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Author Topic: BigStock now has the same server problem as SS  (Read 10167 times)

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« on: November 11, 2011, 02:45 »
Any wonder? Probably less people pay attention because BigStock doesn't sell as much, but a batch of 22 files uploaded on 2011-11-07, approved the next day (nice work fellas) and my portfolio count went up along with the approval percentage, but the website only went up 9. There are 13 images in limbo. I think they are found in the searches.

Someone else take a look and see if you look at "My Account (Log out)" in the upper tool bar then remember the count, now click "Your Portfolio" and see if the numbers are the same in both.

« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2011, 02:55 »
Same here. 29 images missing.  :(


« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2011, 15:38 »
Wow Thank You BigStock...

I sent in a request to support, in what looks like under an hour, I got this reply. (hey how's that for good service?)

Your numbers all match now.  It was a caching delay and the numbers are now

I'm Impressed.


« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2011, 12:03 »

Cashing problem?  Mine were online THEN disappeared.  Something ain't right. ??? ???

« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2011, 12:17 »
My guess is that it's a syncing issue between or among servers.  I suspect they have multiple servers with copies of the indexes and thumbnails.  Each website user gets assigned to a server in a round robin fashion.  With new content, different servers may be in different states until their indexes can be updated.  It's more efficient to update them periodically than to do it every time content changes, so they can show different results.  But over time, say a few hours or a day or two, they'll get synchronized and show the same results.

In short, I'd assume it's not broken.  One server has newer results, another has an older state.  It'll sort itself out.


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« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2012, 04:14 »
Same problem for me now. Anyone else still experiencing this problem???

« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2012, 06:20 »
I don't know, but I found that my last batches approved at SS haven't been mirrored to Bigstock, for at last 15 days...

« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2012, 06:39 »
I don't know, but I found that my last batches approved at SS haven't been mirrored to Bigstock, for at last 15 days...

Same here __ probably rather longer than that for me. I note that SS has only approved '52K new images this week' which suggests that inspecting may be being slowed down whilst they investigate the issues.

« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2012, 06:49 »
I don't know, but I found that my last batches approved at SS haven't been mirrored to Bigstock, for at last 15 days...

Same here __ probably rather longer than that for me. I note that SS has only approved '52K new images this week' which suggests that inspecting may be being slowed down whilst they investigate the issues.

I believe they are downsizing staff, have no other explanation for such a huge delay in reviews (over a week as you may know), I am not far from 3 years at SS and never seen something like this and it going on for over 1 month perhaps..

« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2012, 07:06 »
My last approved batches on SS disappeared (again). Obviously I'm not the only one. It may be reason why images are not mirrored to BS.

« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2012, 07:40 »
I don't know, but I found that my last batches approved at SS haven't been mirrored to Bigstock, for at last 15 days...

Same here __ probably rather longer than that for me. I note that SS has only approved '52K new images this week' which suggests that inspecting may be being slowed down whilst they investigate the issues.

I believe they are downsizing staff, have no other explanation for such a huge delay in reviews (over a week as you may know), I am not far from 3 years at SS and never seen something like this and it going on for over 1 month perhaps..

It has been going on for years, you are just lucky enough to not have been hit.

The slow reviews and increased interval of time for images (over a week for some) that go missing could be a result of SS making changes to the servers.  SS has been adding staff.

In the past the problem was not as wide spread and it was also less frequent so the lucky majority were not impacted by the bugs. Over time SS ignored the problems and the submitters affected by them and the bugs grew and have become more widespread with increased frequency and severity.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 07:51 by gbalex »


« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2012, 07:42 »
My previous batch disappeared almost a week ago in is still not visible in my port. At least it's searchable, but I gut few sales since then (and quite a few during the first few days). The last batch still is online and it took 30h for review, just like with the previous one. In my case review time is not the issue, a dozen shots not showing in my port is.

ETA: I was talking about SS. Looks like this forum has some server problems as well, had to wait for a couple of minutes to load this thread (and it wasn't the first time either)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 07:45 by wut »

« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2012, 07:51 »
I don't know, but I found that my last batches approved at SS haven't been mirrored to Bigstock, for at last 15 days...

Same here __ probably rather longer than that for me. I note that SS has only approved '52K new images this week' which suggests that inspecting may be being slowed down whilst they investigate the issues.

I believe they are downsizing staff, have no other explanation for such a huge delay in reviews (over a week as you may know), I am not far from 3 years at SS and never seen something like this and it going on for over 1 month perhaps..

