
Agency Based Discussion => Bigstock.com => Topic started by: Pixart on May 18, 2012, 11:45

Title: Their Mistake
Post by: Pixart on May 18, 2012, 11:45
Is anyone one of the 3600 people who got the email(s) this morning about credit adjustments?   A whole $1.41 is added to May 18 (today) as a "commission calculation correction"  but my balance is exactly the same as yesterday (and a the day before that  :( ).  Shouldn't my balance be $1.41 higher?  

Edited to add:  Nice to hear that they are being honest. 

You may have received a previous email this morning from Bigstock with an incorrect name and account credit. We'd like to apologize for sending two emails, but also to reassure you that we have credited the correct amount to your account. Please disregard the previous email.

Feel free to contact us by email, by live chat via bigstock.com, or by phone at 1-800-631-9809 with any questions. We're happy to help.

During a regular audit of our royalty payments, we discovered that a recent change on our website earlier this year had the unintended consequence of impacting a number of royalty payments to our contributors. Your Bigstock contributor account was among those affected. We're writing to you to explain the discrepancy and to let you know that an adjustment of $1.41 has been made to your account to correct for the miscalculation. You can see this adjustment in your Bigstock contributor account by clicking here https://www.bigstockphoto.com/account/commissions/downloads/. (https://www.bigstockphoto.com/account/commissions/downloads/.)

We're also writing to apologize for our mistake. While in almost all cases the amount of the discrepancy was less than five dollars per contributor, we know than any discrepancy at all is unacceptable. Please know that we have taken steps to correct this issue so that your Bigstock royalties will be calculated and paid out fairly and accurately.

Here's a bit more information about this issue:

What happened? A number of royalty payments for images licensed by customers who paid using our Paygo pricing option were calculated incorrectly. The miscalculation affected some foreign currency transactions and promotionally discounted transactions between January and April of this year.

Who was affected? In total 3,656 contributors were affected.

When will the adjustment to my account be made? We have already entered an adjustment in your Bigstock contributor account on May 18, 2012 for $1.41.

What if I have more questions? We always welcome questions and comments from our contributors and invite you to reach out to our service team by phone, email or chat.

Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or comments. We appreciate your understanding.

The Bigstock Team
http://www.bigstockphoto.com (http://www.bigstockphoto.com)
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: etienjones on May 18, 2012, 11:52
I got my 21 cents back, thank God!

The honesty is refreshing.
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: stockmarketer on May 18, 2012, 11:56
There's actually a mistake on top of a mistake.

Many people received emails about the wrong accounts.

So the first email you received stating an amount being adjusted was probably incorrect.

Double check your account info on BigStock to see what the actual amount being credited is.

But it certainly is nice seeing mistakes being owned up to, and that the adjustments are in our favor and not just being kept by the agency.  Other agencies might have treated these differently.
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: luissantos84 on May 18, 2012, 11:57
I got my 21 cents back, thank God!

The honesty is refreshing.

21 cents too, it shows how good we perform at BigStock  ;D
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: sc on May 18, 2012, 12:15
I got the initial wrong email crediting me with .21
When I checked my account it had been credited 1.22
They sent me an second email with the correct amount  and an apology.
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: gostwyck on May 18, 2012, 12:19
Yep. $15 to me and it was added to the Total Payable sum for immediate withdrawal if required. Nice of them to be so honest.
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: tab62 on May 18, 2012, 12:27
They added $0.00 for correction thus on track to another great month...
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: Karimala on May 18, 2012, 12:29
It's efforts like this to keep us informed that differentiates Shutterstock/BigStock from the Getty/iStocks and Fotolias of the industry.
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: fotografer on May 18, 2012, 12:33
7$  I wondered what it was and it has been added to my total payable.
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: etienjones on May 18, 2012, 12:49
I got my 21 cents back, thank God!

The honesty is refreshing.

21 cents too, it shows how good we perform at BigStock  ;D

LOL You are right there Luis, BS is my worst Middle Tier site . . . . .
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: Pixart on May 18, 2012, 13:18
Well, my $1.41 is reported under adjustments but my balance did not go up by $1.41.  Same as yesterday.  Good thing I haven't had any sales to report since the 11th or it would be confusing to determine if the amount has actually been credited or not.   So, everyone elses balances have gone up but not mine?

Haha, right there with you Etien!
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: Karimala on May 18, 2012, 13:28
Mine went up.
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: Mantis on May 18, 2012, 13:33
Well, my $1.41 is reported under adjustments but my balance did not go up by $1.41.  Same as yesterday.  Good thing I haven't had any sales to report since the 11th or it would be confusing to determine if the amount has actually been credited or not.   So, everyone elses balances have gone up but not mine?

Haha, right there with you Etien!

Funny.  I had something like $1.65 then I go into my account and the account adjustments are -$7.80.  So they jack up my acct by $1.65, then claw back $6.15 in their favor, for a net loss to me of just that: $6.15.  That's 1/2 or so of a 12-PAK OF BEER.
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: michaeldb on May 18, 2012, 13:50
It's efforts like this to keep us informed that differentiates Shutterstock/BigStock from the Getty/iStocks and Fotolias of the industry.
+1 ($8 adjustment for me)
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: ComfortEagle2095 on May 18, 2012, 13:58
I had an adjustment too.  Less than a dollar but kudos to Big Stock for being honest about it.

I have wondered off and on how often things like this go on and unreported.  This just makes me think again about how much we actually trust the agencies without any kind of oversight.  

There was a difference between what 2 of my 5 agencies reported on my 1099 form and what I actually received according to my pay pal statements.  Then there's all the clawbacks from Istock that continue.

There must be a great  temptation on the agencies part to under report royalties.  Sooner or later there's going to be a scandal.

I wish there was some way to verify the agencies accounting.  This is on good thing that may come out of the shutterstock IPO.  They'll have certified audits and SEC oversight.  That's no guarantee but it is more rigorous than the standards placed on the private agencies

Actually -- it occurs to me that maybe that's why this is happening.  As a subsidiary of Shutterstock maybe BS had to go back and clean up their books as part of the IPO.  I hope it was more genuine than that.
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: Mantis on May 18, 2012, 14:04
The funny thing is that we cheer BS for emailing us that they credited our accounts by X.  That's great.  Make sure we know how transparent they are.  Yet I have never received anything from them about the claw backs they make, two of which were last week and larger than the give backs.  Don't you think that these kinds of emails should swing both ways, so to speak?
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: fotografer on May 19, 2012, 04:26
This morning I have the same amount that was credited showing as a negative now but my account balance hasn't changed.  I just requested a pay out so expected to see a negative total but it is still zero.
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: Dantheman on May 19, 2012, 04:31
I got 2 Email. One saying they made a mistake (0.21 Cent) and then another one saying they made another mistake (0.91 Cent). These guys must have quite a chaos :)
Title: Re: Their Mistake
Post by: sarah2 on May 20, 2012, 11:38
21 cents. Let's party! Oh well, at least they noticed it, told us and DID something!