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Author Topic: connection with shutterstock  (Read 5590 times)

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« on: March 25, 2012, 19:47 »
do I understand it right, that bigstockphoto belongs to shutterstock?
what do I need to do, to have pictures on bigstockphoto, when I already have them on shutterstock?
Need I to register and a make a new account, or is it a way how to connect it without uploading it all again?

« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2012, 21:06 »
Yep Shutterstock bought Big Stock around a year or 2 ago.

If you've not been asked to join the Bridge to Bigstock through Shutterstock then you'll have to upload to Big Stock yourself.  Which will require you to create a new account on Big Stock in order to upload.

I don't know what the requirements are for the Bridge program.  I was on BS before the Bridge started but it seems to be totally random and I guess that it has to do something with your port size and sales but don't quote me on that.

« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2012, 09:36 »
I suppose now billing address is the same as with shutterstock, I am right?

« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2012, 14:04 »
Possibly it's been bout 2 years since I started with BS.  They want that info just in case you need to buy images too.


« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2012, 16:08 »
I suppose now billing address is the same as with shutterstock, I am right?

I'm not sure what you mean by "billing address", but SS and BigStock still operate as independent legal entities.  I got two separate tax forms from them, for example.  And I get paid my Bigstock earnings through Bigstock and my Shutterstock earnings through Shutterstock. 

OTOH I have heard they now share reviewers, administrators, etc.  I don't know on that score. 

There is the Bridge program, but as Anita said, you have to be invited, and it seems to go by portfolio size, sales record, or some combination of the two. 

« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2012, 05:38 »
about billing address- I just need to know with which country I will cooperate before I start some new bussiness. I know it is very strange, as our tax system... very complicated...
but it seems bigstockphoto is from USA,and pays from USA?
I have a large portfolio on SS (almost 10,000 images), but I have not account on bigstock, maybe this can be reason why they did not offer this "bridge" program...

« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2012, 05:47 »
about billing address- I just need to know with which country I will cooperate before I start some new bussiness. I know it is very strange, as our tax system... very complicated...
but it seems bigstockphoto is from USA,and pays from USA?
I have a large portfolio on SS (almost 10,000 images), but I have not account on bigstock, maybe this can be reason why they did not offer this "bridge" program...

I suspect that is the case. They probably cross-reference email or payment addresses on both sites. I'd imagine that a significant benefit of the 'Bridge to Bigstock' (to SS/BigStock) is not having to review the same images twice. If you don't have an account or portfolio on BigStock then that saving won't exist.


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