It has been going on for years, you are just lucky enough to not have been hit.

SS has been adding staff.

In the past the problem was not as wide spread and it was also less frequent so the lucky majority were not impacted by the bugs. Over time SS ignored the problems and the submitters affected by them and the bugs grew and have become more widespread with increased frequency and severity.

you mean INSANELY lucky no?? in almost 3 years I dont remember waiting over 48h, mostly below 24h


« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2012, 08:06 »
I had a long spell of week-long reviews, but more recently it's about three days.  I'd assumed it would be the same for everyone else, but it looks as though there's some disparity.

« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2012, 08:11 »
My previous batch disappeared almost a week ago in is still not visible in my port. At least it's searchable, but I gut few sales since then (and quite a few during the first few days). The last batch still is online and it took 30h for review, just like with the previous one. In my case review time is not the issue, a dozen shots not showing in my port is.

ETA: I was talking about SS. Looks like this forum has some server problems as well, had to wait for a couple of minutes to load this thread (and it wasn't the first time either)

Looks like they may have ported BS content over to the same server system.

« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2012, 08:14 »
I don't know, but I found that my last batches approved at SS haven't been mirrored to Bigstock, for at last 15 days...

Same here __ probably rather longer than that for me. I note that SS has only approved '52K new images this week' which suggests that inspecting may be being slowed down whilst they investigate the issues.

I believe they are downsizing staff, have no other explanation for such a huge delay in reviews (over a week as you may know), I am not far from 3 years at SS and never seen something like this and it going on for over 1 month perhaps..

It has been going on for years, you are just lucky enough to not have been hit.

SS has been adding staff.

In the past the problem was not as wide spread and it was also less frequent so the lucky majority were not impacted by the bugs. Over time SS ignored the problems and the submitters affected by them and the bugs grew and have become more widespread with increased frequency and severity.

you mean INSANELY lucky no?? in almost 3 years I dont remember waiting over 48h, mostly below 24h

Yes reviews are longer than in the past, I suspect that is related to the bugs.

The slow reviews and increased interval of time that images stay missing (over a week for some ports), could be a result of SS making changes to the servers.


« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2012, 08:55 »
They should just delete all the junk that hasn't sold in the last 2 years, it would solve many problems, at least servers wouldn't be overladen

« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2012, 09:14 »
They should just delete all the junk that hasn't sold in the last 2 years, it would solve many problems, at least servers wouldn't be overladen

I agree 100%, why not all the NINE years?
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 09:19 by luissantos84 »


« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2012, 09:33 »
They should just delete all the junk that hasn't sold in the last 2 years, it would solve many problems, at least servers wouldn't be overladen

I agree 100%, why not all the NINE years?

7 would be perfect if you ask me ;). No non-sense photos and mine would be nicely placed on the first search page way more often ;)

« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2012, 09:35 »
SS wouldnt be announcing the 19 millions but the 9 millions :D


« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2012, 11:21 »
No problems here ... except for S L O W sales.
I upload almost daily but go directly thru BS upload.  Maybe your problem is in the Bridge to BS?

« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2012, 17:20 »
No problems here ... except for S L O W sales.
I upload almost daily but go directly thru BS upload.  Maybe your problem is in the Bridge to BS?

Nah, I have the same issues with direct upload.

« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2012, 02:55 »
I found something on SS:
If i search one of my last images by entering keywords:
- i found it in the "new"
-i don't found it in all the others ways (relevant,popular etc.)

it returns 284 results in new and 283 for the others, and it's my last picture who disappear!!!
So i guess the pictures are not totally in the database, there is something missing there.
Try also to look at the catalog manager and look by newer first!!! Mine is showing photos approved 15 days ago, but not the last ones!!

« Reply #23 on: April 12, 2012, 03:09 »
I found something on SS:
If i search one of my last images by entering keywords:
- i found it in the "new"
-i don't found it in all the others ways (relevant,popular etc.)

According to SS this is not a bug - indexing of images for relevant and popular search takes longer time. And I think that only images that appear in "relevant" search are visible in Catalog Manager. Disappeared images is another issue.

« Reply #24 on: April 20, 2012, 03:35 »
Of all the sites I upload to Bigstock has been the most problematic one with errors such as "unable to connect to server", "maximum of 3 logins....".

A friend told me he had stopped uploading to Bigstock because of this and their low sales. He has found it not worth the stress to struggle with such a site.


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