron 17-50 F2.8 is also a good lens.

I don't know. I am not a huge fan of Tamron. I had the 17-50 on my Canon and I sent it back immediately... the AF was a joke. And I own a 70-300 USD which, while having a very decent autofocus, just doesn't get along with my T2i very well. AE (which works fine 95% of the time with my other lenses) is erratic, mostly overexposure issues. Might be the T2i's fault, but wouldn't happen with a manufacturer lens.

« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2012, 05:24 »
Hi - just wondered if you got it and, if so, whether you like it! I'm thinking of upgrading my Lumix GF1 for a better sensor, better higher ISO camera (nothing higher than 100 much good for stock on the GF1). I love the idea of virtually no shutter lag on AF and in live view which I use quite a bit for macro. May have to settle for the A55 or similar, though, if I'm to afford any lenses...unless the EL fairy puts in a few more appearances than she has done lately....!
Been to the Sony site but would appreciate any comments from the stock point of view.

« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2012, 10:28 »

I haven't upgraded yet. I decided I'd wait for whatever Canon replaces the 7D with and decide then. Also, the OM-D seems rather fascinating...

Don't get me wrong, I still think the a77 is great. However, even my 550D gets beter ratings for high-ISO performance in most reviews, and that kinda put me off.


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« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2012, 10:30 »
Sarah, I am going to upgrade in probably November and I am going for the A57. Got my eye on a couple of f/2.8 lenses so I need to decided which one will be coming with the camera and which one will come later. The speed of fps with the shoot thru mirror is very intriguing. The only thing I see weak on it is the Flash Sync at 1 / 160 but if I add in a Sony Speedlight (more money to spend..lol), I think there is some type of Hi Speed Sync setting.  Or if I just go with the speedlight system I got now, I can get mount adapters for the camera body. Also I hear some of the settings can be a pain to change on this model with the buttons and menu layouts. Example video I have seen from one in a review looks very nice but I am not much of a video guy. You can also use older Konika and Minolta glass I think.

What you get for the price, it seems like it will be a good fit for me and my budget.

« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2012, 00:42 »
Thanks for comments. I'm not worried about video as that doesn't interest me. The higher noise, however, does... Maybe I'll also just practise sitting on my hands for a bit longer though I'm itching to upgrade...! Or maybe get the latest Lumix GX1 so I can continue to use existing lenses etc....
Decision, decisions....!

« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2013, 17:31 »
I made the plunge and got myself an A77. Couldn't be happier at the moment. The kit cost me $898.00 at Adorama, which included the body, extra battery grip, cleaning kit, UV filter, battery and 32gb card. I paid an additional $48 and got the 75-300mm Sony lens. Additionally I got the Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8. Great lens.

In terms of noise, well it depends what you are shooting. Even though it's true the A77 is a bit noisier in the upper ISO's I think people exaggerate a bit.
The reason I stayed with Sony was the availability of cheap Minolta lenses. Amazing colors.

The prices of the A77 came down considerably and it was perfect timing. Try one and see if you like it.


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